
I am Krillin!(Completed)

One day our protagonist was walking home from work, unfortunately for him he was met by truck-kun just a few blocks away from his house. After a talk with God he got reincarnated in the dragon ball universe with literally nothing else besides his scattered knowledge about the anime/manga. I do not own the cover picture. my patreon support me if you can :) https://www.patreon.com/KaiokenGuy Daily chapters! Patreon donations increase the number of daily chapters based on the donation.

KaiokenGuy · Anime und Comics
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52 Chs

The fight and other things(Edited)

Goku looked at Bojack with wary eyes he could feel the space pirate's power it was pretty goddamn high four billion and some, while his power level increased from the zenkai he got from his heart virus he wasn't sure if he could beat him without a hard fight, but he also got excited at the prospect of a hard fight, just so Saiyan like, the planet was in peril and he was excited, but well he knew that I could beat Bojack whenever I wanted so it wasn't a big thing for him.

Vegeta looked at Bojack with the same eyes as Goku, Raditz and Nappa as well, it seemed all the saiyan were itching for a fight, the human Z Fighter's were ready to intercept the other's at a moment notice if they made the wrong move, they couldn't let them hurt the innocent humans on the planet so they could sell the planet. It seemed Bojack didn't get the news that planet trading was specifically banned nowadays. It seemed he just got his crew and searched for a nearby planet with high vitality to do his debut.

So space pirate-like, and by that I mean dumb. Goku's eyes immediatly started to turn feral and his powerlevel increased by ten times his hair started to spike and turn blonde a yellow aura started to encase him, he nodded towards the human Z Fighter's and his other fellow Saiyans indicating that he was going to take Bojack first. Vegeta grumbled and said:

"Kakarot how come you are going first?" Goku then said:

"How do you want to get this done Vegeta, it's not enough time for a spar, what about rock paper scissors?"

The human Z fighter's sweatdropped at the two Saiyans antics, the planet was in peril and they were going to fight for whoever was going first for a fight.

They did a round of rock paper scissors and Vegeta won. He put on a triumphant smirk towards Goku and transformed immediately into a super Saiyan and launched himself towards Bojack.

Bojack smirked at the prince and attacked at the same time, they met in the middle they're punches showering the planet with shockwaves. I of course cancelled the shockwaves so no civilians would be hurt. The people with higher power levels, my student's could feel the power exhibited at this fight and they were pretty startled by it. I comforted them telepathically telling them that it would be an easy fight that won't take more than a few hours.

My Ki sense could feel the whole planet so I knew how my students felt. As Vegeta was duking it out with Bojack, the human Z Fighter's were easily dispatching his cronies. Yamcha fought Bido, Tien was fighting Kogu and Gohan was fighting Zangya, finally, Piccolo was against Bujin.

The cronies fights weren't anything they were extremely weak compared to the collective power of the Z Fighter's they couldn't put much of a fight at all and got exterminated. The main course was Bojack.

Vegeta and Bojack fought back and forth, while Bojack was frowning as he saw his cronies get obliterated by the Z Fighters he didn't particularly care about their well being but it would be more annoying to sell the planet and exterminate its inhabitants by himself.

Vegeta taking advantage of him being distracted sucker-punched him in the face and he was thrown around like a pinball. A red imprint of a fist appeared on Bojack's face as he got up from the rubble created by the impact of his back with a nearby building.

Vegeta smirked at his win and started to charge a big bang attack, Bojack smirked as well as he unfurled his cloak and started to power up, his skin started to turn light green and his hair a deep red, his muscles increased as his power level increased without end. Vegeta's smirk suddenly disappeared as he let loose of his big bang attack, Bojack easily deflected it into the sky where it exploded.

Vegeta knew he was no match for him anymore but before he could let Goku take the fight Bojack immediately appeared in front of him and kicked him in the dick. A sound like a strangled duck came out of Vegeta's mouth as he was thrown into some buildings destroying them in the process.

His super Saiyan form was off as he got up from the ground debris falling off him as he said in a high pitched voice:

"Why did he kick me in the dick?, WHY?"

I choose not to comment at Bojack's targeted area, Goku's aura immediatly flared as his powerlevel skyrocketed up to three hundred plus times of his power, Bojack was equal with him now in his buff mode. Goku got into the turtle style stance and threw himself at Bojack at immense speeds. Bojack didn't know martial arts he was simply a strong pirate.

