
I am Krillin!(Completed)

One day our protagonist was walking home from work, unfortunately for him he was met by truck-kun just a few blocks away from his house. After a talk with God he got reincarnated in the dragon ball universe with literally nothing else besides his scattered knowledge about the anime/manga. I do not own the cover picture. my patreon support me if you can :) https://www.patreon.com/KaiokenGuy Daily chapters! Patreon donations increase the number of daily chapters based on the donation.

KaiokenGuy · Anime und Comics
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52 Chs

Super Kami Guru,Nail and wishes(Edited)

The Namekians didn't look very friendly as they pointed their arms at me fully charged with ki, it seemed the Warriors weren't gone doing fieldwork today, they started to talk among themselves in their language which I didn't fully understand:

"This is one of the ancient albino namekians? I thought we eliminated all of them for their transgressions, should we inform the grand elder?"

Another one responded while he kept his arm pointed at me:

"I think we should, an albino namekian still alive is a great sin, only the grand elder can give out the sentence pertaining to his life!"

I interrupted them speaking in the common earth tongue which was English and they responded in English as well:

"Hello I um... don't understand what you are talking about there, but I would like to meet your grand elder."

Before they responded to me they gasped it seemed they realized I wasn't an albino namekian and they responded:

"Ah, are you a visitor from beyond? what can we help you with besides taking you to the grand elder."

I informed them that I would like to talk the details thoroughly with their grand elder, they accepted my words since their grand elder's word was law if the grand elder accepted my request they couldn't refuse it.

I flew with them towards the grand elder's house and it didn't take us more than ten minutes, I just grabbed them and made them tell me the directions while also sensing with my ki to target the highest power level on the planet.

I was met by a though looking namekian that resembled Piccolo outside of a big white rotund house, it was Nail. When the other two namekians explained my wish in their tongue, Nail scoffed and said:

"You want to meet the great elder? that isn't so easy, especially for an outsider like you."

But from inside came a booming voice that said:

"Nail do we have visitors?"

Nail responded with respect:

"Yes, grand elder but..."

Guru cut him off and said:

"Bring them in."

Nail was flustered and said:

"But grand elder what if they want to hurt you?"

Guru just said to bring me in.

And so he brought me in Nail wasn't happy at his grand elder's Guru's lack of foresight but he didn't comment more, I entered and saw the giant green fat old slug on his chair, he was goddamn humongous, seeing him in the anime was something but seeing him in real life was truly different.

Guru immediately frowned and said:

"An albino namekian? kill him like the rest."

I sweatdropped and Nail was ready to attack me but I interrupted them by saying:

"I'm not an albino namekian I come from Earth, I know about your race because of another namekian that resides on the planet as the guardian."

Guru seemed like he realized something:

"Oh the son of Ktath survived the purge, it seemed he was lucky, let me take a look at your memories."

I, of course, didn't let him look at all of my memories I also planted some fake ones to make it seem like Kami taught me a bit about Namek and that he didn't lose all of his memories.

Guru snorted and said:

"He calls himself Kami? Nail from now on you shall address me as Super Kami, wait no Super Kami Guru."

"Yes, Super Kami Guru."

"Say it again Nail"

"Yes, Super Kami Guru."

I immediately stopped them and Guru knew what I was after so he gave me the dragon ball from above his chair and put his hand on my head again, Immediately I could feel the ki unlocked deep within me stir as Super Kami Guru said:

"Your potential is limitless due to your special body, I can't even bring out a true fraction of it but the increase will be substantial!"

I could feel my power level skyrocket, one hundred thousand, two hundred thousand, it stopped only at nine hundred thousand just a little shy of a million, I was almost as strong as Frieza's second form in my base.

Guru nodded his head and he felt quite drained at unlocking my potential while it didn't shorten his lifespan it did put quite high energy consumption on him because of my high potential.

I nodded at Guru and thanked him, Nail started to accompany me but before we truly left Super Kami Guru said again:

"Nail the next time the dragon balls cool off summon Porunga and ask him for a big plasma tv."

"But Super Kami Guru that would be a great misuse of their powers."

"Did I stutter? I want a big plasma tv."

"*sigh* Ok Super Kami Guru I will see it done the next time the dragon balls are ready to be used."

"So you should do."

After that conversation, we left and it didn't take long to gather all of the dragon ball's, I didn't know Nameks language so I had Nail to say the password. It was the same as Shenron's but instead of Shenron they said Porunga and it was in their language:

"Arise Porunga! and grant me my wish"

A giant buff dragon with horns and namekian antennae came out of the balls, holy shit their Shenron was jacked, It was completely different seeing him up close, he looked like he hit the gym seven out of seven while taking steroids by inhaling them through the nose.

He started to speak in a common tongue and said:

"I will grant you three wishes!" Nail looked at me and inquired with his eyes what my wishes were and I told him:

"Firstly give me a special ship with the super dragon ball radar incorporated in it, the ship should contain an infinite amount of food a gravity chamber that can increase its gravity how much I want, and it should be able to compress itself just like capsules on earth, It should also have all of the coordinates of the populated planets within this universe, information about the planet and all, while being at it make it indestructible as well."

Nail explained to the dragon but the dragon said:

"All of it is doable besides being indestructible, there are some forces out there that can destroy anything the most I can do for you is to be indestructible to force's below that power."

I nodded my head and Nail confirmed the wish.

A tiny capsule appeared in my hands, one wish was done it was time for the next one, this one would be important for me:

"Give me a god ki training room that can be installed in the spaceship or taken away at will being just like the spaceship, meaning that I want to be able to carry it with me at will."

