
I Am Doom (Marvel)

Upon his death a comic book fan finds himself reborn as one of his favorite characters, who he thought could have achieved so much more if he simply faced some harsh truths and changed his ways slightly. Victor Von Doom/Dr. Doom Now having become Doom the man will strive to become what he considers the best possible version of, in his opinion, one of Marvel's greatest characters. Turning the world on its head and crushing anyone who stands in his way. For nothing will hinder the path of Doom.

ArifuretaForever · Anime und Comics
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109 Chs

Chapter 33: Addressing The United Nations

Upon entering the UN headquarters my security detail and I were immediately met by UN building security.

The leader of which then stepped up to me. "King Doom, first off welcome to the United Nations. We've been expecting you. Secondly, I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave. your robot companies outside." He told me. "I'm very sorry, but their just too big of a security risk."

"First off, thank you for the welcome. Secondly, I'm afraid your request is impossible to fulfill." I easily replied. "For you see those robots are not only the property of Latveria, but also essential to my personal security. So they stay. End of story." I spoke. Looking the man in charge of the security team directly in his eyes.

Which made him back down, and keep whatever words he was about to reply to me with firmly in his mouth.

A good move on his part.

"Understood." He finally said after a few seconds passed.

"I'm glad we understand each other." I told him. Flashing a smile on my face.

Once I did he and the rest the UN security team that had been sent to meet us escorted me, Sable, and the rest of my security detail to a waiting room.

Where I then got comfortable.

But not before using my technopathy to access any and all systems and electronic devices within the United Nations headquarters. Public, private, or governmental. It mattered not. I wormed my way into them all.

I then began searching for interesting bits of information.

That is until someone came to escort me to the general assembly hall.

Where upon arrival Sable, who had come with me without taking no for an answer, began waiting outside. While I went inside and found my assigned seat.

Which was easy to do, considering it had a plaque with the name [Latveria] imprinted on it, situated directly in front of it.

Sitting down, my seat located amongst the Eastern Europen States Grouping, I leaned back in my chair and began waiting for the show to get on the road.

Going back to using my technopathy to root around all available systems and electronic devices as I did.

Where I began finding juicy blackmail material.

When I did I ordered those systems and devices to send copies, if they had the capability to do so, of all said material back to a secure laptop I had set up at the Latverian embassy for just such occasions.

As I did this the general assembly hall began filling up with delegates.

Until eventually everyone had arrived.

When they did things finally got moving, and the current UN secretary-general called the meeting of the general assembly to order.

Talks and discussions on issues then began.

Which I didn't care for.

So instead I only partially listened, while the rest of my brain was focused on other actually important matters.

Like constructing blueprints for Latveria's very own satellites.

That is until I was called out by the UN secretary-general.

"And now the floor would like to welcome its newest member, the new king of the nation of Latveria, Victor Von Doom. Please, grace us with a few words." The secretary-general spoke. Who was a female.

When they said my name I focused all my attention back on the situation before me.

Ignoring how all eyes turned to me, and began staring, I stood up from my seat and made my way to the podium located at the very front and center of the assembly hall.

The secretary-general having already left the stage when I arrived.

Reaching the podium I looked out at all the faces before me. I then leaned in a bit closer to the microphone.

"Greetings. I am Victor Werner Von Doom. The new king and ruler of Latveria." I spoke.

I then leaned back and got ready to return to my seat.

Only for one of the delegates to speak up.

"Wait King Doom. Is that all you have to say?"

Upon hearing this question I stopped in my tracks, and then leaned back into the microphone. "Yes. I have nothing more to say."

"So you do not wish to speak about the actions in which led you to becoming the current ruler of Latveria? Nor about you and Symkaria's hostile takeover of Sokovia, which Latveria has decided to annex?" The delegate from Germany asked me.

When he spoke those questions I leveled my gaze directly onto him.

All to ready to strike him down.

But I restrained myself.

Not only because I promised Lucia that I would, but the time to take such actions has not yet arrived.

Though that day is coming, and soon.

It's why Project Sovereign exists in the first place.

"In regards to both of those matters I say it is none of this assembly's business." I spoke. Ignoring the shocked, and few angry looks, on some of the delegates faces at my words. But I care not. "Yes, you heard me right. And I say this because for years this institution, this body, did nothing as both my homeland and Sokovia were trapped in needless cycles of violence and disarray. You all sat here, turning your gazes away from both situations, and now you have the audacity to question my actions! You have no right!" I exclaimed. "But to placate your feelings I shall grace with a form of explanation in regards to my actions in regards to Latveria, and then in regards to Sokovia. First in Latveria, I simply liberated my homeland from the tyrannical rule of Vladimir Fortunov and his ilk. Who were unfit to call themselves royals. Seeing as how they served themselves and not the people. People like my mother and father. Who the Fortunov's killed. Leaving me alone without their warmth and comfort as I grew up in a hell. One I sought to change. And I did. Now Latveria is under my rule, under my protection, and I say now it will never experience such times as the reign of the Fortunov family again. Secondly, Sokovia was in much the same situation as Latveria before I helped to liberate it. Not only that but its former leaders were planning an invasion of my country. Along with our longtime ally Symkaria. They wanted both nations de-stabilized so they could claim them for their own. Unfortunately for them Latveria and Symkaria got wind of this plot and struck first. And seeing how ravaged Sokovia was I knew it was dead already. So I put it out of its misery. I let it rest, so that what remained behind could be turned into something new. Something better. And that is all I have to say about those two matters. Good day." I finished.

I then walked away from the podium and returned back to my seat.

Ignoring the whispers and murmurs going on around me.

Eventually the assembly got back on track, and the session came to an end.

When it did I was one of the first ones out the door of the assembly hall.

Meeting up with Sable I headed back to our waiting room and retrieved the rest of my security detail. We then called for our rides.

Since I told them we were leaving.

"That bad huh?" Sable whispered to me, as we stood in a parking lot waiting for our SUV's to arrive.

"They had the gall to ask me about my actions in regards to Latveria and Sokovia." I quickly replied.

Still seething in anger from the questions themselves.

They had no right!

"I see." Sable replied.

She then said nothing else.

I'm thankful for that.

Soon the SUV's arrived and we filed in.

They then immediately took us back to the Latverian embassy.

Me having calmed down on the ride back.

Which I needed to be because as soon as I arrived back at the embassy I was escorted to a waiting room, where some guests I had called to come today were situated.

As the doors to the waiting room opened I was greeted by the sight of Susan, Johnny, and Ben.

Three quarters of the Fantastic Four.

"Hello everyone. It's been a while hasn't it." I spoke.

A smile on my face.


If you want more go to my paetron, where there are up to five advanced chapters of this story.

Here is the link: patreon.com/ArifuretaForever