Goku feinted Bojack using the afterimage technique and appeared behind him, driving his knee in his back, and punched him in the back of the head afterward with a ki infused fist.

Dazed by the attack Bojack couldn't stop Goku in time as a fully charged Kamehameha wave hit him from behind.

Bojack was singed and bruised, he was extremely annoyed at Goku's tactics but he smirked, he suddenly disappeared and appeared in front of Gohan. He took Gohan by the neck and was ready to snap it. Unfortunately for him, I appeared in front of him all six dots in their splendor, my base power level was already above two hundred million by now combined with my full power technique as well I could defeat him easily. I hit him in an acupoint in his hand making him let go off Gohan, I healed Gohan up and took him a bit away from Bojack.

Bojack's face was unsightly as he couldn't feel his hand anymore, Goku immediately said:

"Krillin heal his hand back up, I want fight him without any interruptions, and thank's for saving Gohan...." His face was pretty scary right now after Gohan was almost killed by Bojack I could already feel Goku's power level bubbling up, he wasn't going super Saiyan two, but he got an anger boost. I decided to let go of the ki I inserted in Bojack's acupoint so he could use his hand again.

Bojack started to move his hand when suddenly Goku immediately appeared above him and kicked him in the head. Well, his hand was ok now so he was basically at full power?

He grabbed Bojack by the arm and spun him around threw him in some buildings and used instant transmission to appear right behind him before he could go through more, his fist rared with yellow ki, he directly punched a hole trough Bojack's chest.

Bojack spouted out a mouthful of blood as he grinned and tried to ram his arm trough Goku's chest as well, fortunately, Goku kept his guard up and caught his hand just right before he could penetrate his chest. He started to overpower Bojack and he forcefully moved his arm in such a way it broke it.

Goku looked at Bojack and said:

"You are pretty strong, but you came to Earth with evil intentions, unfortunately, that means it's the end for you here."

Goku alway's liked to fight with stronger and stronger people, some of the time he even tried to get them to the good side, just like he converted both Vegeta and Piccolo, but for some, there was no way. Goku let go of a huge amount of ki from his hand and evaporated Bojack transforming him into nothing but dust.

He sighed as his hair and eyes reverted, he smirked towards us as I threw him a senzu bean which he took and ate with a smile on his face.

It seemed another crisis was averted for Earth.

At Brief's house inside the laboratory that Cell was conceived in, the tiny cell that was in the laboratory's glass started to grow and grow, Bulma and Dr. Brief's looked on with fascination as a bug-like thing started to form.

It grew from a larval state towards a more humanoid state, then fully formed as a humanoid with red skin a strange orange face mask and elongated ears, he didn't look like the original Cell at all!

He broke through the glass and looked around, I already teleported over the moment I felt him, he bowed towards me and said:


Bulma started to explain how she ingrained the memories that I was his master, and gave him a bit of free will, erased the other missions which would put innocent people in jeopardy.

He didn't wear anything but he wasn't naked, he had a red keratin armor over his skin, it also seemed he had no private parts, of course, like the normal Cell he wasn't truly male nor female.

I decided to give him the same name:

"From now on your name will be Cell."

Bulma scoffed and said:

"You called him Cell because he was made from the cells of others? How unoriginal of you."

Well I felt quite lazy right now I didn't want to think of a new name for him, Cell was good enough, even though he wasn't the same Cell his base was the same.

I could spot no tail on him, it seems Bulma removed his absorption capability. I could feel his power level being a little below six hundred thousand, he was pretty goddamn strong considering he was just born.

He also had some basic martial arts memories from the DNA. He knew a few of our techniques as well, but since the DNA was from some older times he had no stand no Kaioken or other techniques.

I decided to teach him the way to make his stand and the Kaioken and let him train on his own, I also gave him my special gi, since I was practically his master.

I decided to check up on my other disciple's before meeting up with Lazuli and Jeica, Quackity's power level was increasing along nicely the same could be said about Felix and Maximilian, Quackity's appearance started to look more humanoid but at the same time more duck as well?

He actually started to resemble Daffy Duck from looney tunes, actually this gave me an idea, I asked him to come to my office in the animal-human dojo and told him:

"I have some more special work for you to do, also what do you think about the name Duck Dodgers?"

Quackity said with a no-nonsense face:

"Well, I don't mind some other work, teaching these brats around here is quite boring, about the name I find it quite to my liking, it sounds pretty nice why do you ask?"

