
Labyrinth of the Forgotten

 A Clash of swords echo in training hall, Rainos and Sheena jump back at opposing ends seemingly standing still, 2 min go by the 2 still standing at opposing side a guard says i wonder who is making the first move another says, I'm more surprised that it has not rained yet because of all….the….thunder*looking up* another guard yells why can i see more of them on the walls up above the area look some are there and look over here. Leonides: it seems i need to train you soldiers more harshly those are after images the thunder you hear is those 2 clashing i expected Sir Rainos but not in all my years did i think Sheena was capable of this level of swordsmanship its like that sword Sir Rainos made was already Sheena's to begin with. Umbra tracks my Movements along with Leonides *whispers* Miss Umbra can you see them i can barely keep up, *looking over Whispering back* i can its amazing swordsmanship and the insane thing is that Sheena is getting better before her swings were wild and feral now they seem more controlled and with purpose its like the swords they wield are guiding them I think I'm going to ask Rainos to make me a new set of Daggers if i can grow like Sheena. (I want to walk by his side till the end of whatever this new life is) Clashing of swords continue to crescendo the training arena most of the Guards go to the infirmary to rest while the elites come back from their tasks although the queen Sanctioned duel she looks toward Umbra and state that everything is ready to attempt to rescue the King. Umbra accesses her Party Chat function to let me know that it's time. R: Sheena let's stop here S: breathing heavily eyes rolled back falls to the ground. Leonides goes to her it seems she was knocked out, it's possible she was fighting with instinct alone. R: she was incredible it was if i was fighting on equal terms but i held back quite a lot I would say that was a good warm up, as i look toward my sword no dings or bents show although a glorious shine does emerge. Maahes shakes in my hand as i was about to equip it then it says that it would like to be wielded by Umbra Maahes says it feels a strange pull ontward Umbra. R: Umbra come here i know you probably want 2 Daggers similar with growth but it seems my Dagger would like to be with you. U: what does that mean *Holds Maahes* R: (before i gave Maahes away i released the contract) Umbra give it some of your blood to overtake my contract with this blade for it will be yours and will guide you to new heights. U: ok *uses the other Dagger and gives a drop of blood a shine surges and Maahes becomes a new blade along with the other blade seemingly matching with Maahes. While Umbra walks away muttering to her blade the Queen comes to me and tells me that the sooner we can do this the better. I look over R: Umbra and Sheena come to me it's time we head out Sheena perks up yes my Lord as she gets off her piggyback ride from Leonides. R: how long were you awake just a few minutes it was nice to feel my fathers back before i left Leonides: You cheeky brat. Q: lets go to site where they teleported your requested items along with the Kings Clothing is there along with the wood logs and Stone you requested is here. R: thank you everyone *i turn to the items neatly placed and place them in my inventory. Q: oh my that is certainly convenient R: when we get back with your King I will make sure to make a magic bag for you and your descendants in the future, here is the amulet to which allows you passage into the Labyrinth.

I reach over and my appraisal magic reads "Key to Underworld - this amulet is the key to the LOST FORGOTTEN ANCIENT CITY" interesting. Q: what is wrong? R: my Queen you should have received an appraisal magic along with your recent awakening please use that skill on the Amulet. 

