
I am in love with the Demon Princess

She was everything I'd ever dreamed of in a woman - charming, sweet, and utterly mysterious. We spent hours talking, her laughter like wind chimes in the breeze, her intellect sharp and insightful. I was captivated, falling deeper into the abyss of her charm with every passing moment. But as the days turned into weeks, a subtle shift occurred. Her gaze, once warm and inviting, began to flicker with a chilling intensity. Her laughter, once light and carefree, grew tinged with a darker undercurrent. Whispers followed her, hushed and secretive, speaking of a power she held and a lineage she concealed. One moonlit night, under the watchful gaze of a full moon, she confessed her true identity. She was the Demon Princess, a being of ancient magic and forbidden power. My heart, once filled with love, is now pounded with a mixture of fear and fascination. The woman who had stolen my heart was also a creature of legend, a being of darkness and light, a contradiction that both terrified and enthralled me. This was no ordinary love story; it was a tale of forbidden desires and impossible choices, a journey into the depths of a love that defied all boundaries.

illorien · Fantasie
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30 Chs

Such a pointless thing to do.

Chapter 23

Lush Coco was about to lose consciousness when Katarine let go of him. He fell motionless on the Persian carpet. The desk beside Lush Coco was ruined, but it was still functional. Only the glass top cover was shattered into a million pieces, reflecting the dim light of the room. she stood over Lush Coco, her eyes filled with regret. Her anger was gradually subsiding and her protruding small devil horns were fading like dust particles in the air.

Lush Coco was out of breath, and his vision was still blurry as he struggled to regain his senses. Katarine kneeled down beside him, her voice soft with concern as she reached out to help him up. "I'm so sorry, just yield," she whispered, her eyes filled with tears as she realized the extent of the damage she had caused.

"You are family, so be mindful that having the same blood cursing into vain has a powerful bond that cannot be broken by mere disagreements." With a heavy heart, she knew that their relationship would never be the same after this incident. She could only hope that time would heal the wounds between them.

But Lush Coco was so sick and tired of being treated like second class and knew he had to stand up for himself, even if it meant risking their relationship. He took a deep breath, and as soon as he could, he grabbed a piece of broken glass that came from Monica's office desk table and swung it into Katarine's face.

Monica screamed and rushed toward the two but Lush Coco's action was the final nail in the coffin. Monica was near the exit door and was about seven feet away from them when Katarine's anger just burst out of control, as the air in the office, once unremarkable, was suddenly choked by a thick, invisible fog. It wasn't the acrid scent of smoke or the cloying sweetness of perfume; it was something far more insidious, a silent, deadly predator. Katharine, the source of this terrifying transformation, stood frozen, her face contorted in a silent scream. Her sweat glands, normally mundane producers of perspiration,

had become monstrous, unleashing a torrent of chlorine trifluoride, a gas so reactive it could burn through concrete and gravel with the same ease a hot knife cuts through butter. Each molecule of this volatile compound was a tiny inferno, exceeding the oxidizing power of oxygen itself, capable of igniting without any external spark.

The Monica's office, once a haven of paperwork and mundane tasks, was now a crucible of chemical chaos, the air itself a raging conflagration fueled by the very essence of Katharine's terrified biology. The once-familiar walls, the desks, the chairs—everything in the room was now a potential fuel source, awaiting the inevitable, horrifying act of combustion.

Monica had no choice but to quickly run out of her office room. Her reaction speed was now tripled as she ran with all four legs and just jumped all over the office staff desk, headed toward the fire exit at the end of the corridor, and just scurried toward the left. But the blast and force of the explosion were so fast it propelled everything around the office floor and just ignited everything on its path. Lucky for her, the force pushed Momo into a fire exit door, and she was able to escape the area just in time before it was consumed with fire .

The emergency response was swift and effective, preventing any casualties, despite the intensity of the explosion. Dozens of firefighters came with an equal amount of medical staff and an ambulance. Reporters from all over the city flock together as the fire is miraculously contained within a half hour.

At the same time, amidst the chaos and pandemonium, Katarine sat with unyielding composure at the cafeteria table. The inferno that raged outside the establishment enveloped the building in a suffocating embrace, casting an eerie glow upon the otherwise mundane surroundings. Thick billows of smoke curled upward, obscuring the ceiling and mingling with the acrid scent of burning wood.

The deafening roar of sirens pierced the air as firefighters and medical personnel rushed to the scene, their presence adding a surreal element to the unfolding nightmare. Yet, within this maelstrom of panic and fear, Katarine remained an island of tranquility. Her gaze was fixed on Lush Coco, who sat across from her, his eyes wide with terror. Despite the imminent danger, Katarine's demeanor exuded an almost eerie calm, as if the chaos unfolding around her held no sway over her inner sanctum.

