
What The Heck Happened To Robin

Robin folded her arm and entered Zach's car. He had it brought in by his personal assistant. Robin held a lost expression on her face making Zach slightly worried.

"are you okay?.. what happened in there?" Zach tried touching but as usual she moved away avoiding his touch.

Zach clenched his hand and teeth wondering what was wrong with him.

" Robin" Zach gently called but she didn't reply just keep staring outside leaning her head on the window.

"why does it feels like you are avoiding me?" Zach asked feeling angry but decided not to scare Robin.

"am not avoiding you" Robin replied after some moment of silence.

"yes you are not avoiding me but to be more specific you are avoiding my touch like I have some disgusting thing on my hand" Zach raised his voice a little higher really distracted with the cold shoulder Robin is giving.

"it's true am avoiding your touch but to be more specific am avoiding all males touch right now" Robin shifted her position to rest her head on the seat facing the car ceiling.

"why are you avoiding all males touch?" Zach asked.

"something personal that I don't wish to share. Please for tonight and possibly the next few days avoid me or try not to come close to me" Robin said flatly her voice lacking the usual dull tone.

The tone she used now is more lifeless than the one she have been using ever since he knew her. Something is definitely off and it will be best to find out and help her before it consume her fully.

"please drive Zach am feeling sleepy" Robin closed her eyes.

"no I won't" For once trying to be hard on Robin Zach raised his voice" until you tell me what happened in there"

Robin opened her eyes and faced him, she bit her lower lips and signed tiredly.

" Fine" Robin signed.

Zach beamed into a big smile. His smile went flat when he saw her open the car door and walked out. Jumping outside he held her hand.

Robin shivered and quickly pulled her hand out of his grip leaving a few feet between them.

"why did you leave?" Zach asked his eyes dull. He noticed the way she quickly pulled her hand and leave space between them.

"you said until I tell you my secret I can't ride in there tonight" Robin replied deadpanned turing around she began walking.

Zach ran up catching up to her.

" besides I need fresh air. The breeze seem to be talking" Robin muttered.


Robin entered the huge living,it has a simple conservative family style to it.

" it always feels welcoming" Robin muttered to herself closing her eyes.

Opening them back revealed a dull eyes,those pair of brown circles look lifeless unlike yesterday when they still had a spark of hope,it felt like ever soul was sucked out of it.

Fred walked up to her and offered a comforting smile but Robin just nodded.

" who is it?" Fred asked leading her to the study.

" it is the same family" Robin scoffed placing her hand in her sweater pocket sitting down in the sofa.

" tell me the name of the person" Fred gave her some cookies he had prepared ahead and sat down on the seat by the table.

"it's the same family so I guess they all have the same traits" Robin shrugged her shoulders.

" every person have different traits Robin" Fred shook his head.

He signed" I guess it is Damien seeing that lifeless look am sure it is him" Fred smiled.

Robin pursed her lips into thin line before nodding" it's him" she signed.

" what did he do?" Fred asked.

" he hugged me and tried to like show intimacy and the thing happened again...my body reacted to it" Robin said flatly crushing the cookies between her teeth before swallowing it.

" did he show signs of that incidence like you understand?" Fred asked.

Robin tried remembering the night before but felt like a giant pump in her throat.

She nodded" yes..yes he did" she tried to keep her voice steady.

Fred placed his face on his knuckles with his elbows resting on the table. He scrunched his face thinking for a while before his face beam up into a big smile.

"that's a good thing" Fred pop up.

"how is it a good thing?" Robin clenched her teeth trying not to sound angry.

"you didn't actually break down like you did back then" Fred pointed.

"thanks for reminding me" Robin whispered shrinking back into the sofa.

"what I mean is" Fred gave her a face that he heard her" it is a good thing as in he can help you get over that year"

"I told you am already over that but I don't think I can go back there they are families the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" Robin shook her head adamantly.

"You aren't completely over that Robin!" Fred said sternly" if he can affect you to feel fear and something more he is better than the rest you have gotten close to.He can help you better than I can" Fred said.

"see Fred I really can't..I don't know why but I felt something else then and I don't want to feel it again..that family are nothing but bad news" Robin refused.

"that bad news is good news to you..think Robin! the sooner you get over this the better it is for you..you need this!" Fred held her shoulders.

" Fred I don't think so" Robin shook he head.

" Robin think about it..." Fred tried to talk but Robin interrupted him.

Robin held up her palm at his face" tell me the pros and cons" Robin said.

"now you sound like a true Red" Fred smiled widely" the business family"

"see Robin apart from fear there is the other emotion you spoke about right. I know what that is but I can't tell you now because if I want you find that out yourself" Fred went back to his seat.

"that's a con Fred" Robin. said flatly.

"fine. Think of it as you going into the enemy base to find out more information since you are going to take them down one day" Fred signed saying it in a way he was sure Robin would love.

' if that day ever comes' thought Fred.

"I like that. You should have said it from the beginning" Robin smiled a little life coming back her her eyes.


Diego stick his ear closely to the door and quickly went into one of the rooms nearby when he heard them coming out.

"so remember Robin..just try to bear with it till I say you can leave" He heard his brother.

"good bye" Diego heard Robin's voice.

"lemme see you off to the door"

Diego took his phone and quickly opened the notebook app writing all he heard.

"what the heck happened to Robin that year?" Diego muttered.