
I am in love with the Demon Princess

She was everything I'd ever dreamed of in a woman - charming, sweet, and utterly mysterious. We spent hours talking, her laughter like wind chimes in the breeze, her intellect sharp and insightful. I was captivated, falling deeper into the abyss of her charm with every passing moment. But as the days turned into weeks, a subtle shift occurred. Her gaze, once warm and inviting, began to flicker with a chilling intensity. Her laughter, once light and carefree, grew tinged with a darker undercurrent. Whispers followed her, hushed and secretive, speaking of a power she held and a lineage she concealed. One moonlit night, under the watchful gaze of a full moon, she confessed her true identity. She was the Demon Princess, a being of ancient magic and forbidden power. My heart, once filled with love, is now pounded with a mixture of fear and fascination. The woman who had stolen my heart was also a creature of legend, a being of darkness and light, a contradiction that both terrified and enthralled me. This was no ordinary love story; it was a tale of forbidden desires and impossible choices, a journey into the depths of a love that defied all boundaries.

illorien · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
30 Chs

Though it was self-defense, it was a stupid error.

Chapter 12 

Katarine and Lush Coco stepped into the opulent Club Phantom, their senses enveloped by an electrifying atmosphere that pulsated with the promise of a night to remember. The grand ballroom shimmered under the soft glow of chandeliers, casting an ethereal luminescence over the scene. As they navigated the crowded dance floor, a symphony of laughter and conversation filled the air, creating an intoxicating blend of anticipation and excitement. The club was a beacon of extravagance, adorned with lavish furnishings and shimmering décor, where wealth and influence intertwined in a tantalizing dance.

Lush Coco felt a surge of excitement as they surveyed the scene, marveling at the opulence that surrounded them. among the elite, the privileged few who had been granted entry to this exclusive sanctuary. As they made their way through the throng of well-dressed patrons, their eyes caught the attention of the club's discerning clientele. Admiring glances and subtle nods acknowledged their status as outsiders yet welcomed them into the inner circle.

The air was thick with the scent of expensive perfumes, and the sound of laughter and clinking glasses filled the room. Lush Coco knew they were in for a night to remember as they embraced the allure of this luxurious world.

Katarine was more focused on the reason for the invitation; for her this is just another place where predator's roam and hunt their prey. She knew very well what lucks were within the dark corners of this kind of place, among the gilts and glamor that many see as so enticing. She kept her guard up, ready to protect herself from any potential danger lurking beneath the surface of elegance and opulence.

The fact that she and Victor Yuli Romanov, the eldest son and heir to the Romanov fortune, had a very peculiar and harsh situation a few months ago

Victor Yuli Romanov's hand was burned and needed extensive medical treatment. Despite the lavish surroundings, Katarine couldn't shake the feeling of unease whenever she went to places like this. What many assumed about her was that she loved going to places of luxury and extravagance, but in reality, she preferred the simplicity and comfort of her own home. The façade of wealth and power often masks the true intentions of those around her, making her cautious and wary in such environments.

And thinking, why did her companies decide to extend their hands toward the Romanov family even after Victor attempted to sway her? And he nearly took his life in the process, leaving her questioning the loyalty and motives of those closest to her. The tangled web of deceit and betrayal seemed to grow thicker with each passing day, making her wonder who she could truly trust in this world of power and greed.

She just wanted to see for herself if those who are involved with a new construction project were also here; these people see only the lure of gaining more, and investing in her company was like lighting a candle in front of a moth, beckoning them closer with promises of wealth and success. The realization that her once trusted colleagues may have ulterior motives weighed heavily on her mind, causing her to question the authenticity of their intentions.

And two of those investors were seen talking to the man she was weary of. Allison Dwight, a known person in the field of technology and innovation as an entrepreneur who created and developed many successful startups and became a multi-millionaire without any kind of help from her already rich family, and because of this, she now prides herself on surrounding herself with like-minded individuals who share her passion for progress.

However, her boy friend Howard Miller was different; he was the only son of a bank CEO and had a reputation for being manipulative and greedy when it came to wealth and power. This raised a red flag in Alison's mind, but sadly, she is drawn to his ambition and charm, making it difficult for her to completely break away from him despite her reservations.

