
I Am Apollo, The Blinding Light, And The Incandescent Sun

A boy without family love and health, but who in death found himself in a new world like Apollo, a world where Gods, angels, youkai, vampires, and supernatural creatures roam freely throughout the world. In a world where several mythologies meet, Apollo blazes a new path in his ascension. Warning! There will be three chapters per week, plus English is not my native language. Tags: Accelerated Growth, Anime, Harem, Crossover, Incest, Mythology, Obsessive Love, Yandere

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31 Chs

Chapter 4 - Queen of Olympus

(3rd POV)

Leto prepared the slaughtered beasts that her sons brought.

Out of the corner of her eye, she glanced at her daughter who was removing and cleaning the animals' entrails while whistling happily.

{I'll just ignore my daughter's morbid happiness.} Leto thought, turning her eyes to her son.

He was sitting next to her, with an Incandescent knife in his hand, with which he was carving the boar's fangs.

Apollo was different from Artemis, who was more savage and cruel.

Apollo was how to say... delicate? No, let's just say he's refined and kind. However, Leto knew that her son had a certain taste for battles.

Honestly, Leto loved those things about her son.

He was kind and didn't like to kill unnecessarily, and he always knew when she was sad and comforted her.

Apollo didn't hide his gentle, soft, and noble side, but he also didn't hide his side that took responsibility for things or even his side that felt a certain taste for fights, although he didn't even know he had this taste for fights.

But Leto knew something else, and that was that her son wanted to get revenge on Python for her.

She could see the determination in his eyes when Apollo had innocently asked who the creature was that chased her to Delos and other even more specific questions about the legendary serpent.

When her son asked this question, Leto only thought about hiding Python's information from Apollo, but the determination in his eyes was quite visible.

Leto, being Apollo's mother, knew that her son would never stop hunting Python.

If it weren't for her, Apolo would find another way to find out everything about Python, perhaps in an even more dangerous way.

Then Leto 'let' slip Python's name and location.

But that didn't mean she wouldn't keep an eye on her son, who wasn't strong enough to go after Python.

{Could it be that back then I did it right?} She couldn't stop asking herself.

Leto shook her head, there was no point in thinking about it now, she just had to trust and take care of her light.

"Is everything okay, Mother?" Apollo looked up and asked.

Leto wiped all worry from her face and smiled.

"Of course, my son."

Apollo furrowed one of his eyebrows, not believing Leto at all.

{My son looks really cute when he furrows his eyebrows.} With that thought, she finally noticed the two pieces of fangs in his hand.

"By the way, dear, what is this?" She asked, pointing to the two curved fangs on her left hand.

Apollo placed a finger on his chin and with a knowing look, he said, "A surprise for my lovely mother."

"Oh! And who would this lovely mother of yours be?" Leto couldn't help but smile at her own question.

"She is a beautiful woman with long black hair and beautiful blue eyes like the sky." Apollo said, looking into his mother's sky-blue eyes.

Leto almost melted listening to her son's sweet words, until she heard the second part.

"But she is also a woman who worries too much and blames herself for things that are far from her fault."

Leto was surprised by Apollo's words and put her fingers to her cheek and scratched in embarrassment.

"She seems like a rather foolish woman." Leto said with a weak, dejected smile on the corner of her lips.

"Yes, she is. My mother is a foolish woman who suffered the worst pains for her children, suffering humiliation wherever she went just because she was pregnant, but this foolish woman never gave up on her children no matter the circumstances.

In my opinion, this foolish woman is the most courageous and the most beautiful of women.

And never again in her life will this beautiful woman suffer the slightest humiliation again, her son will never let this brave woman suffer again, and she must trust her son that he will keep that promise." Apollo's eyes were steady, and his soft voice had a tone of seriousness.

All of this had to be said to put it in this stubborn woman's head that she is someone to be admired and not degraded and humiliated.

At the same moment that Apollo finished making his promise, tears began to flow down Leto's beautiful face.

It wasn't tears of sadness that ran down Leto's face, but tears of happiness.

She was so happy that she didn't know how to express her feelings.

Apollo sighed, getting up from the ground, and hugged Leto affectionately.

Which, to be honest, was a bad move as it made Leto's tears flow even more.

{I... really... am... very... blessed.} She thought, hugging her son, pressing his body against hers.

Artemis, who was having fun, stopped when she heard the tears and sobs and turned to her mother, who was hugging her brother.

She pouted at the drama unfolding in front of her.

"Apollo, you made Mom cry again." She said, holding the entrails of a wild boar.

"I... am... not... crying." Leto said, wiping her eyes with her hand.

Your son really had a gift for saying the right things at the right time.

Since her children were born there was only joy in her life, especially her son who was a sweet and proud boy.

