Having found himself reincarnated into the My Hero world our main protagonist will try to live up to his name sake
[Third Person's PoV]
Tony and Melissa were back in their labs after finishing their conversation with their parents.
"Is your dad still worried?" Tony asked.
Melissa sighed as she put her phone in her back pocket. "Yeah, I had to convince him not to take a plane and come visit us."
Tony chuckled, "Yeah, my mom was the same. I had to get my father to calm her down, or else she would have flown the private plane herself."
Melissa giggled at the idea before sighing. She put a hand on her hip and ruffled her long, curly blonde hair. "Shall we review how our suits performed?"
"Yup!" Tony agreed. "Let's start with the Skin Suits."
Melissa nodded. "Although they performed great, it just wasn't the same as wearing our normal armor."
Tony nodded in agreement. "Well, they were just a test, mostly ideas brought forth. Not all our ideas are going to turn out like we want them to."
"The sword and pistols are too lethal for hero work. These suits work better for stealth missions, where our normal suits would be too conspicuous," Melissa added.
"Now, Mark 30, project indestructible… what do you think about it?" Tony asked.
"I'm still amazed you managed to make an indestructible metal…" Melissa said with a sigh of awe.
"Near-indestructible," Tony corrected. "This metal still has its weaknesses."
Melissa nodded. "I remember, itself, right?"
"Yup. I'm glad to see it worked against decay, so we know this armor won't disintegrate."
"The blue-haired guy was the one that did that to the school gates, right?"
"Mmhmm, he tried to use his quirk on my armor, but it didn't work… now then, for the bad sides of the armor… It took too long to arrive. A lot could have happened in the 25 seconds it took to get to us."
"Well, it's not really the suit's fault. We were pretty far away. Not to mention the micro receivers worked as intended… Well, I will say a downside is how heavy the armor is; the thrusters in the elbows helped, though."
Tony sat down in his chair and pulled Melissa to sit on his lap as they brainstormed ideas to make their suits more accessible.
"We can have our suits become like flying companions…" Melissa said hesitantly.
"What?" Tony asked, looking at her funny.
Melissa blushed slightly. "Here," she said as she reached over his desk, grabbed a stylus, and began drawing.
Tony just stared as she pushed her blond hair behind her ear and began to explain…
"TONY!" Melissa yelled, snapping her fingers to get his attention.
"Huh? What? Why are you yelling?" Tony asked, shaking his head awake.
"I've been calling you for a minute, but you didn't respond. Tony… what is that I'm feeling by my butt…" Melissa slowly asked.
Tony rubbed his chin as he looked away. "I-I think you know…"
"Tony…" Melissa called, her face turning slightly red.
"I plead the fifth, your honor."
Tony covered his face, embarrassed. "It's not my fault, alright?"
"Then are you saying it's mine?" Melissa said, covering her face as well, feeling just as embarrassed.
"All I'm saying is that the hair-tuck to the ear was too much for my hormonal self. No one told you to be that pretty."
Melissa slightly moved on his lap, causing Tony to simply hug her waist. "You… young lady… are playing a very dangerous game."
Melissa put her hand over Tony's as he held her by her waist. "Let's wait like this until that… thing… calms down."
Tony nodded as he put his chin over her shoulder while Melissa leaned back into him. There was a comfortable silence between them, which was quickly interrupted by Melissa asking, "So I excite you, huh?"
"Not helping, Melissa…"
"It's just nice to know, that's all," she said, giggling a bit, although she was still blushing.
Melissa then turned around and kissed him.
"You're making it worse."
"Good to know," she said, kissing him again. Tony held the side of her face as Melissa had her hands around his neck and the back of his head.
A few minutes later, they were both a bit breathless and back in the position they once were in.
"So shall we get back to this?" Melissa asked as she straightened her hair and caught her breath.
"That sounds like a good idea," Tony said as he licked his lip and ran his thumb along its underside.
"So, as I was saying, which you weren't paying much attention to, we can make our suits fly around us like companions on standby. Friday will be the one in charge, she will be flying around us controlling it, and it will always be available when we need it most."
'Like Max Steel?' Tony thought to himself. Tony nodded with an impressed look.
"That could definitely work. We can also make it so it would be able to attack without us being in it. We'll make it almost like a flying eye. The eye part will be the Arc Reactor, which Friday will be able to use and shoot repulsor beams when needed. If we are making two of them, then you will have an A.I of your own."
"Ooooh, an A.I solely for me. That sounds awesome," Melissa agreed. "Friday, it appears you will be receiving a little sibling. Aren't you excited?"
"Ecstatic, ma'am," Friday responded, causing Tony to chuckle.
"Alright, we've already solved the time issue. We need a name for it. You come up with it since it was your idea," Tony said with a faint smile.
Melissa put a hand on her chin and pondered. "Mark 31: Plus One…"
"Plus One?" Tony asked with an 'Are you sure?' expression.
"Yeah, since we will have our suits by our side like little companions, they'll be like our plus one… Hey, was it you or me that came up with this idea? I didn't say anything when you named Mark 29: Skin Suit," Melissa pouted.
Tony raised his hands in surrender. "I didn't say anything. Like you said, your idea, your name."
Melissa scoffed as she nodded. "Luckily, we have three days since the school has decided to give us a break due to the villain attack. So we have time to experiment a bit. Is there anything else that we need to review?"
"Yeah," Tony nodded. "We will need a suit to fight underwater. Thanks to being thrown in the flood area of the USJ, it reminded me that although our suits are waterproof, we don't really have anything that fights underwater enemies."
"I see your point…"
Tony then had a teasing expression. "Let's name it Mark 31: Water Buddy."
Melissa looked at him with a straight expression, knowing he was making fun of her naming sense again. She grabbed his chin and gave it a little shake as she said, "You're lucky you're cute…"
"Thank you, it's one of my most redeeming qualities."
Melissa playfully rolled her eyes as she still held his chin. "Only next to your big ego," she said as she went and kissed him once more.
"Now, come on, we have new suits to make." Melissa said with a sensual smirk as she stood up.