Q: oh my Never have we known about this if we were to conquer the Labyrinth below then we may be able to. Luna comes in the room and yells im going too. R: Luna we talked about this it's too dangerous. She pouts knowing its true, R: look we will be back soon the other reason i want you to stay back is because your mother will be even more worried about your safety she would send Leonides along with you, if that happens who will guard her Majesty? Q: Luna he is right i only trust Leonides to look after you if you do go with Sir Rainos. R: Luna stay put and await for my return *i kiss her cheek* a beet red Luna with steam emits above her hiding behind her Mother she responds make sure to return with Father he definitely will want to speak to all of us. Q: brave heroes thank you for aiding our kingdoms time of need may you find my Husband the King alive. I obtain the amulet Umbra and Sheena hold onto my shoulder on their respected sides, I say the action command "ENTER" and we teleport ourselves into what looks like a gateway no one around, R: looks like they went in before we progress Sheena come here *I then hand her a Paper slip and see if it is possible for anyone to obtain the right to the Status Screen*. Sheena hold the paper and sees the strange writing "OK? Is there a purpose to this my Lord?" R: repeat after me while looking at the writing "OPEN STATUS" S: OPEN STATUS….what is this My lord do you see this box what does it mean by title obtained. R: wait what title did you receive. S: it says " Title - First Demi Human to open Status - Effect evolution can now be obtained Y/N R: Press the Y *Umbra stares at me* Sheena presses the Y she does not change but her Stats Skyrocket and she obtains the Inventory Skill along with the "STORE" but still with the Same restrictions must be a certain level. I decided to give Sheena new Armor mor suited for Agility than the Armor she is used to wearing thankfully the increase in her stats make her more durable than the armor she was wearing, after short introduction into what the status screen does she grasps the and since we don't know what Evolution means for Sheena we will have to wait until it presents the option again. We progress into the Labyrinth a maze of sorts we head further after encountering slimes and skeletons, the Boss room was a Skeleton Knight Squad they went down pretty easy as we continue the 2nd floor pretty much the same layout except for Skeletons in Armor and the occasional Skeleton Knight, Umbra takes out Skelly Knight and finally a drop appears that's not Money its a energy bar so we wait until a respawn occurs and I ask Umbra to solo this 2nd floor after her 10th kill of the Skelly Knights the Energy Bar drops again we do the 2nd floor again and on the 20th kill, one more time but this time Sheena does the solo run, 5th kill on the Skelly Knights the energy Bar drops and now Umbra kills 5 and a energy bar drops it seems if 1 person kills them constant with every encounter they drop a bar then it double with the amount needed for that drop to occur. The 2nd Boss floor was a General Skeleton Knight along with 2 Squads of Warriors and Archers less than 5 minute are over a chest appears with gear and Money we take it and continue, the 3rd floor is where we see signs of life wrappers of the energy bar layed about this time we have groups of Warrior Skeletons and Archers the Boss room was a Squad of Skeleton Generals. The 4th floor has more signs of food but now dried blood, and looks like an arm bracer newly worn by a Skeleton General mob. Once it was defeated the bracer is of one of the Kings guard so says Sheena. The 4th floor Boss was an Undead Commander, with an Elite Squad unit and this is considered a Hidden Boss because we breezed through the other Floors. 1 hour passed and we finally made it to the 5th floor to our surprise the 5th Floor was not a Maze but a grassland area as we look around Umbra decides to scout ahead while Sheena takes a break in all we have spent at least 4 hours here I use the wood and Stone to create a seating area in the plains. An Hour break of eating and resting Umbra comes back with news of an encampment or possibly something similar we make sure Umbra rests for another hour before heading out as i do maintenance on everyone's gear i take the time to sift through the drops we received from the Boss rooms we have a few capes some armor sets and raw material ore that i never seen before the capes i repurpose them to create a spacial tent making it bigger on the inside than how it appears on the outside thankfully this item can be upgraded so i upgrade it until it uses a barrier and a Monster repellant. I bring Sheena and Umbra into the Tent along with myself to sleep in my own bed after an hour and a half more passes by we all awake for a much needed nap Sheena and Umbra become shocked with the tent and its secrets we start our Mission to find the King.