"Mom, stop spoiling Apolo or he'll continue being this delicate guy."

Apollo pulled out of her mother's embrace, who automatically felt a little empty without Apollo's warmth.

"Excuse me if I'm not a classless savage like a certain moon goddess." Apollo said, with a teasing smile.

"What did you say, Mr. Delicate?" Artemis threw the entrails onto the ground and approached, raising her hands as if they were claws.

"That's what you heard, Miss Wild Animal." Apollo said, with a challenged look.

"Oh! My baby brother dared to challenge his big sister." Saying this, she jumps on top of Apollo, grabbing him, and the two begin to roll on the floor from one side to the other.

Leto smiled as she watched her two children play and roll on the floor with their bodies practically glued to each other in a very intimate way, which Honestly was quite normal between these two, perhaps because they were twins? Well, who knows, Leto just loved seeing her two kids together, even if it was seeing them both rolling around on the floor.

Apollo always accompanied his sister in her antics, even though he was much more mature than her.

Unable to contain her smile, she went back to preparing the feast for tonight.

Thinking about the people they saw, she felt a little uncomfortable thinking about one of them, but even feeling that slight discomfort she had to admit that she missed that Goddess in question, even though this Goddess chose to abandon her when Leto needed her help.

As she was thinking about this, a slightly childish voice broke her out of her thoughts.

"Mother." Apollo, who got up from the ground, called her, while Artemis remained on the ground lying down with a smile.

"Yes, my dear." Leto asked, looking at her son who was next to her fixing his long golden hair that was messed up because of a certain moon goddess.

"You could give me those boar entrails." Apollo pointed to some guts on the table.

Leto raised an eyebrow, seeing the action that was a little out of character for Apollo.

"Of course, but why, dear son?" She took the tripe and placed it in front of her son.

"It is a secret!" Apollo accepted the guts with a smile.

"A secret, huh!?" Leto smiled and said nothing more.

"Yes, thank you, mother." Apollo, with the guts and other entrails in his hand, headed towards the corner of the island.

Leto was a little curious since her son was the creative type, he had even carved out a table for today's banquet, but she would wait for her son's so-called secret to be revealed.

Then, she turned around to finish the evening's feast, with a happy smile on her face.

••• ••• •••

(Apollo POV)

I was looking at the water lapping at the shore of the island while working on my instrument.

Finished carving the bones, I paid the shoulder of the boar that I had carved, and connected it to the two sharp tusks forming a lower arch, taking a piece of curved bone, I connected it to the two tusks at the top.

And with the 9 guts I placed and tied the upper part to the bottom forming 9 ropes.

I looked at the instrument in my hand with a proud look.

The instrument was ugly and primitive, but it was something I had made with my own hands and skill, which made it difficult not to feel proud of my creation.

"Fumo! I just invented the lyre." My voice came out clearly with a proud tone.

Apollo was the god of music and art, one of his greatest symbols being the lyre. From my knowledge of Greek mythology, I remember that in some versions of Greek mythology, it was Apollo who invented the lyre.

So I thought, since I'm literally the god of music and art, I might as well invent the lyre myself.

And here is my lyre.

Okay, maybe my lyre is too ugly, and it might look like it was invented by a cannibal, but the important thing is that I created it.

I lightly passed my fingers over the lyre, which emitted a sound.

The sound was reasonably beautiful, but it was far from what I wanted.

There are several finishing touches left.

Now that I had built the lyre, I needed to put the finishing touches on it and refine it with my divine power.

This will be a nice surprise for my mother.

With that thought, I began to gently flood my lyre with my divine power, as the sun began to descend revealing the evening sunset.

••• ••• •••

(3rd POV)


A pocket dimension where Greek Gods resided.

In an immense and majestic golden palace with shades of blue, the sounds of an enraged woman could be heard.

"Bitch." The woman said throwing a chair into a tree, breaking it into pieces due to the collision.

The enraged woman was a beautiful woman with purple hair, tied into a braid with gold and silver ribbons intertwined. Her eyes were a beautiful vivid blue, like the sky.

On her body, she wore a long pastel purple dress with a deep V-neckline embroidered with gold details that exposed a large part of her bust. Her dress has a high slit on the left, revealing a large portion of her leg.

She was extremely beautiful, calling her perfect would not be an understatement, it was as if she was the pinnacle of female beauty.

This beautiful woman is Hera, the Queen of Heaven, and wife of Zeus, the King of the Gods.

(Hera Image)

Hera was in her garden, which was behind Zeus's palace.

Chairs were thrown from one side to the other, furniture was also not excluded, in fact, nothing escaped her fury.

"That slut." Hera swore as a table collided with the floor.

