
I Am Chaotic Destruction

Within a desert, an army stood while looking at the coffin that had appeared before them all. a coffin that was sent flying, and from within, a handsome young man stepped out of the coffin while looking around. "... Lord Help us all," Onoki said as horror swallowed him seeing the person who had stepped out of the Coffin. out of any Shinobi to be brought back to life... why him? Just why? Were they fated to lose? "I'm alive? This is funny, after going all out to kill me, you bring me back to life... Onoki, you brat. you have become so old." He said with a smirk while looking around, his eyes landing on the only person in the army he knew. Onoki, out of the hundreds of thousands of shinobi who went to war with him to kill him... Onoki was someone he remembered thanks to his skills. "R-run!" Onoki didn't think for a second and ordered everyone to run. this was a monster that badly injured those 2 powerhouses, a man who stood on a level of power that could destroy the world. they were lucky to kill him last time, but even then, he took out over 60k shinobi all by himself. this was a monster.

itachi1010 · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs


Onoki shot into the sky, as a man who had lived for over 70 years and had learned many things over the years he was not weak. among the things he mastered was Earth release, giving him the power to even control the weights of things. He was even among the few shinobi with the power to fly.

He shot up towards the falling asteroid, and with all his might, he tried to make the asteroid as light as possible. down below, Gaara summoned all of the sand he could summon, while Naruto called upon the 9-tailed chakra, causing him to be swallowed by its chakra. clapping his hands, Naruto formed extra hands which shot into the sky, trying to catch the falling asteroid. 

the 3 managed to catch the asteroid, leaving everyone else below sighing deeply as they managed to overcome this.

"I better get a good gift on Father's Day, I'm taking the time to teach you guys how to play catch. Now, throw the rock towards me." I said with a smile, making everyone glare hatefully and fearfully at me.

It was okay if you were stronger than them, but why mock them while at it?

"Everyone, work together. attack the asteroid all at once. with all of you working together, it should unleash enough force to send the asteroid flying toward him..." A voice entered all of their minds, and instantly, everyone nodded and got to work.

everyone shot backward while launching attacks towards the asteroid. the thousands of attacks unleashing enough force to send the astroid moving forward towards me. Gaara, Naruto, and Onoki went on to push the asteroid, doing everything in their power to push it towards me at full speed. meanwhile, everyone else launched attacks at me, not giving me a chance to warp reality and teleport away... but sadly for them, I no longer needed to think dodge, and react to their attacks., my body acted on its own.

even so, I didn't teleport. I wanted to see how powerful I was... well, I knew how powerful I was, but I didn't know how powerful my martial arts made me. The way I saw Martial arts was like how others saw Chakra technique,

Chakra alone was strong, but by adding a technique, you could bring out the full effect of chakra. It's like having electricity, with it alone it's extremely dangerous. but with some wires and other stuff, you can power houses, and so on. you can perfect and lessen the energy usage of electrical compliance

Chakra was pretty much that. I saw Martial arts as a way to use one physical strength, speed, and durability to bring out their full capability. So, I wanted to see what my martial arts could do.

Adding to the unique nature of my martial arts, It should focus my reality-warping powers and amplificated to make it far stronger than me simply thinking. at least, this is what I wanted... and it seemed to do just that.

Holding out my finger, I caught the asteroid with a simple finger and held it up, as if it were a basketball which I went on to start spinning on my finger. This asteroid was as large as an island. If it had hit the ground, everyone would have died hands down.

"Who knew having children was so much fun, sadly I never had blood children to play like this with... or did I? Well, I don't remember," I said with a shrug, before throwing the asteroid at them. but at the last moment, 2 people suddenly teleported before me.

I knew these two people, the grandson of Hashirama, Tsunade, the current 5th Hokage, and the Kage of the land of Cloud, whose name was A. They were the most physically strong shinobi out there. 

The two along with the rest of the shinobi launched attacks nonstop, attacking the asteroid, before it froze mid-Are, leaving everyone stunned that they froze it... but they quickly realized it wasn't them, how could have it frozen in mid-air like that? plus the asteroid was disappearing, slowly fading out of existence 

They were confused for some time, but many of them saw I was looking to my right, so they followed and saw a red-haired woman walking through the dust clouds, walking towards me.

"Dad..." She said with a blank emotionless face, making my face go blank. I looked at her for a second, and seeing as she was looking towards me, I guessed she was looking behind me, so I stepped to the side and looked towards where she was looking... but no one was there.

"I'm looking at you!" She said while her face grew some emotions, to which I shook my head. she was clearly confused.

"You don't understand, I was dead for like 50 years. I can't be your dad. you look like you're 20," I said calmly, causing her eyes to boil in rage.

"I hate you... You ruined my life!" She said while she exploded with power.

"How, I wasn't there... I don't even know who you are." I said speechlessly, I had never seen anyone so shameless. Was I out of touch now? do women now run around claiming every handsome person they saw as their daddy? well... it would be rude to turn them down. As a saint, it's my job to accept them. I shall be everyone's daddy. I wasn't the type to abandon my children, No, I was a role model everyone could look up to.

the woman snapped at my words, I suddenly felt something trying to take hold of me. I quickly warp reality, giving myself the power to see this power. I instantly saw chains, chains which ignored space-time and were trying to seal me away... into nothingness. chains with the highest level of sealing, that could erase you out of existence, by sealing you into nothingness.

