
I Am Chaotic Destruction

Within a desert, an army stood while looking at the coffin that had appeared before them all. a coffin that was sent flying, and from within, a handsome young man stepped out of the coffin while looking around. "... Lord Help us all," Onoki said as horror swallowed him seeing the person who had stepped out of the Coffin. out of any Shinobi to be brought back to life... why him? Just why? Were they fated to lose? "I'm alive? This is funny, after going all out to kill me, you bring me back to life... Onoki, you brat. you have become so old." He said with a smirk while looking around, his eyes landing on the only person in the army he knew. Onoki, out of the hundreds of thousands of shinobi who went to war with him to kill him... Onoki was someone he remembered thanks to his skills. "R-run!" Onoki didn't think for a second and ordered everyone to run. this was a monster that badly injured those 2 powerhouses, a man who stood on a level of power that could destroy the world. they were lucky to kill him last time, but even then, he took out over 60k shinobi all by himself. this was a monster.

itachi1010 · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs

House Arrest

"You're... the worst," Hagoromo said with a sigh, unable to believe he was my son. I rolled my eyes at his words.

"Let me point something out son... you're not the good father you might think you might be. Why did your son fight each other? Sure, Kuro had something to do with it. but went out of your way to give everything to one son, leaving the other with nothing. you thought that would not birth any hatred? In any business, the least one could do is resplit the inheritance in half to avoid such a thing." I said making Hagoromo quiet.

"Indra was the more talented of the two brothers. growing up with him believing it was set in stone he would inherit everything, how could he not be hateful? the foolish, and less talented of the brothers took everything. What were you thinking? it's like before you died, you wanted to leave behind chaos. I'm a bad father? At least I didn't set my family on a path for them to kill each other. I know my flaws, at least I try to fix them. What have you done?" I asked while Hagoromo just stood there with a downcast look.

"thats not fair, it's easy to see such things with a 3rd point of view..." Hamura wanted to speak, but I cut him off.

"And then there is you. whatever message you left behind left the family you left on the moon to slaughter each other. Somehow I'm the bad guy here. I who took away my powers from you so you can grow, I who realized I wasn't fit to be a father I stayed away. I brought you back to life, and now I stand here being a father. You two are the furthest thing from perfect." I said calmly, leaving the two quiet and unable to say a thing.

"Now, let's skip all of the nonsense, Kaguya would conquer the shinobi world. The 5 great shinobi shall become nothing more than vessel states... I will come get you two later," I said while looking towards Sasuke and Itachi, and with a thought, Itachi found himself brought back to life. everyone found themselves back to life, but I didn't stay to see all of this as I flew off with Kaguya.

"You will be my main wife. The goddess that stands above everyone else in my heart." I said before she could say anything. At my words, Kaguya snorted lightly, but my words made her bad mood lessen slightly.

"Sorry, I didn't run this through you at first... I guess a part of you might never want to marry me. So, I thought it was best I should move on. But how can I put anyone over you?" I asked while holding her in my arms, Kaguya's face blushed.

"I love you... but I want to see your daughter." She said to which I nodded and flew over to Mukuro who had been watching everything, a weird look on her face. Before we arrived, I sent Mukuro's upbringing into Mukuro's mind, as well as Mio 

"I was not fair to them. I almost cried when I realized how bad of a father I was to her. So, I made it my duty to do just by her. Mikasa, I will make her life from this moment onwards worth living." I said seriously.

"Her name is Mukuro," Kaguya said seeing as I said my daughter's name wrong long. I looked at her in confusion.

"Thats what I said," I said with a raised eyebrow, to which Kaguya shook her head. She was sure she heard something else.

"You said something like Mikasa," Kaguya said to which I had a weird look, not sure if I said something like that. but I just shook my head, with a look that said, how could I get my daughter's name wrong?

