
I Am Just a General

Hwang Toji has been reincarnated since his birth, his parents died in an accident, he was enlisted in the Korean foreign army since childhood, having lived 11 years on the battlefield. His strength and intelligence allowed him to rise to the rank of General of foreign armies despite his young age. At the age of 18, he was removed from his position on the orders of the President so that he could live a normal life. How will his life go in society, he who has been a victim of the battlefield all his life. Worlds : Mato Sehei no Slave, Supremacy Quest, Kengan Ashura and more.... Harem but don't expect it to be huge (no pokemon, that's what I mean), I don't know the size. He doesn't know all the anime / manga etc of this world, he will remember a few things. MC IS NOT TOJI, HE JUST LOOK LIKE HIM.

Bananuts · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs

1 - Hwang Toji

The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting dancing shadows on the walls of Toji Hwang's spartan bedroom. Sitting on the edge of his bed, he stared into emptiness, lost in his thoughts.

Toji had been reincarnated into this tumultuous world since birth. His parents, two loving yet mysterious figures, perished in a tragic accident when he was just a child.

After being recruited by a gang for overseas work, Korean soldiers found him and he grew up on the battlefields. His life had been a succession of fights, where every victory and defeat had shaped his soul.

Raised in military ranks, Toji climbed the ladder to become a general at the age of 16, to be exact, General of the Foreign Armed Forces.

Deep in his memory, a conversation with the commander of the Korean armed forces still resonates.

"Toji, you have served with honor," he said, "it's time for you to discover what it means to live."

Toji looked at the President incredulously, not knowing how to take this information. "Mr. President, I've lived my whole life on the battlefield, how could a normal life suit me...?" He tried to remain calm, but a feeling of anger and betrayal struck his mind.

"You have been a pillar for our nation on the battlefield," the man retorted, "but even heroes need to know peace. It's time for you to discover a life beyond conflicts; you're just a teenager."

These words had been the catalyst for his transfer to "West Gangbuk High" school. He could have gone to a prestigious school, but he didn't want all that nonsense. So, that's where he was transferred.

Physically, Toji was the epitome of power. His muscles, acquired through countless hours of training and fighting, rivaled those of a professional athlete. A scar adorned his lip, one of the many marks left by battles. His smooth hair fell over his forehead and sides, surprisingly well-kept for a man of war.

Finally, he headed out of his house to his first day of school.

"2nd year or 3rd year? I don't remember... I don't care, I have nothing to do there. What are they thinking sending me to school?" For him, it was a kind of humiliation and shame. Peaceful life wasn't for him, and on top of that, he had to be around kids? Screw that, President.

After several minutes of walking, he arrived at the school with boredom. The uniform was too tight even though it was tailored, even his military gear seemed more comfortable.

Entering the school grounds, all eyes turned to him. His imposing structure and aura of mystery only fueled the curiosity of his new classmates.

"Who's that guy?" whispered a girl to her friend, her eyes wide with surprise.

"He looks like a gangster..." the other replied, impressed by Toji's stature.

"So handsome..." sighed a third, as Toji walked past without giving them a glance.

Toji strode through the hallways, ignoring the curious glances and hushed comments. He was actually in the second year, but he didn't care. School was just another battlefield for him, one where the fights were of a different nature.

Arriving at the door of his classroom, he took a deep breath before entering. The room fell into a heavy silence as all eyes turned to him. The teacher, a middle-aged man with a kindly look, gestured for him to approach.

"Class, this is our new student. Toji, would you like to introduce yourself?" he said with an encouraging smile.

Toji stepped forward, his expression cold and calm. "I'm Toji Hwang," he said in a low, confident voice. "I've just been transferred here."

His gaze swept the class and settled on a young man, a boy who seemed to shrink under his gaze.

Kim Suhyoon trembled slightly, feeling the weight of Toji's gaze. It was a gaze that had seen too much, a gaze that knew the true nature of the world.

'Too weak, he looks too frail. Why tremble with just a look?'

Toji then headed towards an empty chair at the back of the class, his back straight, his steps measured. The students continued to stare at him, some with admiration, others with a hint of fear.

"He looks so strong..." murmured a boy.

"Do you think he knows how to fight?" asked another.

"What a stupid question, with that body, you think he can't fight?"

"Hush, he might hear us..." replied a third, lowering his head.

Toji sat down, placing his bag next to him. He took out a notebook and a pen, but his mind was elsewhere. He thought of the conversation with the president, of the life he had left behind.

He would never admit it, but he was sad not to be on the battlefield. Barely had the class started that he felt boredom coursing through his body.

The classroom buzzed with rumors and whispers, but Toji Hwang paid no attention. His head rested heavily on his crossed arms, and soon, the whispers were replaced by the rhythmic sound of his deep breathing.

He had fallen asleep.

Baek Chaerin, known for her demeanor as cold as her impeccable appearance, observed Toji, asleep right next to her, with a mixture of disdain and curiosity.

