

In the infinity realm, there are three echelon,mount Olympia where the Divine gods dwell, Mount Lyrota where the Celestial gods who take on roles to help the Earthly realm, and The underworld where the demons and banished gods reside. Each Celestial gods have their roles on the Earthly realm except one god, Santaliel. Santaliel was a god who has never felt among other gods and the only god who hasn't discovered his role yet, he decides to go to the Earthly realm and try to discover his role and then gets entangled with a human who changes his fate. And with each new encounter he learns a little about himself and gets closer to discovering the truth about his origin. *The names used in the story has no relation to the original owners of the name *Add the book to your library,sit back and enjoy the story

Anni_Senpai · Fantasie
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28 Chs


Within Ares' opulent mansion, a meeting room adorned in black and gold dominated the space.A majestic golden round table stood at its center, surrounded by golden chairs with black designs.

Melinoe was dressed in a black off shoulder corset gown. The gown's back was a masterpiece of intricate rope design, cross-tied to hold the fabric in place. Her unique, beautiful hair was tied up elegantly, allowing a strand of white to flow at one side and a strand of black at the other side.

She sat at one of the chairs, her composure was poised and graceful, hiding the anxiousness and nervousness that flowed through her body.

Despite her calm demeanor, Melinoe's mind raced with anxiety, ' Now I've done it, not only did I disobey lady Lilith, and the law of the underworld and leave the underworld, I also ran away from the god of war elite guards and raise suspicions enough to anger the god of war himself, now you've done it Melinoe, there's no way I can avoid my father's wrath.' Melinoe's thoughts swirled, punctuated by heavy sighs, as she sat flanked by two imposing guards. Their presence seemed to amplify her unease, reminding her of the precarious situation she had created.

The sound of the door being swung opened brought her out from her thoughts, Ares walked in, his aura as imposing as ever, the guards bowed and he walked up to the seat opposite Melinoe and sat down

Melinoe remained seated and quiet,only gazing at the handsome terrifying god.

" Hello princess, I hope you have been treated properly" Ares asked

" Thank you My Lord, for your kind hospitality, a warm bath was prepared for me and I was given a clean attire to wear and had an exquisite meal prepared for me...ofcourse while being constantly watched" Melinoe said as her eyes traced to the two guards beside her

"I ordered them to treat you as a guest and not a prisoner, apologizes for that princes" Ares said with a smile

" You both may leave, your presence is making the princess uneasy and she is a guest not a prisoner" Ares commanded and the guards bowed before exiting the room 

' he's so nice' Melinoe thought to herself 

"Now, let's get down to Business princess," Ares said, his expression turning serious. "How and why were you leaving the underworld?"

Melinoe's hands tightened into anxious fists. "I apologize, my Lord, for sneaking out without permission. I meant no harm."

"Demons have been seen lurking around, escaping the underworld," Ares stated. 

" I'm unaware of this" She replied surprised 

"I'm sure you are," Ares said, "but the barrier surrounding the underworld is one that's not easily breached."

Melinoe's eyes widened in understanding. "There's a weakened section of the barrier, and with a celestial shield, I can leave undetected. That's how I've been sneaking out. I fled from your guards because I was afraid and unsure of their intentions."

Ares contemplatively placed his hands on his chin. "I understand. Thank you for your honesty, Princess. You may return to your chambers."

As Ares stood, Melinoe swiftly rose, her voice urgent. "Please, wait! Have you...mentioned any of this to...my Father?"

Ares let out a soft smile " you've been gone too long princess, so a confrontation with your father is unavoidable , his people have been making suspicious movement that can't be left unattended" Ares said, 

Melinoe lowered her head "I understand my Lord" she said " what of my beast " She asks

"He's with my son, and currently, I'm unsure of their whereabouts," Ares replied. "But rest assured, they're safe. When my son returns, I'll ensure the beast is returned to you."

" if I may ask my Lord, why is he with your son, Leo is a wild beast, aren't you afraid of your son being in danger" Melinoe asks, her curiosity getting the better of her

Ares smiled, " You're right Princess , but you see my son is a special kid, he was able to tame your beast with just words, so the beast won't harm him, rather I believe my son will keep your beast safe, he has one just like it but yet to see her true power " 

"You must really love and trust your son, seeing as you have so much faith in him " Melinoe said

" Yes I do" Ares responded with a soft smile, " if that's all then I will be on my way" 

" One more thing my Lord " Melinoe said " Can I be a guest here till your son arrives with Leo" She pleads 

" Ofcourse princess" Ares said 

Melinoe smiled and bowed gracefully and Ares walks out from the room.

Melinoe's whisper was barely audible as she gazed wistfully into the distance. "Hopefully, in four days, I'll see him again." Her face flushed.

"I just hope his son doesn't return before then," she murmured, her voice laced with desperation. "Once I leave here, I'll never be able to escape the underworld again."

Tears threatened to spill as Melinoe turned to exit the room, She retreated to her chambers, the weight of her impending fate settling heavily upon her.

Ares arrived at his chambers and settled in his majestic seat.

" How did it go with the daughter of Hades" Cecile who was seated on a chair next to his asked, her beauty as radiating as ever, her skin fair and her golden wavy hair that was adorned with different ornaments flowed effortlessly down her back, This time around she was dressed in a golden revealing garb that complemented her fine curves, her presence ethereal and graceful, any ordinary man would be immediately taken over by her extraordinary beauty .

"She's innocent, but she may have unwittingly revealed the underworld's exit to our enemies," Ares said, his brow furrowed in concern.

"We could reinforce the barrier, make it stronger," Cecile suggested, 

" We could do that but it would only delay the inevitable, giving our adversaries time to strengthen their position." Ares said

Cecile's lips curled into a wry smile. "God of War indeed. You do realize Lives would be lost right."

"I've taken precautions to minimize casualties," Ares assured.

" Then it seems, everything is unfolding according to plan...even keeping the princess here" Cecile said " it was wise of you to transform her tracking spell into a spell that tracks her instead, alerting you once she steps into the boundary "

Ares nods.

" Then I better go prepare for war" Cecile smiled "see you later Ares dear" she said as she waved her hands and disappeared from the room.

" This is just the beginning, the main war is yet to start" Ares said

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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