
I Am Heaven

A soul from Earth drifted in the void and merged with a seed of a world One thing led to another, the seed bloomed and became a mature world. And Wang Tian, the soul, became the Heaven of the new world. But, something went wrong. Heaven messed up. ••• Cover from WN's free-to-use cover design list.

Moonxious · Ost
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29 Chs

Chapter 23 - Fate Cores

In the void.

While looking at the various mortal realms in the distance, something came to Wang Tian's mind.

"A realm can only have 1 individual with the golden fate..." Wang Tian thought to himself.

The golden fate cores inside the mortal world's laws corresponded to each individual inside the different realms.

Each fate core represents 1 individual and 1 realm.

In Wang Tian's understanding, having a golden fate means being blessed by the realm.

It was possible because each realm was sentient enough to bless someone to represent change inside the realm.

The blessing itself was similar to Heaven's Blessing. It contains Fate and Luck, the most important thing of the blessing.

The only difference was the amount of Fate and Luck they would have.

If the blessing from a realm could make one qualify to change the whole realm, Heaven's Blessing could make one have the ability to change the whole world given enough blessed individuals gathered together. Even then, each blessing has different tiers in them depending on the amount of fate and luck they have.

It was also the reason why the level of the immortal world advances so much. There were too many blessings given by Heaven to the immortals.

As a result, the immortals received a lot of fate. Elevating their very being and existence.

At the same time, it made the Authority split up by chance. It allows the immortal world's laws to break off from Heaven's Authority. Forming brand new heaven.

It was inevitable.

It was bound to happen from the moment old Heaven gave out the many blessings.

Though Heaven took back some of them after they became Gods, there were a lot more blessed immortals who didn't ascend to Godhood.

Not all of the immortals were blessed. And those who ascend to Godhood were mainly the ones who weren't.

Hence, many stayed immortal because they have the blessing. Only a few ascend to Godhood.

After thinking about all of this, Wang Tian went back into the mortal world's laws.

He wanted to see the fate of other people with a golden fate in a different realm.

This time, Wang Tian didn't need to find a fate thread to return.

He'd been there. He knew how to go there on his own now.

With a thought, the world slowly blurred out into different lights.

The world bubbles in the distance that were the mortal realms were replaced by the various lights of different colors.

The laws of the mortal world.

Looking at the giant ball of colorful light, Wang Tian moves towards the place where the fate cores gathered, the Fate laws area.

Before looking at the other fate cores, Wang Tian went to see Liu Kong's fate core once again.

His fate core was still glowing bright but hadn't reached maturity yet.

It was still waiting for that trigger to break out in flames.

Going inside his fate core, Wang Tian focused to see Liu Kong's present time.

He was still on the road. On a carriage to another city. Nothing exciting to see.

Rather than looking at the not-so-exciting present time, Wang Tian willed the scene to move fast forward to the future.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Tian saw Liu Kong's future, the most probable future Liu Kong might go through.

Journeying to the Red Willow capital, the friends and enemies he will make, the encounters he might have, and a few other things he might do that will change his surroundings.

Wang Tian had just seen everything Liu Kong might make in his entire life.

That was if the future Liu Kong didn't get any other external interference from someone outside of Fate.

If he did have, the future Wang Tian had just seen will change accordingly.

Wang Tian was quite satisfied looking at this. He had obtained a little enlightenment regarding Fate just by looking at a fate core.

After looking at Liu Kong's fate core, Wang Tian went to see the other fate cores.

Finding the nearest burning fate core, he sends his consciousness inside and takes glimpses at the life of the person. The burning he had seen wasn't exactly a real flame, but the glow of the core was so bright that it create some sort of burning glow.

Wang Tian wanted to see the main difference between the non-burning fate core and a burning one.

Inside the core, Wang Tian willed the scene to view the past of the owner of the core.

The owner of the core was Lin Hou.

He was just a son from a noble and a servant of the clan in the kingdom's capital city.

His mother went back to her hometown when she was pregnant with him.

His birth was just like Liu Kong where the golden fate gathered inside of him. And no one was able to see that as well.

The days passed.

Lin Hou grew into a fine young man in the village.

One day, he went into the forest.

Chased by a demon beast, Lin Hou fell into a ravine.

But Fate has something in store for him. Anyone blessed with Fate will have their dangerous situation turned into a lucky one.

And indeed so.

As Wang Tian looks at the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but marvel at the power of Fate.

Lin Hou fell safely at the mouth of a cave on the edge of the cliff while the demon beast can only look from above.

And just like any other curious being, Lin Hou went deeper inside after getting hold of himself.

There he found the inheritance of a dead cultivator.

It allows him to become a cultivator.

After that, Wang Tian speeds up the scene to look for more incidents where Fate played a massive role.

As Lin Hou became a cultivator, his originally peaceful life became turbulent.

As Lin Hou's life was getting more turbulent with each passing scene, and with every incident with Fate, Wang Tian's understanding of Fate grew even more.

Wang Tian was slowly starting to make sense of when the fate core will start to burn. He was having some enlightenment.

And as the last scene played out,

Lin Hou breaks through and becomes a Soul Transformation stage cultivator.

It was at that time that the fate core breaks out into a burning state, it was the sign of the fate core reaching maturity.

Wang Tian's understanding of Fate grew even more.

The moment the fate core started to burn, it was also the moment when the individual with the golden fate was able to influence the whole world directly since he had the power to do it. Either directly or indirectly.