The people who were in the cafeteria never noticed the two entering the cafeteria, despite the fact that there was only one entrance and exit in the cafeteria. The surreal calmness of Katarine amidst the chaos seemed to create a bubble of obliviousness around her, shielding her from the frantic energy of those around her. The security just frantically helped the staff to safety, while the two just sat there.

What was happening might be the most sublime and weird thing to encounter, as Katarine was completely unfazed. The only time she said anything was when she asked about the conditions of the staff members who came in today. Monica was there, and Sonia was crying and in shock, but Katarine remained calm and collected, offering support and assistance where needed. She knew that in times of crisis, it was important to stay level-headed and provide a sense of stability for those around her. She asked for the head medical team leader to brief her about the status of her people; she called the firefighter team leader and asked about the status of the flame.

leaving the building's administrative floor severely damaged but repareable with no loss of life. The cause of the explosion is still under investigation, but authorities are praising the quick actions of those involved in the emergency response. The firefighters worked tirelessly to ensure the safety of everyone involved, and their efforts paid off, as no injuries were reported.

News broke out, and the final report confirmed that the explosion was caused by a gas leak. The personnel who were at the location that day received compensation and counseling for any trauma experienced. The building is expected to be fully repaired and operational within the next few months. While Lush Coco just remained silent about what happened and just followed what Katarine ordered and accepted his new job and place of designation, Monica and all her staff had a choice, but they had to relocate toward a shopping mall that was fully functioning and was never damaged by the fire.

The city engineers and the fire inspector's final assessment produced a thorough diagnostic report on the burned floor. Although the fire was large, it was not strong enough to completely destroy the concrete or compromise its structural integrity, particularly the primary support beams that supported the entire big building. As a result, the hotel and shopping center were spared. The sprinkler system in the building was also cited by the fire inspector as having been crucial in keeping the fire under control and limiting additional damage.

Furthermore, the seventh floor passed the fire inspection with remarkable resilience, maintaining structural integrity despite the significant damage. The city engineers recommended minor repairs and updates to ensure the building's ongoing safety for future occupants, ensuring its continued functionality and reliability. Additionally, the quick response and coordination of the fire department played a key role in containing the fire before it spread further. The building's robust construction and safety measures were commended for their effectiveness in protecting both property and lives during the emergency.

Katarine had to take responsibility and admit she got carried away with her emotions, so to atone for this, she offered her office to Monica and just worked where she wanted to, knowing she hardly used the office anyway. She mostly went there to sign papers, meet up with clients, and conduct department heads meetings. She insisted on this because she just wants to indulge in the idea again that she could work anywhere, no matter what the condition may be; she just needs her smartphone. And a place to sit,

Monica called all available staff to come in to the office on a Sunday and help the utility manage and salvage any important papers that didn't get burned. And despite the inconvenience, everyone showed up ready to assist in any way they could. Monica was grateful for their dedication and teamwork during this unexpected crisis. Katarine was also hoping to alleviate her cousin's stress and show her support during this difficult time. She brought food and drinks for everyone, working tirelessly to salvage the important papers.

Monica and Sonia wanted to talk her out of this foolish notion and just spontaneously go anywhere and turn it into her private office space, but she remained adamant in her decision. Monica and Sonia eventually realized that she was truly content with her unconventional work setup and decided to support her in any way they could. Because, honestly they can't do anything about it.

When the epidemic first started, she acted in this manner when everyone was working from home.For two years, she worked in their zen-inspired botanical garden, which was the most airy spot in her house. A handful of her staff also chose to work there with her, finding the peaceful environment conducive to their productivity. Despite initial doubts from others, they all thrived in this unique work setting, proving that sometimes thinking outside the box can lead to unexpected success.

Katarine just took her phone and left the area, and she casually walked away like nothing significant had just happened yesterday, knowing it was Sunday morning and they were all at the office trying to salvage any equipment or documents at the scene. She just told everybody who came this day that they would be paid extra and not to worry about the situation, as everything would be taken care of. Her calm demeanor and quick thinking helped to reassure her colleagues during a stressful time. And I just like that with a big smile she just left.

"Geez. You love her, and you hate her at the same time."

"Such a pointless thing to do, the entire floor is now filled with ash and wet papers,"

" I hope you can clear this mess up, Ethan."

"What are you mumbling about, Monica?"

"It's nothing, Sonia. Anyway, let's get back to work."

" Wow.. i love my job."

After a few hours many changes were implemented immediately , especially for those who were supposed to start working at the main administrative office building connected to the Siegert hotel luxury hotel and shopping mall on Monday. Ethan saw the news at a later time, as he was busy honing his skills on a Sunday. A text came from the head human resources director, informing the four newly hired employees to proceed to a particular address; this will be their temporary working area until the decorative floor is still being repaired.