She was tired of Zeus' betrayals, her hatred and jealousy had already taken over her for a long time.

It had only been 30 years since Zeus and Hera had been married.

30 years ago, shortly after Zeus's victory in the Titanomachy, also known as the war of the Titans, the new king of the gods proposed to Hera in marriage, to which she happily agreed.

At first, everything was perfect, but in just 10 years, Zeus's list of betrayals was longer than the River Styx itself.

{Damn! I'm his wife, why does he keep cheating on me with these bitches?} Her delicate hands hit a statue of her and her husband, completely breaking it.

Hera, insanely jealous, continued to destroy everything in her garden, while a woman sitting in a chair calmly drank her herbal tea.

The woman sitting in the chair had long green hair that fell down her back, and her eyes were so green that they resembled the splendor of nature.

She wore a white dress with dark blue tones that hid her skin, not revealing her feet or arms, leaving only her hands exposed.

This beautiful woman who gave off a maternal feeling was Rhea, the mother goddess. Who simply gave birth to Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Demeter, Hestia, and Hera.

(Rhea Image)

"That's enough, Hera." Rhea said, a frown on her beautiful face.

Hera turned around with her hair falling in her face.

"But mom, those women, they're going to visit that bitch and her bastards." Hera began tearing her hair out, thinking about her sister, visiting one of her husband's whores to meet her husband's bastard children.

"Hera! Be classy." Rhea said, sternly.

Hearing her mother, Hera freezes, just from the tone she knew that her mother was almost losing patience with her.

Rhea, seeing that her daughter had snapped out of her madness, let her gaze soften.

"Sit down first." She stretched out her hand pointing to the chair that had been saved from her madness.

Hera shook her head and silently sat down on the chair in front of Rhea.

"Good." Shaking her head, Rhea brought the tea to her pretty lips, enjoying the silence.

"So now speak more calmly about your concerns, without the shouting and vulgarity."

Hera shook her head and said:

"My sister, who should be by my side, is going to visit my husband's children and Leto." Hera said, with an expression of injustice.

"I understand. But you have no right to forbid your sister from seeing her nephews, and besides, you should put that hatred aside, because Leto certainly doesn't want anything to do with Zeus anymore."

"That's not the point, that woman…"

Hera was unable to continue, so Rhea finished her sentence for her.

"That woman had better children than mine." Rhea said, imitating Hera's tone of voice, and then gave a smile.

"Is that what you wanted to say, my daughter?" Rhea's eyes looked intensely at Hera.

"Yes, mom." Hera said, unable to lie under her mother's intense gaze.

"Honestly, you shouldn't look down on your children, Hera."

"But my children are abominations, one is a savage who only thinks about war and with the lower half of his body and another was born deformed.

While Leto's children are beautiful and were born representing the Sun and the Moon. And that woman was just another one of his prostitutes… "

Rhea's eyes narrowed at the vulgar word uttered which made Hera change her vocabulary.

"...my husband's lovers." Hera crossed her arms over her chest.

Rhea just sighed, she had already given up on having that kind of conversation with her daughter.

Hera couldn't get her children right, nor could her husband's unfaithful ways, who couldn't see a hole, who would abandon all his notions.

But don't misunderstand, Hera is not saying that Zeus can't have other women as long as they don't have the same status as her, but rather about the quick affairs that Zeus has with countless women with or without their consent.

Rhea didn't know from whom her son had inherited this unfaithful way, after all, his father Cronos had countless defects, except for being a person who thought with an inferior head.

And Rhea herself was an extremely conservative woman who hated being touched or even showing a lot of her skin to any man other than her partner.

After her husband's imprisonment in Tartarus, she never had relations with any other man in her life.

She didn't miss her husband in the slightest, because in a way Rhea helped her son to overthrow her ex-husband from his throne.

There was no guilt in her heart because Cronos was devouring her children because of a prophecy that said one of Cronos's children would overthrow his empire.

"Hera, that's why I was against the marriage of you two, since from the beginning my son presented this more lustful side." Rhea said, massaging her head.

"Mnnn!" Hera pouted but said nothing.

Rhea lets out a sigh.

"Look my daughter, just leave these three alone, it's the best thing you can do for yourself, I assure you that Leto doesn't want to see Zeus even painted in gold."

"I already left that aside, since I sent Python back to Delphi."

Rhea could still see Hera's non-complacent expression.

{I hope she doesn't cause any more problems, I'm too old for adult care.} Rhea thought, turning her attention back to her tea.

She admits that she also wanted to meet her adorable grandchildren, but that would only make Hera angrier, which in turn would be more stressful for her.

So she just drank her tea without worrying, after all, she was more than happy to be just a supporting figure on Olympus.