I nodded my head towards him and said:

"From now on your name will be Duck Dodgers I prepared a ship for you which you will use to spread my doctrine trough the universe, with the Brief's family help I created some droids which can help you create Dojo's on every liveable planet in the universe!"

Duck Dodgers gasped, not knowing what to say, this was a pretty important mission, but he saluted me with his arm, he now had arm's and fingers everything, he was a fully humanoid duck.

He said with a serious voice:

"I'll do my best master Krillin!"

His spaceship was just like in the show, a big blue and white spaceship, It was fully packed with robots and construction materials and books with my mantra's and basic techniques.

I also got him a cadet, It was a humanoid pig, he wore a purple suit, and Dodgers wore a blue suit, they were special space suit's made with my materialization technique, the resemblance was uncanny.

Both of them saluted me and took off with the ship, with their efforts I would have dojo's everywhere in the universe one day.

I teleported towards my house and I could see that Lazuli was eating pickles, this was quite strange, she never told me she liked pickles. Jeica was looking at her strangely seemingly knowing something that I didn't.

Immediately Lazuli ran over to the bathroom and vomited, it seemed something was wrong with the pickles?

Then something hit me, strange cravings, sickness.. could she be pregnant?

But I always made sure to not come inside them... but that first time maybe I forgot?

After she finished vomiting she walked towards me and smiled, I wasn't sure what to say, and directly asked her:

"Are you pregnant?"

She nodded towards me her smile was getting even bigger, it seemed she wanted a child:

"Yeah, Krillin isn't this great?"

I nodded my head, well what's done is done, even though I didn't feel like having a child yet, there wasn't anything wrong with it, sometimes you had fun and sometimes you ended up with a child.

Since I was going to have a child her, it was only proper we would be married as well, It wasn't hard to set a marriage date with my money everything would be done extremely quickly.

A few day's later we were married, all of my friends were there, Roshi was ogling the maids that were serving food, Chi-Chi was smiling towards me and Goku was waving his hand, Bulma looked around and nodded towards me. The others were happy for me as well.

I wore a black groom suit and eighteen was wearing her bride dress, the ceremony didn't take long and we were officially married, but things weren't done yet, Jeica appeared as well, similarly in another bride's dress, I was getting married to two women today!

The Saiyans were scarfing down the food like there was no tomorrow at the table, I was making a toast which everyone reciprocated, the wedding was a full success.

Eight months later Marron was born, she looked just like in the anime. I wasn't sure what power level Marron had in the show but her power level, when she was born, was already at fourty thousand!

After she was fed by Lazuli I took her in my arms as she started to laugh at me, I put a finger up and she grabbed it with her tiny hands. Jeica got up and immediatly said:

"I want a child as well!"

I already had a headache, whatever one more child wasn't going to kill me, Marron was pretty cute, as for taking care of her while she grew up, I would hire someone to take care of her and help Lazuli, I would play with her from time to time, I still had to train for Majin Buu, I was stronger than a normal super saiyan two by now, but even a super saiyan three couldn't do jack against fat buu.

Before I got back to training I had some fun with Lazuli and Jeica, I made sure to not stop my sperm entering Jeica now, but to stop with Lazuli, two children were enough for me.

It was time to train some more, there were quite a few years before Majin Buu came, from now it would be nine years, Trunks was already three years old and he would enroll in the Budokai tenkaichi at thirteen years old, Goten should also be born by now.

I decided to continue training in meditation under increased amounts of gravity, I let out my gold aura as I started to levitate.

From now on I would train daily and sometimes come out to hang out with Marron, Lazuli and Jeica, and to not forget to be present to my other child's birth as well.

I closed my eyes as I set a alarm to make sure I would wake up out of meditation, I could meditate

for years on end if I got entangled in it.

Helloooo, I couldn't post this chapter earlier due to webnovel being down, sorry for the wait. Anyways I changed the ******* donation's a bit, if you looked at them before and didn't like how they were worded, now they are changed regarding bonus chapters.

Thanks to my patrons:Bdogarum and Carson!

Support me and the fanfiction here:


Don't forget to point out mistakes!

Also I would like to thank all of you who put my fanfiction in their library, we reached above 4k collection and above 1 million views, im happy that you like the fanfiction that I written more of a idea that popped up in my head one day. I also started to think about coming back to my abandoned cultivation novel and rewrite it after I finish this fanfiction. I hope you will support me in that endeavour as well.

All of you have a great day!

KaiokenGuycreators' thoughts