Umbra is taking the lead, R: its crazy that this Grassland is not real but part of this Labyrinth S: the other scary part is that we have only entered a few hours ago U: do you know how far your father went down before? S: My Father went as far as the 3rd floor, the record of the deepest dive was the fifth floor then again no one knew more than one person can go at a time in all the kingdom's records. R: seriously i can't imagine what kind of guards the king must have at his side, I'm more troubled by that bracer we picked up its most likely someone lost their arm. Umbra points at the small encampment located in a deserted town square wood makeshift walls adorn what appears to be wolf carcasses on the spikes the walls are high and jumping over without warning could get us shot by an archer if they are ready. R: HELLO IS THERE ANYONE ALIVE ON THE OTHER SIDE! We hear murmuring then someone calls out are you from the Kingdom. S: Alexios, it's Sheena Daughter of Leonides we have come Provide a rescue. The gate opens and I see a Tiger Beast Man and a Human both wearing armor. The Tiger has 1 arm and as we enter multiple people come out with spears and swords pointing at us S: what is the meaning of this Alexios and Constantine. A: I know who you are but these 2 Humans how do I know they won't kill the King? We have been running away from Assassins that have followed us into here, the People you see before you are residents of this floor. C: I am sorry Sheena but we cannot take this chance. S: Listen to me this Man has become my Soul Partner *Staring at Alexios* I do not say this lightly but this man is no match for any of you, especially Alexios. A: Nonsense if my arm wasn't torn off then i would test your mettle. R: *I look around and I see the people hurt, bruised and wrapped in bandages* Umbra and Sheena stand down *i activate a Area High Heal spell that covers the entire encampment after the bright light subsides* A: what was that Human what did you do *pointing with his missing arm now Healed* C: Alexios, your arm its back and the people are healed. K: These 2 are not assassins if they were, they are completely terrible at their Job. The King steps out unwrapping his Bandages and a Demi Human Lion but more Human than Lion. K: welcome travelers Sheena it is a pleasure to see you, do you have news about my Family. S: yes Sire my Lord Rainos came to our Kingdom and healed everyone in the castle. The 2 walk away to discuss recent events. R: Umbra do a survey of the area lets focus on our 4 quadrants I will take the North and West and you take South East lets meet back here in 10 minutes. C: Please stay for a time its not safe also our scavengers have not come back and we need to make sure not to send a rescue party. R: Umbra take care of yourself no Combat focus on Recon if you see any survivors assist and make sure they get back safely. U: Understood *Jumps Over the wall* R: Constantine bring me to your Storehouse. A: Go Constantine i will stand guard. R: oh Sir Alexios *tosses his Arm Bracer* i believe this is yours. A: thank you Sir Rainos. Constantine shows me a bare bones warehouse. They have areas squared off Food Rations, Drinking Water, Water for everyday use, and Weapons and armor. I also see a Tailor Station and a Blacksmithing area outside. R: Good place but how do you get Water? I do not see any Water available? C: i am the water Source i can use everyday Magic and provide a decent amount of water to peoples containers. R: Before i go Scout I will make use of the Blacksmithing Area. I need to smelt some ore should take me a few moments. I smelt the ore to make a huge container of steel with a spout and i made sure the top has a hole for easy refilling. I use earth magic to create a support frame. Once completed I fill up the container with Water magic purified with an extra benefit of regen/fatigue healing, i also added a magic lining to the metal so the inside basin of water is equivalent to a sizable lake i also created smaller versions of the basin to create a row of showers for the townspeople although I have healed them hygiene is important as i was improving the Camp Umbra came back quicker than i thought she saw my efforts and took it upon herself to scout the remaining zones. I notice Umbra updating the map as she was in the other areas so i decided to upgrade the wooden barricade to a stone wall, Umbra comes back just as i finish she updates the map showing me some areas that have potential survivors that have barricaded their areas a good sign shows sentries of undead Zombies along with Undead Wolves and Undead Goblins Warriors roaming around, The King stated that he could not return due to not having a return stone, since we have one given to us by the queen, I tell the King that although we can return anytime id prefer we save these people first the King agrees. R: Umbra take these potions to any survivors who can't get out let them know help will come soon inspire hope, Sheena i will outfit the villagers with basic gear and with actual weapons, King, Knight Constantine and Knight Alexios I will upgrade your gear and weapons to a class above their stations if you allow me a portion of your blood i will add them to your weapon. A: What vile dark magic is this? Why do you need our blood? S: please look at my sword Sir Rainos created this for me with my blood please try to use it. Alexios scoffs, grabs the sword and falls to the ground. To Alexios it feels as if it is a huge boulder, something that cannot be picked up. Sheena takes her sword back, sheathing it back in her scabbard. R: the reason she is able to wield it is because of her blood infused with the blade it allows only those who have created and those with their blood to use it meaning it can be passed down allowing a true heir to receive the blade so far I've only made one blade and Sheena is that byproduct. R: I again ask you will you allow me to use your blood, your essence to create weapons that carry your will to future generations to come. They agree, and I create a 2 Handed Greatsword that the king uses, Alexios blade turned into a Gladius sword surprisingly and Constantine became a Masonic Longsword their armor has a magic lining allows the wearer to feel lighter and is much more durable i did not add the Ego feature to their weapons but i did allow the weapons to retain will so that their new heirs will inherit the previous users a glimpse of what these people will feel. 