She wasn't used to being ignored, especially not by the newcomer who was already causing so much talk. With her 20,000 Instagram followers, she was a celebrity in her own right, and she wasn't going to let this boy ruin her image.

After the bell rang, she stood up, her heels clicking on the classroom floor. "Hey," she said sharply, "who do you think you are to sleep in class?"

Toji opened one eye, his nonchalant gaze resting on her. "What's it to you?" he replied, his voice low and indifferent.

Baek Chaerin felt her irritation rise. "You're in my class, and you're disturbing me," she retorted, crossing her arms. "And stop snoring, it's unbearable."

Toji slowly sat up, stretching his arms above his head. "Sorry for bothering you, princess," he said sarcastically. "I'll make sure it doesn't happen again."

The tension between them was palpable, and the class held its breath. Baek Chaerin, accustomed to others bending to her will, was not used to this kind of resistance. She stared at him, looking for a crack in his armor, but Toji seemed unperturbed.

"You'd better watch yourself, bastard," she threatened, before returning to her seat and taking out her phone, her ego slightly bruised.

Toji leaned back in his chair, with his legs on the table. He hadn't done anything wrong, so why was she bothering him? This class was terrible, he was bored out of his mind.

The class was plunged into a deceptive calm when Choi Chang-dong made his entrance. His massive silhouette stood out in the doorway, and his tattoos visible under his uniform sleeves betrayed his belonging to a very different world from that of the school. He approached Kim Suhyoon with a smile that was anything but friendly.

"Hey, Suhyoon," he said in a greasy voice, before slapping him on the back, causing him to stagger. "How are you today?"

Toji observed the scene without a word, his indifferent gaze. 'Bully? Doesn't surprise me.' he thought. 'But it's survival of the fittest, like everywhere else.'

Baek Chaerin, who had been watching the scene out of the corner of her eye, turned to Toji. "Are you just going to stand there and watch?" she asked, an eyebrow raised.

Toji shrugged. "He's weak, it's his problem. It's not up to me to react."

"You're really despicable," she spat, contempt coloring her voice.

Toji just closed his eyes because of drowsiness, amused by her reaction. "And you, you're really boring," he retorted.

Chang-dong, meanwhile, continued to torment Kim Suhyoon, ignoring the glances of the other students. "Come on, show a little gratitude. I'm just here to say hello," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Kim Suhyoon, pale-faced, did not respond, lowering his eyes to avoid his tormentor's gaze.

Baek Chaerin shook her head, disgusted by Toji's attitude. "You're as pathetic as him," she said, pointing to Kim Suhyoon with her chin.

Toji just chuckled softly. "Maybe. But at least I don't tremble in front of an idiot. And besides, how is it my fault if he's being bullied? Bitch."

The tension between Toji and Baek Chaerin was almost palpable, but neither of them wanted to back down. They were like two gladiators in an arena, each waiting for the other to make the first move.

The confrontation between Toji and Baek Chaerin had caught the attention of the class, but it was another scene that would soon captivate all eyes.

Choi Chang-dong, after finishing his little game with Kim Suhyoon, turned to Toji, a smirk on his lips. "And you, the new guy, you think you're too good for us?" he said, his voice carrying through the room.

Toji opened his eyes, his cold gaze settling on Chang-dong. "I don't think I'm better than anyone," he replied calmly. "I just choose my battles."

Baek Chaerin watched the exchange, a glint of interest in her eyes. "Are you afraid of him?" she taunted, trying to provoke Toji.

"Fear is a useless emotion," Toji retorted without looking away from Chang-dong. "And I'm not afraid of parasites."

Chang-dong chuckled, his shoulders shaking with laughter. "Parasite, huh? We'll see if you still say that after I've shown you how we deal with little brats like you here."

Toji stood up slowly, his imposing height becoming more evident. "I'm listening," he said, a silent challenge in his voice.

People hadn't paid attention until then, but Toji was a giant. He towered over Chang-dong. On one side, a mountain of muscles, on the other, a chubby man. Murmurs betrayed the confidence of the bully.

The tension was at its peak, and the class held its breath, waiting to see if words would turn into blows. But before the situation could escalate, the bell rang, signaling the end of the school day.

Chang-dong, frustrated by the interruption, shot one last threatening glance at Toji before leaving the room. "It's not over," he muttered, "Meet me on the roof after class, bastard." He finally walked out of the classroom with his two lackeys, slamming the door loudly.

Baek Chaerin approached Toji, her expression still as cold. "You're lucky the bell rang," she said.

Toji sat back down in his chair, his expression unchanged. "Luck has nothing to do with it," he replied. "But thanks for your concern."

"Concern? Disgusting. Who could be concerned about you? You crazy person. Don't talk to me." She retorted with visible embarrassment on her face.

Finally, Toji fell asleep again, leaving a disgruntled girl next to him, and incredulous murmurs in his class.