Katarine always hated the idea that her close friend was being controlled that way, she assumed Alison would be smart enough to see Howard was just using her to gain more influence in the business world. However, Alison's emotions clouded her judgment, leading her to overlook the warning signs of Howard's true intentions. Katarine decided to confront Alison about her concerns, hoping to open her eyes to the manipulation she was facing before it was too late.

With a deep sigh, she navigated toward the two. As the light and sounds of music filled the place it was hard to truly focus. Focus is not a place where investors and clients should be, and the chaos surrounding the place was irritating and distracting. Nevertheless, Katarine knew she had to push through the noise, get Alison, and have a formal conversation with her. Katarine knows very well that Victor planned this just to get her into the same building filled with so many rich and influential drunk people.

She knew this was another social scandal in the making, but she had to remain composed and handle the situation professionally. As she made her way through the crowd, Katarine mentally prepared herself for whatever drama awaited her. While Lush Coco was already enjoying himself in the debauchery and was already consumed with the excitement of the event, Katarine kept her focus on maintaining her reputation and dignity.

She knew that navigating through this social minefield would require finesse and grace. There were many roaming jackals in the place; they continuously followed her around, making it seem like they were lusting for her. She was a prize that every greedy man wanted to have, and her untamable personality made her a magnet for attention, both wanted and unwanted. These men had no idea what kind of person she truly was; they only saw what their eyes let them believe. She was rich beyond their wildest dreams, but her wealth was nothing compared to her refined beauty, as her body and appeal were overflowing, as if the men were being forced to fantasize about her in their wildest sexual dreams. Little did they know that behind her captivating exterior, she held a fierce independence and intelligence that made her unattainable to those who only sought to possess her.

Her allure was not just physical, but a combination of power and mystery that kept them yearning for more. She was a puzzle they could never solve, an enigma that kept them coming back for more. Her presence commanded attention, her words cutting through the air with precision and grace. In her eyes, they saw a reflection of their own desires and fears, but never the truth of who she really was.

Many tried so hard to obtain her and became renowned for having tamed the unattainable beauty, but in reality, she remained free and untamed, a force of nature that could never be truly possessed. Her essence was like a fleeting shadow, slipping through their fingers no matter how tightly they tried to hold on. In the end, those who sought to obtain her only found themselves captivated by her elusive spirit, forever chasing after a mirage of their own creation.

Many names became synonymous with failure and heartache as they pursued the unattainable beauty; the last one was the Korean pop idol Baek Hyeon, who just went back to his homeland defeated and disillusioned, realizing that some things are simply not meant to be captured or contained. But the real reason was far from the truth; he was scared to death, seeing Ethan effortlessly criple his hired bodyguards.

What he saw was not a human being but a monster, emotionless, and inhuman. Baek Hyeon knew he could never compete with that level of power and ruthlessness, causing him to retreat back to the safety of his homeland.

But Victor Yuli Romanov was different; he was Katarine's estranged childhood friend. Before, when they were young their friendship was unbreakable, but as they grew older, their paths diverged. Sadly, Katarine saw something in Victor that drove her to distance herself from him. She could never forget the darkness that lurked within him, despite their shared history. This realization haunted her, making her question everything she thought she knew about him.

Like his father and grandfather, Victor was ruthless and manipulative. With a thirst for power, he would do whatever it took. Just to gain the favor of his family, seeking out Katarina was not on their family's agenda before. Victor's ambition to become the head of the Romanov consumed him, leaving no room for sentimentality or nostalgia. He was determined to carve his own path, even if it meant leaving everything behind.

But despite the years that had passed, Victor still held a flicker of hope that they could rekindle their bond. Sadly that event nearly cost his entire arm as he got lost at the moment and decided to claim Katarine when he got the chance to do so, thinking she was finally turning around and acknowledging his presence.

As he reached out to kiss and touch her, she was stunned and never had the chance to push him away in surprise. Within a few seconds, as his lips touched hers, his right hand, which was holding her cheek, burst into flame. The intense heat caused Victo to scream in pain and shock, and Katarine instinctively pushed him away . She watched in horror as the flames quickly spread, engulfing his entire arm before he could react. The once budding bond between them was now shattered, leaving behind only scars and memories of what could have been.

It took many months before Victor was able to regain full use and mobility of his arm, but the emotional scars remained long after the physical ones had healed. Despite their shared experience, Katarine and Victor never spoke again, each haunted by the tragedy that had unfolded between them. Victor's feelings were now a mixture of regret and resentment, while Katarine had to act cold and distant to protect herself from the harsh reality that no man could ever tame her and completely love her without losing himself in the process.