"I approve of them... but you can't just take others into your harem without my approval." She said to which I nodded, not bothered much by this. It was not like I was planning on marrying any woman I saw. I had the sole goal of protecting the world in mind in forming this harem...

So, I went on to introduce Kaguya and Mukuro. it was well... it's not like anyone destroyed the chance for things to go bad, thereby making sure that everything went well. Mukuro was unsure at first, but she planned to speak with her mother first. but Mio hearing the truth behind Kaguya and me couldn't bring herself to be angry, instead, she agreed so long as I agreed to a few things...

"Sasuke, are you going to marry him?" Naruto said not believing Sasuke would go through the marriage. Sasuke just gave them an annoyed look, the last she checked she left the hidden leaf and cut all ties to them. why was it that they were still following her?

"This has nothing to do with you," Sasuke said calmly, for his family and clan, she was willing to take her own life if it meant bringing them back to life. Itachi was more willing to do this, the pain of taking your own mother, father, uncle, and so on was a weight she had to carry. but she was pushed to do so. The Uchiha clan wanted to overthrow the hidden leaf, this would just open the doors for another great shinobi war.

Itachi saw the effect of war, and it traumatized her to the point she almost took her own life when she was a little kid. At that time, she couldn't find a meaning in life. it was only when she remembered her family that she found meaning. but what happens when that family goes on to try to fight the village they call home?

Be it in the right or wrong, or even if they were strong enough to overthrow the hidden leaf. the aftermath is what Itachi feared. would the many hidden villages just ignore the weakened hidden leaf? No, the hidden leaf might be destroyed overnight, with its land split between the remaining 4 lands. 

"You are throwing everything away to marry that guy?" Naruto said angrily. Naruto had some type of right to be upset, after all, he was fated to marry Sasuke. But from a young age, he and Sasuke always had a thing for each other. A kind of love-and-hate relationship. yes, Sasuke betrayed the hidden leaf, but Naruto understood the reason behind it. Sasuke wanted to kill Itachi and get revenge for his clan.

Sasuke glared at Naruto, and just turned and walked away. She cast away their friendship due to his hunger for revenge, he would do it again... only that this time, she didn't consider Naruto and everyone else as a friend. 

"Sasuke!" Sakura cried, in the past thinking Sasuke was a man, she had a deep crush on her... but even now, She had a deep crush on her. She didn't want the person she loved to just go marry someone, because she had no other choice.

in the world I was sent to, there were a few differences to the main Naruto verse. those differences were that Sasuke and Itachi were not male but female. everything else happened thanks to my appearance, it was because of me that more than a few Uzumaki and Senju clansmen managed to survive. but even so, their survival meant nothing as everything happened as it should have happened.

Sasuke left them, they wanted to move to stop her, but what could they do? With Sasuke's current strength, she was stronger than the main plot of the Naruto anime as she had 2 Rinnegan instead of 1.

"Where is Itachi?" I asked calmly, Sasuke was caught off guard seeing me just appear, but she calmed down and went on to point towards where Itachi was. Itachi and Sasuke were gender Neutral names, maybe this is why it was only these two who had female names.

"Well, let's go bring your clan back," I said calmly while we went to get Itachi before we left to go bring back the Uchiha clan. I brought everyone back to life.

I destroyed the fact they would be unforgiving if they knew the fact that Itachi killed them. this made them more forgiving and understanding of everything, although it would be up to Itachi to get them to forgive her. now with that being done.

Well, I left them to themselves and I went on to give myself some powers... now, how was I going to "Train" Sasuke and Itachi? After 1 second of long hard thinking, where I went over every possible possibility across all of existence, creation, and nothingness, I concluded that duel cultivation was the best way. there was no other way, this was the only possible and reasonable way. 