The Labyrinth's Cycle of Darkness is abrupt and quick Umbra comes back to camp to tell me that the undead have started to attack, a slight tapping can be heard I build Watchtowers in a matter of seconds using Wood and Stone to see out a simple magic barrier repels any incoming arrows which helps ease the new archer units i can create enough arrows i tell the new watch tower guards to practice shots and i show them where the barrier ends they need to practice shooting in a certain range of the platforms tower the arrows they have should last them for months in each tower which i have erected in all four sections of the square barricade. Since the most of the people are in the sturdy warehouse to sleep i notice the central area is a fountain I ask the villagers if i can break down the fountain to create a Spire of stone to allow you all to live in the Spire for now until we reclaim the city. The one Elder who was the Mayor stated please sir although this fountain provided hope we see what you have done for us please if you can create something to help by all means. R: Thank you sir, hey Umbra you think i should make a small skyscraper or should i stick to the Fantasy aspect and create a Stone tower? U: Wait are you serious can you even make that *giggles* kinda outta place maybe if you can make a huge apartment complex with a Barrier so the people can live comfortably but they would need 4 exits we can make the lobby for trading the 1st and second floor for crafting and workshops then the rest for living. R: if we do that then lets' use a bigger plot, *looking towards the people* i can create a new living area for all and new people once we reclaim this city i will transform this new building into a hub for your officials and with your permission King i would like to possible set up a transfer gate after being in this space I have been using my analysis skill non-stop and i believe i can set up a transfer point to this location to do so i would need more Return Stones. The King asks is that possible. R: Yes i would need about 50 or about 5 Mana Gems. C: that's impossible K: He looks around then takes off his necklace and says a phrase in the ancient Language a seal is broken and the colored gemstones becomes Mana Gems 5 in total A: But your Majesty is that wise what if he lies. R: i throw a Return stone to Alexios if i am lying use that along with your King and Knight Constantine leaving us here. K: My Daughter and Wife trusts you to find me then i will give you my trust as well, Sir Rainos, how long will it take for everything to be done? R: if we work together then less than 3 days while i build this new tower never before seen Umbra lead a Small detachment to clear the south Zone Sheena will clear out the West with a small detachment as well Knight Constantine can clear out the East and Knight….K: no i will take the North with Alexios then meet with Constantine to clean up any stragglers. A: if that is the Kings orders then we will do so. The Mayor steps up, what can we do? R: we need those who have been practicing their Bow shooting to equip armor and man the Watchtowers it will take me a Days time to create the new Building that will help the women and children to live comfortably and get used to the new living areas. I take out all the Materials i have stored in my Inventory and start to Create the Building while the others have started to clear out the City with the new gear provided the small detachment became scared at first until they struck their targets the undead were felled like paper balls against a flame, after gaining a foothold to freeing a section morning arises and the building is half completed i take an hour break then after my Mana tops up i continue night emerges and i finish the Building 8 Stories tall a Lobby that has empty Shops a Mana powered Elevator the 2nd floor has a section for Workshops, Tailoring, Woodworking, and a Sewing station, as well as a Storage warehouse 3rd floor a Mana powered Laundry area along with a Bathing area Men and Women sectioned area the 4th Floor is a Gym/ Fitness Section, a separate on the other side for a Pub/Bar with a working kitchen and walk in Fridge. 5-8th Floor is all Living Quarters each floor can house 10 families each Apartment has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom with Shower, Living room and Dining room the dining area has a kitchen along with cupboards and a refrigerator, as i explain to the women when i explain how everything works one person asks me how can everything be powered by mana? R: great question since we are in a Labyrinth Mana is stronger here than the outside world so as I have come up with this Mana Filter *I pull out a machine that looks like a Filter Rod* essentially what this machine does it takes in the surrounding Mana and converts the energy evenly to the others placed around the building although I'm not sure the long term effects of this new Machine i will use this building as a test run and after we reclaim this city i will make a necessary upgrade to this model so we can makes sure