Victor Yuli Romanov was now engaged to an equally cunning woman; she knew who Katarine was and what her connection to Victor was in the past. She is Kǎi sè lín Zhang, or in English, Catherine Zhang.

Kǎi sè lín was pure Chinese and came from a very wealthy and old family that once ruled many parts of China. Despite her outward appearance of sophistication and grace, Catherine harbored a deep-seated resentment towards Katarine for the love that Victor once held for her. This rivalry between the two women would soon come to a head, threatening to unravel without reason and resulting in a dangerous game of manipulation and betrayal.

The person who orchestrated this was Howard Miller, as he was the person who introduced Kǎi sè lín Zhang to Victor Yuli Romanov to gain his trust and manipulate the situation for his own benefit. Howard knows that Victor deeply loves Katarine; even after the incident that burned his arm, all this information never even reached the news outlet, the information came from Katarine trusted friend Allison Dwight, who is his girl friend.

Victor had no idea that Katarine would come and visit his club that night. He was actually at another location while the person who sent out the invitation was standing at the VIP bar lounge, watching Katarine as she made her way inside. Kǎi sè lín Zhang had orchestrated the entire evening to ensure that she would cross paths with her friend Allison and finally get to see who was the woman that Victor could never forget.

As soon as Kǎi sè lín saw Katarine for the first time, and realized that she was truly beyond compare, Kǎi sè lín or Cath instantly got annoyed and felt inferior toward her beauty and charisma. Despite her initial jealousy, Cath knew she had to put on a brave face and make the most of the evening. But this wasn't something Kǎi sè lín could accept. She took it as a treat and never expected Katarine to have so much more than just a beautiful face. Kǎi sè lín soon realized that there was much more to Katarine than meets the eye, and she was determined to ruin her.

And like what she used to do back in China whenever Catharine Zhang saw a treat, she would lure her into a trap, ruin her reputation, and even permanently scare the victim physically and socially for life and be free from the consequences of her action.

Seeing the hunger of the men lurking around Katarine Horn Sieger, Cath just needed to push the boundaries of her plan even further. And the best way to do it was with the lure of money. she knew that by exploiting the vulnerability of those desperate for financial gain, she could easily manipulate them into carrying out her dirty work. With greed as her weapon, she was confident that her scheme would unfold exactly as she had envisioned.

"You won't leave this place without a single scratch on your lovely face."

Kǎi sè lín's cold, calculating eyes surveyed the men before her, a smirk playing on her lips as she made her offer. The promise of wealth was a powerful motivator, and she knew they would do whatever it took to secure their share.

" guard fetch me those group of young men their and lead them here at the Vip lounge."

Kǎi sè lín's plan was coming together seamlessly, and her manipulation skills were honed to perfection. She knew that, with the right amount of charm and cunning, she could easily bend these men to her will.

As the group of men joined Kǎi sè lín and offered them a chance to feed their desires, she gave them the chance as she gathered the most ravishingly hostess, at her fiancées club, and used them to her plan . Kǎi sè lín knew that by appealing to their desires and using her charm, she could easily manipulate them into following her lead. The men were completely entranced by the beautiful hostesses and were eager to do whatever Kǎi sè lín asked of them.

Kǎi sè lín had already accumulated a certain amount of time in the city, so she was able to obtain many pieces of information about Katarine Horn Sieger. And this made her confident in her ability to execute her plan successfully. With the knowledge she had gathered, Kǎi sè lín Zhang saw that Katarine was just lucky and born into a wealthy family, and in her eyes, she was weak and basically relied on her family's wealth and influence to get by.

"She's just a pretty face."

Kǎi sè lín Zhang knew that her own intelligence and resourcefulness would be enough to outsmart someone like Katarine. She was determined to prove that success was not just about luck or family connections, so with a bundle of cash, she gave the five men to rally more behind them and wreak havoc on Katarine Horn Siegert night.

With a greedy smile these five men took the money and simply asked Kǎi sè lín to let their people in and give the front row seats as they sexually harassed Katarine. As the plan unfolded, Kǎi sè lín realized that her cunning strategy was working even better than she had anticipated.

Katarine was able to reach Allison Dwight and asked her what she was doing here at the club, Allison was shocked to see Katarine, and given that this club is owned by Victor, Allison told Katarine her boyfriend was the one who invited her. And mention that it was a random coincidence that they were both there at the same time. Allison explained that she had no idea about Victor's involvement with the club and was just there to meet friends for a casual night out.

