
I am Joy Boy

The 4 Road Poneglyphs is now in the hands of the Straw Hat Pirates and the Pirate World now enters into a new age, "The Cradle of the New Pirate King". Now what awaits Luffy into his adventure in completing the conquest of the Kings.

Tomohawk · Fantasie
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9 Chs

The Last Island

Right before the celebration

Everyone!, Are you guys done? Robin asked. This is a very important matter so you guys should come inside before I lost track.

"What is it "Robin-swan" Sanji asked.

I want the whole crew to listen carefully, especially you Luffy, I want you to understand at least one thing. Robin stated.

"Back then at Elbaf, when we found the Last Road Poneglyph, I started to connect them together until I have finally formed a coordinate which seems to point in the middle of the ocean in the new world and what's more stranger about is that, the opposite of the coordinate seems to point to Marijoese. I might as well mention this, during our visit in Elbaf, I learned something interesting in one of the poneglyphs there. It stated a part of how the Ancient Kingdom had fallen into chaos 800 years ago, and that part stated a war, "The War Between the Kings and the Devils Cursed by the Sea".

Everyone silenced after hearing this.

"Luffy", Robin called out. The coordinates of the island is in our hands now. The Void Century, the Ancient Kingdom, everything is starting to fall into our hands. So what should we do now, "Captain".

Luffy started laugh.

Whats is it Luffy? Zoro asked.

Haha, were finally up to this point. So how did you made your decision in this moment, Pirate King "Roger". Did you laugh too?

Everyone stared in silence as they saw Luffy succumbing in deep thoughts smiling.

Hoy Luffy, what now? Nami asked as she snapped his finger in front of his face.

"Lets Go" Luffy said.

"Yes", Ussop said. "But what if some strong guy ambushes us though? The end of the new world is said to have numerous gigantic storms that could sink anything, what about those giant maelstorms?

"Its okay, Ussop, that why the legend of the Last Island started in the first place, everytime a ship goes near the area at the end of the new world, their compasses would point into somewhere and run into chaos because of the storms that blocks the way to the last island, no one have ever reach island before without relying on the coordinates we have here and esteemed travellers that were renowned back then would cross the area and never to be found again. But everything changed when the Pirate King reached the last island 22 years ago, our joint efforts yesterday and today will guide us to our future. A future that any pirate in the New World wish to have. Robin said.

But dont worry, I, Robin, already have a plan. We wont have any problems in our journey to the last island. Before we depart, we should go to the Fishman Island and the Wano Kingdom to pick up Princess Shirahoshi and Momonosuke. It would be great to have the sea kings backing us, plus, just like what Roger did with Oden back then, we will bring Momo to our final destination in the "New World".

"So Shirahoshi and Momo will be with is huh. Well lets not worry about things now, we still have a celebration, Franky said. Everyone, lets go to the party now.

"Yeah", Everyone then rushed to go out.

Hoy , Sanji, make sure to prepare a very, very, big batch of meat for me. Luffy said licking his lip.

Got it, Captain, you're a big eater after all, Sanji answered.