that if any damage were to occur because of a stray Monster attack you can have replacement filters in a sealed warehouse devoid of Mana. I discuss more parts of the building showing them new ways of living for the next few days the last part is the roof I have implemented 3 Water Basins Bigger in size that the one in the warehouse 2 are filled with water and the 3rd has a Function to use the waste of the water not used or used to Purify and replenish back into the other 2 Water Basins they should last at least 10 yrs time even with all the rooms and Floors below also there are 4 Greenhouses, 2 of them are growing fresh Vegetables along with the other 2 are growing Fruits once we Reclaim the city I will implement a way to add 1 Greenhouse and 1 water basin in all the ruined houses the outside of the houses with look pretty much the same but the interior will be like in those Apartments you have seen below for now please choose your own living Apartments I will rest for a bit here. As i sit most of Women and Children go back down The mayor sits next to me thanking me R: don't worry about Mr. Mayor i will do right by you villagers while i have you here after we reclaim the city i will change the 8 and 7th Floor to Official Offices a Mayors room along with private quarters and a Meeting room the 7th Floor will have Civil Offices, Economy, Laws, and disputes, The 6th Floor we will leave Apartments for the Civil workers families to allow them a much easier time to get home, The 5th Floor will be a School for Children and Young adults along with a small area for kids to play or to express new ideas without worry of feeling bad. Well that's the plan. The mayor wide eyed with hope of something new and amazed by everything he feels like its all a dream. The mayor's Daughter is there hearing everything and is also shocked with my words until she shocks me with her words. The Mayor's Daughter asks for me to bear her children, although i consider it i decline, she pleads to me to reconsider. R: For now I want to focus on our efforts to reclaim this land and set a transport point to the outside world. If that can be done then we will discuss this privately and understand so not a word to my comrades. They both nod their heads while the woman blushes considerably. My thoughts on this were that is this body capable of reproducing i haven't had the urge to nor the reaction to feel sexually attracted to anyone even then when i see this woman's body or when i felt Luna and Umbra on me that one time I thought i would feel something in my lower section but nothing. So could i if the situation of intimacy arose or did i become impotent with this new body. I rest up enough when I come back down to the lobby. I got to thinking what I would give for some coffee. Do they even have coffee in this world? Umbra greets me in the Lobby with a puzzled King, Knights and new Citizens. How are the zones pretty much clear? U: yes a few stragglers but you should be able to start rebuilding the outer walls. R: good i will deconstruct the watchtowers and start working on the outer walls Umbra show the everyone the building most of the families are in the living areas like we discussed oh and i made a few additions to the roof the Mayor's Daughter can tell you anything you missed she was there for my presentation. Sheena your with me were going to rebuild the outer walls and i need protection while i do that. S: Yes sir. I leave towards each zone to rebuild the outer walls into stone Fortress walls with a walkway and a small inner guard quarters and weapons locker. Each zone took about 2-3 hours then another day passes and i finish before i take down the walls of the fortified walls I decide to rebuild the homes and all the while my Mana capacity explodes to an astronomical limit I can now use Advanced healing and attack magic 10times and refill my mana within 10 min rather wait an hour. Although it is an amazing growth of speed I need to get stronger with other Players here i need to make sure those who are close to me stay safe, its great that i can grow with actions i need to Level up to make sure i gain the appropriate strength and not lose my ranking. Meanwhile back in the real world my Family sees my progress they have been living up more and more due to my success up until people across the globe have tried to kill me luckily the A.I assistant has kept my family and myself safe, My Mother started to check some of the rooms just then my brother checks the feed and see's a room he notices that its one of the empty rooms upstairs while he rushes to the designated room my mother can hear voices in one room as they pound the room trying to get in the voices stop and the door remains locked doors start to update designated as Party member rooms and another as a meeting room still locked until the 30 day probation. The A.i states as a incentive they can choose one thing from the shop My brother looks the item list and sees a Healing Elixir description reads can heal all illness/diseases with permanent effect *must drink entirely for