
I am in ATG, I have a Chat Group

I am in ATG, I have a Chat Group Current Members: Mu Xuanyin- Against the Gods Bibi Dong - Douluo Dalu Gu Yuena - Douluo World. Yun Yun - BTTH Ya Fei - BTTH, Yang Xin - ToDaG Xiao Ning'er - ToDaG Extra chapters on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski Support me, If you can.

Kaoski · Anime und Comics
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65 Chs

Introducing everyone!

Separating, Mu Xuanyin and Xiao Xianzhi looked into each other's that were full of lust and they had a bridge of saliva connecting their lips.

Minutes later, they sat in the room, acting as if nothing had happened and seeing this, Mu Bingyun and Gu Yuena couldn't hold back anymore and rushed at him.

Again, a few hours passed with Xiao Xianzhi kissing Gu Yuena and Mu Bingyun, and the only reason they stopped was because they sensed others waking up.

"Later," Xiao Xianzhi muttered while looking at them, and they nodded at him.

The first one to wake up was Bibi Dong, followed by Xiao Ning'er and Yun Yun, and then Yang Xin and Ya Fei.

They all looked around and then their eyes fell on Xiao Xianzhi, who sat with many women around him. Seeing this, Ya Fei's expression changed, and she felt uncomfortable, and before anyone could speak, Xiao Xianzhi asked, "How are you all feeling?"

"Hmm! Hmm! No, I feel like I am in my world," Bibi Dong muttered as she tried to sense her cultivation and a few rings appeared behind her. Seeing this, she narrowed her eyes and muttered, "All the Spirit Energy in my body had changed to Profound Energy, but I can use it like I have been using it for years."

"This means we can cultivate here, and the energy gained would just switch to our world's energy when we leave the world." Yang Xin said and a ball of Fire appeared in her hand and she started to manipulate it.

Others nodded with her and seeing this, Xiao Xianzhi nodded, and he sighed in relief.

"Anyways, let me introduce you all."

"She is Bibi Dong, followed by Xiao Ning'er, Ya Fei, Yun Yun and Yang Xin."

"From my left side, She is Mu Bingyun, Mu Xuanyin, Xiao Ling, and then, Xia Qingyue, and at last you all know her, Gu Yuena."

They nodded at each other, remembering their names, and Ya Fei muttered, "Are they your fiancees?"

She said while looking in Xiao Ling and Xia Qingyue's direction, and hearing her question, Xia Qingyue smiled and said, "Yes, we all are his Fiancées."

A stunned expression appeared on their faces and looking at Mu Xuanyin and Gu Yuena, they didn't know what to say. Seeing their reaction, Gu Yuena grinned and said, "As I said so, I will become his wife or he will be mine, I lost to him and now I am his wife."

"What about me? You said that you will accept the relationship when there is a way for world travel." Ya Fei said suddenly with an anxious look on her face and hearing her, Xiao Xianzhi smiled and said, "We have all the time we need, and before thinking about being in a relationship, wouldn't it be better to know about me and spend time with me?"

"Xianzhi, I am going to look around the world," Yang Xin said suddenly and they all looked at her.

"You just want to look for ingredients for Alchemy, right?" Ya Fei asked and Yang Xin nodded at her.

"It's a new world, there are many ingredients not known out there, how can I just sit here and listen to your love life?" Yang Xin asked while looking at everyone and their expression changed as they heard this.

"Love life? What are you talking about?" Yun Yun frowned as she heard this and Yang Xin smirked in her direction and said, "Oh? Do you really want me to tell what I know?"

"If you want to leave, Ling'er will take you around, what do you think, Ling'er?"

"Hmm? Sure, I also want to talk with them and maybe, I will get to know a few things that will benefit me," Xiao Ling said while looking at Yang Xin, and seeing her, Yang Xin shuddered as she felt her Demon Beasts getting suppressed by her.

Before she could say anything, Xiao Ling appeared around her and both of them disappeared from the place and seeing this, Xiao Xianzhi looked at Yun Yun and asked, "What about you? Do you want to look around too?"

"No, I..." Yun Yunn stopped in between as she looked at Bibi Dong, who was nodding at her and then she nodded as she saw this.

"It seems you also want to look around," Xiao Xianzhi said and Bibi Dong nodded at him, and they were taken away by Mu Bingyun.

"These guys," Ya Fei muttered with a smile on her face as she understood why they had left. After all, now the only ones in the room are the ones who have a relationship with him, and looking at Mu Xuanyin, Ya Fei asked, "Since when you two were in a relationship?"

"A few hours ago, we confirmed our relationship," Mu Xuanyin said with a smile on her face and Ya Fei had a surprised expression on her face.

"Let's talk," Xia Qingyue said while looking at Ya Fei, and her expression changed as she heard this.

"Zhi'er, leave us, We need to talk about a few things with her," Xia Qingyue said and Xiao Xianzhi raised his brows as he heard this. A stunned expression appeared on his face as he understood why Xiao Ling and Mu Bingyun took them away and before he could speak more, Gu Yuena appeared beside him and they disappeared from the place.

"What do you want to talk about, Sister?" Ya Fei asked with a smile on her face and hearing her, Xia Qingyue smiled and said, "I want you to stop pestering him, You snake."

"Snake?" Ya Fei asked with a frown on her face and Xia Qingyue appeared in front of her and said, "I can see your heart and see what you really want. Tsk! I have expected bitches like you to appear around him, but I didn't expect someone close to him would be a bitch."

"I won't say many things, Stop your fucking scheming or I don't mind destroying your fucking life even if you are a member of his group."

Xia Qingyue said with a cold expression on her face. Since the start, she had been looking at everyone and at their hearts.

Among them, she noticed Ya Fei's mentality about becoming Xiao Xianzhi's favorite, making others lose his favor and all etc. shits that happen in Harem.

She could also see her greed and lust for power, and if she wanted his support, Xia Qingyue wouldn't mind, but she wanted to make use of Xiao Xianzhi and make him hers.

Hearing her words, Ya Fei narrowed her eyes and said, "I don't understand what you are trying to say."

"Heh! I couldn't care about your greed for power and status, but if you think you can separate us from him and play around, You are mistaken. Even though it is just a part of your personality, it's annoying to watch. He has just accepted his condition and he has many things to care and think about."

"I don't want any unnecessary things to be added to his list, especially something related to feelings and emotions. So, either kill your personality and thoughts or stop getting close to him. Because if you do and something fucked up happens because of you, even if it will make him hate me, I will fucking kill you."

"I won't," Ya Fei said while looking at Xia Qingyue's cold eyes and she felt pressure on herself.

She kept on staring in her eyes even when the pressure on her increased. Looking at this, Xia Qingyue snorted and said, "We will see,"

"So, I can interact with him, Sister?" Ya Fei asked with a smile appearing on her face, not bothered about what happened before and seeing this, Xia Qingyue didn't say anything and looked at Mu Xuanyin.

Mu Xuanyin nodded at her and said, "Chi Wuyao wants to talk with her and she will be looking out for her. When we will be in Divine Realms, she will be coming to my Realm."

Xia Qingyue nodded as she heard this, and the atmosphere in the room changed back to normal.


I had ideas of other fics, and when I tried to write these two, I couldn't come up with anything. Well, the idea about the other fanfic was about a Hyuga with Ope Ope No Mi, and I wrote around 20-30K words. So sorry for this, I will try to make the updates regular.


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