

It was raining, not much not light,but enough to annoy some people.

"arghh!!!" Robin groaned angrily. Of all days for the rain to fall, it is now on the day she forgot her umbrella at one of her numerous workplace.

She was running late to the next one, by half pass seven and the time was currently at quarter past seven already. It will take her thirty minutes it she walked.

If she decides to go get her umbrella, she would have to run two blocks away and the place she was going to was also two blocks away.

"when I reach there, I would dry my clothes" she muttered as has leave the shop she was hiding in.

"ready... go" Robin sprinted in the rain and ran fast to her next work.

A five star restaurant, known for only the rich an appointment had to be booked three months ahead to get a table.

Robin ran forward to the gate, no need to show her employee ID. This guards would recognize her from a mile away. They have been hitting on her for a long time now and have been trying to get into her pants, but she kept it cool with them, like a lot of guys face her that kind of eye, so she kinda get used to it.

"hey beautiful" A guard smiled at her but his expression suddenly turned to a deep frown as he saw how soaking wet she is"what happened?"

"didn't have enough money for a cab and forgot my umbrella somewhere so ran here" Robin shrugged like running in the rain is nothing.

" In this rain? " He asked eyes widened in surprise and shock.

" so? "Robin shook her head.

" aren't you going to catch a cold? "the guard asked concerned.

" I and fever parted ways a long time ago"Robin chuckled" now open the gates for me Zach am freezing my butt off outside here"Robin held her arms, rubbing them to create heat to warm herself.

" sorry" Zach the guard opened the employee door leading to the locker room" see you later"

" don't wait you idiot"Robin ran in.

" oh my gosh a ghost!! "A girl screamed in horror at the sight of Robin.

All eyes turned to Robin in fear and they instinctively stepped back.

Well why won't they, with her air in front of her face, all her body soaking wet and her body trembling to the cold, she might not look like someone they should avoid.

"calm down babies" Robin flipped her hair back and revealed her face"I can't even believe you guys can be called men" she faced the men there.

"why stain our floor Robin?" The girl from earlier asked.

"I don't have time for you Debbie" Robin went to her locker.

"you didn't have money for cab again right?" Debbie came over to Robin's side but the latter just ignored" don't worry I can borrow you some later"

"thanks for the offer Debbie but am good" Robin smiled picking up her employee uniform and went to the shower to get changed.

Everyone always change to their uniform there by their locker, only Robin never did and always head for the shower.

"if I receive my salary today, I will have enough for Joy's gift, my school fees but no apartment option" Robin listed it on her fingers" I need next month's"


"mi lady"Damien smiled, opening the the car door for his girlfriend Vanessa.

" thank you mi.... gentleman" Vanessa giggled as she entered with Damien shutting it behind her.

Damien entered the car and drove off to the restaurant he had booked for them for the evening.

His car drove straight into the large compound and went straight to the parking area underground. He could have just given the key to a valet but he needed a moment to clear his mind.

" we have arrived my lady"he opened the door again like a gentle man.

" thanks babe"she got down and placed a gentle peck on his cheek.

" shall we? "He stretch his hand to which she cheerfully took and they walked up to the reception.

"my..." Damien opened his mouth to talk but the receptionist interrupted.

"Mr Damien" she yelled excitedly and her hands flew to her mouth"my, my, am just a really big fan of yours"

Damien knew exactly what she was saying"yes" he rolled his eyes and groaned.

"mm" Vanessa elbowed him a little at the side.

Damien smiled at his girlfriend politeness,even though she knew the reason of Damien's fan club existence. Damien wasn't a footballer or musician or even an actor,he didn't run a company that put h in front of the media always. It was his face,body and wealth that earned him that fan club. He do love the attention but sometimes it was an unnecessary hassle.

"I would love your autograph" She extended a book and pen.

Damien smiled grumpily and gave a fake signature.

"and on this too" she brought out a shirt to which Damien signed grumpily.

'i need food not the sugar rush fan'he groaned inwardly.

"and on..."

"can we just get our table?" Damien rudely interrupted her.

"oh..how rude of me,let me escort you to your table" she came out of her cubicle and escorted them to their reserved table, at the center of the dining room.

"thank you miss..?" Vanessa narrowed her eyes to the name tag"miss Debbie, and I will make sure he signs all your stuff later,he is just like this because he is hungry"

A waiter came" sir ,madam,what would you have for this evening?"

"I have a reserved order for Damien strong" Damien replied.

" let me check" The waiter went to the receptionist and came back a few moments later" okay one special dinner coming up" He smiled knowingly and leave.

" what special dinner?"Vanessa nudge Damien.

" something special to congratulate my lady on her new contract and more" Damien grinned.

"if not my dad insisting I take it,I wouldnt,that contract was only given to me to get closer to your company"Vanessa crossed her arms angrily.

" no,no baby,you deserve it" Damien stretch his arm across the table to hold hers" you really do"

"thanks,you always make me feel better" Vanessa kissed his knuckles.

Damien hurriedly stood up as he saw the waiter approaching. They both exchange glances and nodded in agreement.

"nessa,will you excuse me? I forgot something in the car" he smiled at her before running to his car.

Damien leaned on his car taking a deep breath.

'am I sure I want to do this?' he asked himself.

Damien had planned to propose to Vanessa tonight,but something in his heart kept pulling him back,holding him down. That thing was calling unto him to stop from day one when he started dating Vanessa,he felt guilty towards that tiny speck in his heart and now that he wanted to propose, it was still holding him back.


Something fell on the floor behind his car and he heard someone curse.

"sh*t,am so clumsy today" A voice cursed.

Damien rushed over to behind his car to check it out,but who he saw there made his heart leap. His face suddenly darken,with years of age long coldness