
I am Invincible!?

Read along as a teenager wakes up in the body of Mark Grayson! Read about his quest to keep himself safe and become strong in this brutal universe! The Synopsis is short and sweet I hope you in enjoy! -THIS IS AN INVINCIBLE ONLY FIC :)

Stingleese · TV
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9 Chs


The pair came home, Mark was annoyed. Mainly because he had to come back, but he quickly went upstairs into his room.

He climbed out the window and started to fly, he needed to constantly train to perfect his skills.

He then remembered what original Mark did, he went on a patrol in some homemade suit. Nolan was watching and then brought him to the costume shop.

Maybe he should do the same, a super suit would be amazing!

He was about to head back inside but saw his father flying up to him.

He groaned, was he gonna get-

"Follow me, I've got something to show you" His words surprised him, he didn't remember this in canon.

The timeline is already changing.

They arrived outside a familiar tailors, his eyes widened.

Holy shit.

He was ready for this, he already knew what suit he wanted.

He practically skipped as he followed his dad down the stairs, this was gonna be awesome.

Art was an old man with a barely any hair on his head. Mark looked around the room in fascination.

Art came up to him with a hand shake "I'm Art, pleasure to meet you kid"

Mark smiled "I'm Mark, nice to meet you too." He asked as he looked around the room.

"Ah, so your dad hasn't mentioned me huh" Art said with a chuckle.

Mark awkwardly laughed as he scratched his head "No, he probably has but I can't even remember what I ate yesterday"

Art and his father gave each other smiles "So I'm getting a suit?" Mark asked his dad who nodded.

"I can't have my son running around in his burger-mart uniform can I?" He said with a smile.

Art laughed "Burger-Mart huh, anyway" he pointed at a yellow and orange suit, Bulletproofs future suit "You like that one? It's premade so you won't have to wait at all?" He asked Mark.

Mark shook his head "No too bright, do you have a piece of paper I can sketch on?" He asked the man.

Art nodded and handed him a notepad with dozens of amazing designs in. Mark turned to a new page and slowly sketched the design he wanted.

It wasn't complicated but he wanted it perfect. He handed the notepad to Art who nodded and handed it to Omni-Man who's eyebrows raised in surpirse.

"You've thought about this" His father said as he looked at the design.

Art looked back at the notepad "A domino mask" he chuckled "Haven't made one of those in a while, and blue and black? Good choice kid."

Mark smiled, he took a bit too much inspiration from a different Grayson.


"The new hairstyle is a bit messy Mark" his mother said as she looked at his hair, he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yeah, that's like the whole point" He said, he didn't get a haircut but just didn't slick back as Mark usually did.

Now he just let the black hair messily frame his face, his hair was long enough to pull off the look that in his opinion looked far better.

His mother just looked at his hair critically and sighed. "Anyway how was your day at school Mark?" She asked.

"Oh I didn't go, uh Dad took me to get a super suit and then trained" he said as he ate the amazing food on his plate.

His training was tough, it was basically just sparring with his Dad, except this time he hit back more than last time.

"This food is amazing Mom" saying Mom instead of Mum felt weird too but as he looked up he saw his Mothers looking at his father with venom in her eyes.

"Mom it was just one day, also William sent me all the work I got today." He tried to explain but she didn't even listen and kept her narrow gaze focused on his father.

"Mark, you say it's one day and then it's a week and then your not even going to college" she said as she clenched her jaw.

He wasn't planning to go to college, best not mention that now though.

He looked up and his Mom was still only looking at his Dad with narrowed eyes.

Wasn't his problem.

His Dads phone dinged and he looked at it quickly. "Mark your suit will be done tomorrow morning" he said almost nervously as he looked in between the excited Mark and his annoyed Wife.

"Right thanks!" Mark said as he started to eat quicker, the excitement was killing him!


Last night he barely slept, honestly this could be the best day of his life. It was a Saturday so he didn't have to go to school, he would get his suit and then beat the shit out of some villains!

He was flying towards the tailors at his max speed, that his Father was quite easily matching as they landed.

Nolan landed gently and simply, whereas Mark landed and with a small crack as the concrete below couldn't withstand the impact.

Nolan turned to him "Calm down Mark, I'm glad to see your excited but you need to relax" he said with a small smile.

Mark took a deep breath. "I'm relaxed" he said to his father who nodded and started making his way down the stairs to Arts store.

Mark was not relaxed at all as he was suddenly handed a black and blue suit and told to change.

He had never changed his clothes so quickly, he came out the the changing rooms to Art and Nolan's assessing eyes.

Art nodded "It looks good, the domino mask is amazing" he said as he observed the teenager.

Nolan nodded, the domino mask was unique and the black and blue suit definitely had potential.

"Have you guys got a mirror?" Mark asked, Art pointed to the corner where a large mirror was, he rushed over and looked at himself in awe.

He looked straight out of a comic book. The black domino mask with the pure white eyes, the suit was pure dark black with a large blue bird on his chest.

He had nightwings suit, he knew he shouldn't copy and should make his own thing.

But honestly, as he looked at himself in the mirror he didn't regret a thing, the suit highlighted his shoulders and muscles well but wasn't too tight that anyone could see his dick, a surprising amount of heros suits were way too tight.

"Wow, I look good" he said as he looked at himself some more. The messy hair hanging over his face as well just mixed with the suit so well.

He was afraid he would look like a cosplayer, but no. He looked like he walked out of the comic books.

He stood there for another 10 minutes just admiring himself.

Art snorted at the kids vanity.