full effect* My brother purchases that item and tells my mother to drink it since she suffers from a degrading illness that will help her feel more like her old self. My mother wanted all of them to drink a bit but my Brother and Step Father both decided she needed it more. After she drank it she fainted when she came to it as if she was 15 years younger. After a week has passed they see me in a Labyrinth fighting saving people and my brother looks on other people's feeds seeing people enslaved, some are murderers, some became their worst selves the government has been trying to help those who are becoming inherently good and since there is no feedback with those who are in the new world the reason i have been consistent on being rank 1 are the deeds that i keep performing, helping those in need assisting a kingdom in peril, creating Legendary equipment, creating growth level items, creating new types of technology with a mana/magic substitute rather than implement technology from the original world. These achievements stack up and continue to do with every action I contribute to the Labyrinth. My family has been in interviews people are prying into the livelihood of the man named Rainos due to this connection Umbra's Family have reached out to the point where the upper being have moved my Family to a new Living section along with Umbra's Family they are now living side by side with the Party room being connected to Umbra's Pod. Since i am rank 1 and Umbra is rank 2 they estimate that i will form a team with high rankers although this estimation is in its projection Rainos did not appear in the higher being projections initially. They will however make the top 10 rankers live close by together and only Party member families are sharing their private space pod rooms once the 30 day probation is up; those who don't have the Status Screen system will be given them along with their Families. After this proclamation the world was turned upside down as shown for the Rank 1 Rainos a Status Screen can give unbelievable benefits to the Human body but since Mana isn't something Humans were born with the Higher beings stated that those in the top 10 with receive Mana circuits and those who drop in Rankings and lose the spot if not regained then the players family will soon perish as the system will be slowly taken away along with the Mana Circuits *smiling sinisterly* I hear it's excruciatingly painful. My family prays I stay in the top Rankings and then they see something on the feed that cements that my ranking score would be tough to beat. They see me complete another achievement I take back a city and create a new settlement with this achievement my Ranking skyrockets to a numbering system this changes the screen to showcase a scoring feature before it was bar showcasing being full due to my achievements the bar is no longer valid now it shows a point system my rank points have reached 100, Umbra Rank 2 is 58, Rank 3 is 38, 4-8 are in the 20s 9-10 are in the single digits. Added bonus to ranking are those who have figured out the Status screen Rank 1 and 2 with a +10 to overall ranking. My family feels lucky to have me being me in a new world and it looks like my attempt at creating a transfer point is helping them. Back in the new world, I reclaimed the city. The walls are fortified and the new City buildings are repaired with new interiors. The central building was changed like i told the Mayor after which i collapsed due to Mana exhaustion even though i have an immense mana reserve using it constantly without rest i collapsed I awake to Umbra and Sheena Sleeping at my sides it seems i've been asleep for an entire day. R: Umbra, Sheena how long have i slept this time? U: A day has passed and the citizens want to thank you and the King is eager to go back. R: Umbra why am I naked? S: We were filthy when I carried you back and you deserved to be cleaned so we cleaned you. R: when you say we who do you mean *looking at Umbra and Sheena blushing* U: you looked very nice underneath although one part of you was awake for the whole time. S: she means your mating stick was well endowed. U: SHEENA NOOOO *runs away blushing* S: maybe we can relieve you of your pent up R: not now give me my clothes i need to see to the king's request and then set up a Transport Gate outside the Labyrinth *Looking at Sheena* we will have our moment trust me. Sheena also goes a shade of crimson, R: now that we are done *I quick change my clothes leaving Sheena shocked at the magic I performed*. I walk to the window to see people walking about happy and content I ask Sheena how long have I been out she tells me I have been asleep for 10days. R: not good ok let us go and create that teleport circle. I don't bother anyone and go and create a pathway North of the City Square. Walls are High and very Spacious enough for a Small Bazaar or food Stalls to be settled after creating a Spacious Teleport with the Mana Gems and the Teleport Stone in place a Bright light Shoots towards the Labyrinths Sky and as the wall of light Subsides the