When the dragon heard this wish he shook his head and said in a booming voice:

"Impossible, my creator doesn't have God ki I cannot help you with this one, say another one."

Well, one plan was out of the window, I guess to reach god ki I would have to train normally and accumulate it as Vegeta did. I couldn't take the easy way out like Goku did with his let's hold hands and I get god ki now.

Well, I guess I could use something else then:

"Impart to me the best magic and ki techniques known in the universe."

His eyes glowed and my brain instantly started to work, it was extremely strong it could take everything the dragon put into it.

My eyes glowed a lot of techniques were very useful, magic was used with ki but in different type of form, while ki was used for attack defense and fighting in general magic was more of a supporting type of ki usage, you could create beings or infuse yourself with magic to increase your power level, stop emotions, and summon being's from the otherworld.

As for the ki techniques they were different types of beams but there were also special techniques like my Benevolent Buddha stand, with it, I even got my hands on the Kaioken and instant transmission, I didn't need to visit Yardrat anymore. I decided that immediately when I left Namek I would make sure to train in all of the techniques and master them.

As for the last third wish I wasn't sure what to wish for... maybe:

"Give me a bag of Senzu Beans that has an infinite amount of them inside while also make them as indestructible as the space ship."

The dragon shook his head again and said:

"These magical beans are too overpowered with no drawbacks I can't give you an infinite amount of them it would break the laws of balance and it might wake up someone sooner than intended."

I sweatdropped, I almost woke up Beerus by accident, another wish out of the window I wondered what else I could wish for? but it suddenly hit me in the head why didn't I think about this before?

"I wish for all my support techniques to be combined into one super technique that can increase my power level based on all of the other multipliers."

The dragons eye's shined and he left Nail looked at me with wonder in his eyes not being sure how many techniques I had, but with the new techniques, I got from the other wish I had quite a damn lot, combined with the other's that I had maybe when I fully used the combined version I could even compare to super Saiyan blue's multiplier.

I immediately tried to activate the amalgam of techniques firstly my Buddha stand appeared before me it's strongest form on display the benevolent face, lightning appeared around me as Godspeed was activated my muscles bulged up and a red aura also appeared around me at its maximum potential, all my dots activated at the same time and combined into one dot on my forehead which shined a pale gold.

I could feel my power explode, this was the combination of all of my techniques and it was way above any super Saiyan multipliers below the god forms, but immediately I coughed up blood and I sagged down to the green earth, my body immediately started to heal up and my power level increased breaching one million, it seemed my body wasn't ready to use the whole fusion of techniques, I could use them individually or a few of them combined but not all of them.

I nodded towards myself, Nail was shocked as he could feel my power for a second then it disappeared when I entered in my now dubbed Supreme mode, I exceeded his sensing capabilities, but now it came back to above a million and the power still shocked him so hard he almost started shaking.

His power level was just around forty-two thousand so of course, he would be scared.

I nodded towards him and indicated that I was going to leave, he bowed towards me and I left using the spaceship, which was extremely fast and luxurious in the inside, it seemed Porunga knew his stuff.

I immediately turned the gravity to two hundred while I materialized heavier weights on me I turned the gravity field around me to two as well, reaching the amount of four hundred, I already trained with a gravity above Vegeta's when he tried to surpass Goku and get the super Saiyan form.

I made the ship wander around the universe as I didn't have a certain destination in mind, maybe I would swoop in and save someone from a villain who knows?

I wasn't very top tier in power but compared to everyone else in the universe I was only rivaled and outclassed by the Frost family but that could be considered in base power alone.

Now I could truly protect myself in the universe, well if Beerus came now and decided to make me space dust I still couldn't do much but everyone else was game on, well the Frost family was, I don't think I could beat Cell or Majin Buu yet, they were way too strong maybe if I used my Supreme mode but it was impossible to use in a fight right now.

I immediately started to train the other techniques that I got from Porunga, while under the stress of high gravity to temper my body, instant transmission wasn't hard as my ki control and sense were impeccable I could sense earth and countless other ki's in the universe it overwhelmed me a bit but I closed my senses to the mostly unknown or very small ki's.

I could feel Goku's ki as I made myself familiar with it, I could also feel huge ki's with a tint of frost in them, it was the frost family's ki's they were all scattered through the whole galaxy, Frieza's was the nearest as I could feel he was half as strong as me in his first form.

Then it was cooler, who was extremely strong, he was stronger than Frieza's final form by a bit not counting his transformation. There was also Cold he was also a bit stronger than Frieza's final form. Now I understood when Frieza said he was only bested by his family. They were a tiny bit stronger than Frieza but not enough to thrash him around like a ragdoll.

I wasn't a saint nor a hero if Frieza intervened with me or earth I would let him still roam around, lives would be lost but as I didn't see them it was not my job, If I saw some injustice going on I would help but I wouldn't go around parading myself as a hero of justice. I felt bad about what King Piccolo did on earth because it was my home planet, my kin was on it, why would I care about the other alien races? would the alien races care about my well being or my planets? I'm sure as hell they wouldn't.

While I was pondering the super dragon ball radar started beeping, it seemed a super dragon ball was near!

I saw what you all said last chapter on what wishes to give him but yall really want this fanfiction to be short.

https://www.pat.reon.com/KaiokenGuy, as always from now on all future chapters will have my pat.reon in the author thoughts.

Cheers to yall, have a great day!

KaiokenGuycreators' thoughts