"The fuck?" I couldn't help but say this seeing such a weird power. I have never seen anything so broken in Naruto. I guessed this was a member of the Uzumaki clan, but how could the Uzumaki clan birth something so powerful?

"You! You gave me this curse, then you up and ran away." She said angrily, I frowned lightly while disappearing, dodging the chains that were just warping around the space I was in. A heartbeat later, even my reality-warping powers would have had trouble breaking free.

I appeared not too far away, sizing her up. I quickly understood her powers and abilities. her sealing capability was overwhelming, but like myself... well, she couldn't control it. what I was seeing now was her powers after the many seals placed on her. but she seemed to grow stronger from this, as her source was the power of Chaotic Sealing.

She was like me, but her source was Chaotic Sealing instead of my Chaotic Destruction, I was calling my source Chaotic Destruction since I wasn't the same as Anos. She was powerful and had to keep her power sealed away at all times. her own power wasn't enough, so her mother had to help her, but this only led to her growing stronger.

if she lost control of her emotions, then those unique chains would leave her control and try and seal away everything in existence. Just now, her emotions were not being controlled, so she lost control of her power. She wasn't allowed to feel emotions, as such things would lead to her losing control like right now.

The air went quiet as everyone looked at the two of us. My so-called daughter also looked at me while taking deep breaths to calm her emotions. By now she believed what she showed was enough to make me understand she was my daughter.

"This thing..." I said lightly while pulling my pants to look at my little brother. Why must this thing get a woman pregnant at the worst time possible? first Kaguya and now Mio? I couldn't help but shake my head in disappointment, causing everyone's faces to turn dark at such a sight.

Sighing, I stepped forward, and reality warped to my movement. With a flash, I appeared before her, with my palm pierced through her chest, and into her source. her eyes widened seeing this, she looked at me not believing this, but she fell lifelessly to the ground.

"Was I supposed to catch her?" I said softly before sighing, this being a father and stuff was going to be hard. Rewriting reality, I made it so she never fell to the ground and I caught her... see, I was a good dad.

Putting her over my shoulder, I faced the countless shinobi for a second, before walking off.

"let's call it times out, for now, I will return to play soon. there is still a lot of stuff I want to test out." I said while walking off, leaving them all pale at my words...

"... why is there a hole in my daughter's chest?" within an underground cave that Mio and Zetsu had been using as a hideout, Mio asked trying her best to control her rage seeing her daughter who was lying on the ground with a hole in her chest.

"Don't worry, she is okay. I just needed to touch her source." I said making Mio confused by my words.

"the source is pretty much a collection of everything you are. Her source is Chaotic Sealing, therefor the more she nears her source the stronger she gets. this is why she grows even though she is sealed." I said leaving Mio stunned,

"Luckily, the seals you placed on her weren't too powerful and she was also trying to seal her powers away. but like me, she had no control over it. although this made her strong. stronger than the current me." I said calmly, with her growing stronger thanks to the seal she was under for dozens of years, she was far stronger than the current me.

This is why I had to dodge her chains, or else when she was to send me into nothingness, My power would quickly shoot up to unmatched levels. I didn't want that

"I used the shock from me stabbing through her chest as an opening, and my reality warping power to make her forget that she could grow stronger from being sealed. this way, she is a powerful lifeform who can now learn to control her powers without having to worry about growing stronger anymore," I said calmly, unlike mine, her power could be controlled. but as she grows stronger, her past attempts of trying to control her powers become useless.

"you... you made her source forget its own power?" She asked, to which I nodded slightly.

"Reality warping is cool that way. adding the fact I spent the past few 50 or so years when I was dead studying my source, I was able to do this... plus, her source is connected to me. After touching it, I realized her power couldn't affect me as it originated from me. another reason why I was able to do this." I said calmly, Mio let out a deep breath.

"It looks like the years haven't been easy on you..." I said seeing how she seemed to have aged, although I had destroyed the fact she could age. 

"You have no idea. raising her, creating a seal that could affect her, and helping Kuro out in Bringing You Back... I tired. I'm going on a small vacation. Right now, I just want to move away and live in some small place away from all of the troubles and just relax." She said while touching her hair which had lost some of its luster. 

She had truly worked hard, to try and raise a child whose sealing power was so powerful, that they could seal anything into nothingness. a child where putting seals on her only strengthens her. a child whose lightest emotions cause her power to lose control. She had to have her clones raise the child as her main body risked being erased. the burden of seeing your daughter unable to feel joy, happiness, sadness, and so on as that would cause her power to go berserk... it saddened her and took a toll on her. but now that I was back, she could relax, right?

"then who would look after her?" I asked in confusion, making Mio look at me, wondering if I was joking. I was quiet for a moment before quickly speaking.

"She already doesn't like me, would she even want to spend time with me?" I asked quickly making Mio go quiet. although she thought my words had a deeper meaning, she ignored them as she looked at her daughter.

"I guess that's my fault. I shouldn't have told her that." She said softly in the past her daughter was crying, not understanding why she was born to be such a freak. trying to make her stop thinking like that, Mio explained how I was the same as her, but through hard training, I learned to better handle my power.

but her daughter took this the wrong way, thinking I abandoned her without even helping remove such a curse.

"Are you not going to ask her name?" Mio asked realizing I didn't know her name. At her words, I quickly asked her to give me her name, which was Mukuro Voildigoad