"So who sent me the invitation?"

"I really don't know,"

" I just came here with Howard."

"So you are not involved with and deal with the Romanov family,"

"Of course not, Kat."

"This is just a normal night out for me. And Howard."

"By the way, Allison is your feeble boyfriend."

"Come on, Kat don't be like that to Howard; he promises me."

"To what change? He will never betray me."

"Let's just enjoy the night and not worry about any drama."

Katarine hesitated and sighed, realizing that she was overthinking things as usual. She decided to take Allison's word for it and focus on having a good time at the party. When more people started to enter the club, Katarine could feel someone watching her every move with malicious intent. She tried to brush off the feeling and continued dancing with her friends, but the unease lingered in the back of her mind. she made a mental note to stay alert and keep an eye out for any potential trouble.

It didn't take a lot of time, as the five men had already gathered their henchmen around the club. These were your average hire thugs who lived a life of crime and violence just to get by and earn money to feed their addiction. One of the five men that Kǎi sè lín Zhang lured was delighted to do business with her.

"We know who you are, Ms. Kǎi sè lín Zhang."

"We somewhat also know your fiancée, Victor.."

" So this means you better not try anything funny or else he might just end up in some serious trouble." With a smirk, Kǎi sè lín Zhang replied,

" We wouldn't dream of it. Let's get down to business."

"The people joining the game are a group of addicts; we used to do our little social games,"

"We would never do this, but with the cash you just shared, and the opportunity that came with this meeting, is the start of our beautiful partnership."

"Just make sure you keep your end of the deal, and we won't have any problems,"

Kǎi sè lín Zhang said confidently.

"Yes, of course just make sure we get to meet the man behind the powder."

"We know it's not Victor; it's somebody in your organization,"

Zhang replied with a sly smile.

"Don't worry, you'll meet him soon enough,"

she assured them before turning to leave the room.

"Are you sure this is wise? This is Katarine Horn Siegert were talking about here,"

"So? Guys, listen to me , this is an opportunity of a lifetime; we can't back out now."

"Trust me, everything will go smoothly as long as we stick to the plan."

"The Zhang clan is not just into construction and real estate; they have connections in the underworld as well. They are a force to be reckoned with in both legitimate and illegal businesses."

"The Romanov family will soon be the largest sole distributor of that same powder."

"being part of the distribution network is worth this risk,"

"we are talking about millions with a snap of a finger."

"and beside guys,"

"Having another scandal on her long list of controversies wouldn't be ideal for her reputation."

"Let's proceed with caution and ensure we have all our bases covered already."

"Those fools are already in the area; I already texted them what to do and sent Katarines pictures."

"Guys, just enjoy the entertainment."

The five men were actually all related, as they forcibly physically assaulted the club hostess and drank the most expensive alcohol. That Kǎi sè lín Zhang provided them just to further intoxicate them. To follow her command. The suffering the female hostess was enduring was unimaginable, and the men's actions were deplorable. But compared to what their underlings will do to Katarine Horn Siegert will be even more heinous and brutal. The men's behavior was just the beginning of a much darker and sinister plan that would unfold.

While waiting, Ethan was enjoying some music in the car. The majority of the people who had been waiting outside the club began to depart, and he observed numerous individuals who were suspicious and whose strange behaviors and movements suggested that they might not be trustworthy. As Ethan watched from the safety of the car, he couldn't shake the feeling that something dangerous was about to happen.

Ethan made sure to be prepared in case something happened. He always wore a paracord bracelet. He opened the Rolls-Royce club compartment and saw a few useful things, like a thick magazine and some one inch duck tape. Ethan was hoping to find better equipment, but it was better than nothing. He took the magazine and used the small roll of duck tape to wrap warp the magazine around his arm and secure it with tape. With the paracord rope he got from the survival bracelet, he had about eight feet of usable rope,

So Ethan just cut the rope and again wrapped it around the arm guard he made from the magazine and duck tape to make it more secure and durable. This makeshift arm guard would provide some protection from possible force encounters. After he took the buckle lock with a small folded cutter and laced it inside his tailored and branded attire, he removed his jacket and made sure to roll his sleeves down to hide his make shift arm guard and prevent any interference with the security guards in case he needed to enter the high-end club.