So, I gave myself an ability I called... Sex God.

the first ability of Sex God. Capability Boost, cuming in someone, my come can greatly boost overall capability, from talent, skills, strength, speed, senses, durability, and the list went on.

the second ability of Sex God. Great potential. By having sex with someone, they could tap into their potential, allowing for their strengths to reach new unmatched levels. If they reach their limits, then their limits can be shattered.

the third ability of Sex God. Heavenly Pleasure... This was self-explained. while having sex, one would feel Pleasure so great that it gives one strength.

there were other abilities, but that was pretty much everything. I went on to sit back and watch Kaguya go on to unite the world. for this, Hagoromo and Hamura helped out seeing that their old mother was back, and that she even explained everything behind her goals.

Hamura had returned to the moon to get back the clan he left behind and brought them back to Earth. although most of the people on the moon were dead, there were a few he saved. Hagoromo went on to unite the Uchiha clan, the Senju clan, and the Uzumaki clan. he explained to the clans why he wanted to unite them, and with everyone on the same page, the world was conquered by Kaguya once more, only that this time it was far faster.

It took only a week. a large city was created in the center of this world. With everyone uniting to create this city, it quickly became the most advanced place in the world... well, I didn't really care to watch this, I stopped watching this after a few minutes and went on to see Itachi... well, to say the least, we rolled around in bed for hours to come until Itachi fainted from the pleasure.

This was a huge ego boost. seeing the pure look of pleasure on Itachi's face, the fact she couldn't even think of anything else... well, I went from superhuman sex skills to godly levels. 

I would of course not let Sasuke miss out on a good time, so I went on to spend some time with Sasuke. Sasuke did hesitate and was nervous, but in the end, we were rolling in bed. Sasuke felt as if she had gone to heaven, where she went on to faint from the overwhelming pleasure...

Well, this is a good time for a time skip. nothing much really happened. When I was bored, I spent time with my daughter because I was a super dad, Mio spent her time relaxing, and most of the time Mukuro was with her, spending time with each other.

Hagoromo and Hamura tried to see if they could bond with me, giving it a chance... sadly, I didn't have the energy for that. Maybe 1,000 years from now, I would awaken to such an idea. Instead, I brought their children back to life and had them distract them.

Kaguya wanted to have another child, this might be because of the pleasure or because of the fact she felt like she failed her children. Sasuke and Itachi also wanted children, well, I was too lazy to pull out and wear a condom. I was also too lazy to create an ability to increase or decrease the chances of having a child. so it was all up to luck.

Oh, I accidentally tripped and my little brother entered, Mei's you know what. Mei was a kage of the land hidden in the waves. I seemed to have become clumsy as I tripped countless times over, and my little dragon just kept entering her. So, I had to get away before I could trip even more. 

Sadly, when I was walking around I ran into Tsunade. I was being nice, so I brought her back to her peak of youth. Tsunade was the Hokage of the village hidden in the leaf. again, by complete accident, I tripped and we somehow rolled into a bed and our clothes just fell off. It would have been rude to just leave, so I gave her a massage to show her how sorry I was... it just that I had to give her a massage for the following few days to show her how sorry I was... and yes, we have to be undressed to do this. I had to shame myself to show her how sorry I was. but she was so nice as she undressed herself as well to show how she forgave me...  she was so nice.

I was truly clumsy before I knew it, I had tripped into Ino's bed. Ino was a part of the Yamanaka clan and one of Naruto's friends. I didn't know what happened, maybe I was cursed. I should really destroy this curse. It was crazy, and why was my pants just falling each time I tripped? this was so embarrassing.

It seemed like I couldn't destroy this curse of mine. I couldn't even find it. whoever put it on me must be some powerful lifeform who transcends me in all ways. I guess I could only accept my fate... so I went onto trip once more. this time into Hinata's arms, Hinata Hyuga. She should have been Naruto's future wife, but in this world, with Naruto fated to be with Sasuke, who would she have been with? Well, that didn't matter as I found myself being put under house arrest by Kaguya

She seems to be worried about the fact I might trip and next time might hurt myself. So, out of care and love, she was not going to let me out of her sight...