King and others flock to the origin. R: Morning everyone King and others we can now go up to the Surface we should arrive in the Temple from which we came and although I can create a new Portal Point from the surface this way we can connect the people here to increase a new way of trade and create stronger Adventures/ Knights with a certain sanctuary area. R: King and Knights if you step into the Center and speak the chant "Teleport" it should Teleport at Least 15 people, if you teleport Goods or even animals I would say 2 or 4 people with a mass amount of Materials would be sufficient I will also try my best to create Magic Bags for easier time delivering high amount of Materials. I had explained the Teleport details to his Majesty and we head back. Meanwhile the Queen and Princess are in a deep sleep in the Master Bedroom the King enters his chambers looking fondly at the 2 ladies he snuggles between them and they all sleep soundly, I waste no time and I create a separate Teleport Pad in the Southern courtyard closest to the city Entrance to the Palace after it has been set I grow weary again my mana nearly wasted I fall asleep again this time for a normal 8 hours of sleep, once i awake I look over my surroundings as sunrise peaks over. R: *through a telepathic link* Umbra and Sheena come to my room i have to let you know something. Umbra and Sheena knock on my room and i tell them to enter, R: first off i am going back the Labyrinth alone and Sheena you will go with Umbra to look for her friends i realized while we were in the Labyrinth we need more help, not for myself but Umbra the people you have met have you worried i feel like this world we live in now will be different in 2 more weeks i can tell that we need a team to fight together with at least 10 how many people would you say you trust Umbra? U: when i was imprisoned i was sharing a cell with 5 other people we kept each other sane when the great escape occurred. 3 people i have come to know i felt they were better than me at handling this world. R: You may have realized it Sheena but we were not born in this world we were summoned 100 of us there is no guarantee your friends are alive Umbra but whomever you find bring them back here even if they feel like they are broken seeing hope I'm sure they will be better. U: way to go with the flags S: Flags? R: its a saying from our world i will explain later but for now you both take these Backpacks I already figured out how to make magic bags with an inventory subspace this bag isn't restricted with the weight function so as long as all the slots are not taken you can fit 100 items and it stacks of 99 for each item of the same kind. R: they will appear like a regular empty bag when someone other than the registered users opens it. Sheena and Umbra are shocked U: wait thanks but were going with you into the Labyrinth R: No Umbra you will look for your friends we need more powerful people at our side luckily we have a kingdom backing us but i feel like there is something bigger at the end of this Labyrinth so i will clear the way and create a Portal System for us to use seeing how Sheena didn't need help at all until we reached the City Labyrinth I'm sure i could easily conquer this Labyrinth myself, but I won't conquer it until we get a proper raid team there is no guarantee that if i clear it that the monsters will be there so i will do so till the system tells me its the last boss. U: i get it so when i find my friends we go to the Labyrinth and grind our Levels on the higher tier floors to get stronger. R: absolutely correct but before you both go take these Potions (both get 50 standard potions of healing 15 potions of greatest heal, 15 potions of remove poison, 10 potions of remove curse and 5 potions of Perfect Elixir) for the Potions i have made here is an upgraded version of the potion pouch that i carry *hands both 2 small waist belt bags* also here are 2 sets of rare armors to upgrade your gear. Everything is enchanted so i know you both will be safe be wary they are equipped with 3 fatal saves after that you need to be careful the armor should withstand most attacks but just like i said be careful. I will also leave you uncommon sets of armor and weapons so that your Friends Umbra are better geared, Sheena protect Umbra do not sacrifice yourself if things get to crazy and she is near death you must both survive UNDERSTAND. Sheena and Umbra nod their heads Sheena vows an oath to help Miss Umbra to assist in everything. 3 days have passed and the kingdom was informed of the current news I was introduced to the people and while 2 other Heroes are searching for even stronger allies I lead an expedition to populate the other Labyrinth city with more materials i create an even bigger city with Farmlands and new buildings to make the Labyrinth city more sustainable and on the 5th day I decided to create a Golem Ego Maid she looks human but definitely has the capability of a battle Mage/Mecha. Now Leeya the Golem and myself start our decent to the Labyrinth uncharted and I am so excited.