
Chapter 1

Control has never meant as much as it does now. It's kind of like the Hulk. Well, no, it's exactly like the Hulk. Get too angry, or upset, or provoked? Then you can kiss your human form good bye for how ever long it takes you to calm down and change back.

Do I have anger management issues? I did when I was human. Not the entire time before being turned though. I was that kid that was bullied for no reason. I didn't have to do anything in particular, people were just attracted to my open spirit. They could sense it, and know I was an easy target.

But I can't let that happen anymore. I can't let anyone hurt me now that I am what I am. I cannot go too far, either. I can't let people see me for my true self. What if I got locked up somewhere and had experiments conducted on me? My friends wouldn't let that happen either. Oh, and look. It's just in time for lunch.

The bell rings and our teacher wishes us a nice day. While the class files out like a herd of animals, I take my bag from the back of my chair and go out, scanning the crowd for a tall nerd, and an Asian girl.

I scowl when I hear one of the most annoying voices ever, belonging to a girl named Holland. She stands in front of the door of 608, the class my friends have. And I want nothing more than for them to hurry out so I don't have to look at her stupid preppy face.

"Hey Glay! What's up? I heard that you're failing P.E, is that true?"

She raises her brows, flipping her long golden strands over her shoulder.

I roll my eyes, willing them to stay they're original brown so they won't portray my frustration with a piercing blood red. Today is just not the day.

I adjust my throat and take a deep breath.

"Can you move from the door? People are trying to get through."

I avert my gaze to my friends and some other people behind her, stuck just inside the classroom. She glances back, then giggles.

"Oops! So sorry guys. See you later Glay," she gives a smirky smile before shoving past me, throwing her shoulder into mine and she laughs when I stagger back.

"Just ignore her. You know the drill," Logan says, patting me on the shoulder. I nod, at him and Keiko, who takes his hand as we begin walking to another classroom to eat.

Yes. My friends are a couple. But we knew each other before they were together. Keiko and I were friends from middle school, and we met Logan here, freshman year. They got together after a month. And I'm glad they haven't broken up.

We walk across the sunny, breezy campus without any words. Past the right wing vending machines, we walk right into the art class of 904 and sit in the far corner.

Keiko takes a subway sandwich from her backpack and Logan pulls out a Panda Express box from his. I take a bottle of vitamin water from mine with a sigh.

Keiko sets her sandwhich down from taking a bite and shakes her head at me. Logan laughs.

"Water? That's it?" He chuckles.

I give another sigh, then nod.

Keiko rips the paper under a half of her sandwich and slides it to me.

"Eat. You know how irritable you get when you're tired and hungry Agleica."

I push back the hood of my grey hoodie, revealing my brown A-line bob. I run my fingers through it with a huff.

Logan talks in between bites of his chow mein.

"What's bothering you?"

I poke at the sandwich half, feeling their gazes on me as I speak.

"I am failing P.E. And history," I look up at them, feeling my eyes change the sadder I get, to a dark blue.

"And English.."

"Three out of four classes?" She touches my shoulder, dark eyes concerned.

"I thought you brought up at least two of those, what's holding things up?" Logan asks, blue eyes on mine. He runs a hand through his dark hair, covering his mouth as he chews.

I take a sip of water.

"I know, but there's been 2 presentations in English, a project in history, and a 2 mile run in P.E.," I shake my head.

"I just can't bring myself to do presentations now and.. I don't know how to control my running yet, I just end up levitating or going so fast I'm a blur."

I drop my head on the table with a thud. A moment later I feel keiko's warm hand on my back.

"Awe, it's okay love! You know what? It's been about a month since your last training session, how about we start them again?"

"Yeah, how about after school, your place?"

I take a large bite of my sandwich half. They wait as I wipe my mouth.

"Sure. Mom's staying at the bakery late and Dad won't be back until Saturday." I take out my sandwich and click down my fangs, four sharper teeth to sink into its thickness.

Keiko lets out a little laugh, and Logan looks around at the other tables to see if anyone noticed. Luckily no one ever sits close to us. The other cliques always sit closer to the doors.

"Perfect. Gives us 3 days. And you want to give us a head's up next time? Or was it out of your control?"

I cover my mouth, unable to stop myself from smiling. I shake my head.

"That was me that time," I smile sheepishly at him, letting my hand down and closing my mouth.



After lunch comes fourth period. A painful hour and a half until the end of school. We're a block scheduled school. Four classes, all an hour and half each.

I take the hot sweaty bus and get off a few blocks from my house. Logan and Keiko get rides from their parents. They offered to give me one today, but I refused. I don't like asking for a ride all of the time, even though I don't do it often.

They say never to look behind you when you're going somewhere. I try to keep that in mind anytime I hear things on the walk home. But these noises I'm hearing now, are persistent. Persistent and annoying.

Finally after about a block, I stop and turn around.

There's nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing but houses and cars zooming by on the back street.

I scan around at the other houses in front of me. There's no one in sight. I mean no one. With my new accute vision, I can see the tiniest bug a mile away. So who's footsteps were those behind me?

I start on again with a sigh, and tighten the strings on my hoodie a little. I wish Keiko or Logan would've walked with me today.

Am I afraid? Mm..


But I am uneasy.

I jump a little and my fangs click down when a voice shouts at me from the side.

"Hey stoner!"

I barely turn to face the guy when cold water blasts my face. The rush sends electrifying tingles throughout my body and I let out throaty hisses. My hands trying to cover my face, the water soaking my hair and chest. I stagger toward the street and fall over some trash cans with a loud stumble.

It feels like forever before the constant flow of water stops.

His raspy voice taunting me with a throaty laugh.

I rise from the garbage and am over in his yard in a second, my body numb as I grab the guy and tackle him in the lawn.

I take his collar in my fists and bring him up, our faces inches apart.

Instinct takes over, and I open my now shark toothed mouth and let out a deep hiss, my eyes glowing bright red.

He yells like there's no tomorrow, scrambling under me to get free. And though he weighs much more as a grown man, my strength is over powering.

"What is wrong with you?" I hiss.


I get off of him and throw him down as soon as I hear the door of the house opening with a creak.

I race down his lawn, grab my bag, and run down the street out of the sunlight. Full speed.