
I Am Anti-romantic

Ep; "Yeah but can't we do that some other time?" When he frowned grumpily and didn't say a word, she smiled and cupped his face, "My handsome boy, I promise to go out with you some other time. Max is left alone with Maggie, how's she gonna cope with that babysitting all alone?" "I know but–okay, when next are you coming." "Well let's say–" "Tomorrow." He quickly suggested. Holding her both hands in his, he kissed them, "Please, visit me tomorrow." P.S; Credit to cover owner.

Ahanuwa_B_Osarugue · Urban
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299 Chs

Dad's wrath

"Quintuplets?" Ryan gasped with five fingers poked out. "Wow, what a goal, Seb."

"Aunt, calm down–"

"Hey, don't tell me to calm down when your father has no human conscience. He wants to terminate five babies at a time, what kind of a person is he? And you live with him there? Run for your dear life, young man. You might be the next in line." She's pissed off.

Patting her shoulder, Sebastian nudge her to stay calm that he can deal with this issue. When she ignored him and continue ranting, he eyed Ryan to comfort her why he talk over to Dong-Hyun.

With the phone taken away from her she's still furious with aggression while Ryan accompanied her to the couch.

After taking a deep breath, Sebastian calm down a bit, his heart and body still betrayed him. He is upset and that's it.

Just because he doesn't want to separate a father from his daughter and act mature to let her go doesn't give him the nerves to bit more than he can chew.

"Hand the phone to Jin, I need to speak with her." He demands with a low voice.

"Man, are you crazy? Do you think I'll let her stay here till now? Of course I've booked a plane and fly her to meet you in California."

Sebastian widened his eyes, "You did?" The aura of a dove immediately filled his place. He breath a sigh of relief, "Why didn't you tell me this in the first place?"

"What you'll do right now is this, keep her with you safely, you're her fiancé, right? Am just saying, because the last time you two went out and–"

"Doc, you don't have to worry over anything. She's my soon to be bride and my babies are inside her, I can't risk them both." He whined.

"Hmm, goodness me, thank God you know. Even I don't want to risk them too."

Sitting on the couch, Sebastian sighed, "So what are you going to do? Face your dad's wrath alone?"

Dong-Hyun chuckled, "Man, don't worry about me, I and my fiancee has planned things up before now. It's like we saw this vision coming. Yes, I'll face my father's wrath, just me alone."

Pausing for a while, he added, "Her flight just left the airport," He informed as soon as Chung-Cha whispered to him.

"She'll be at LAX, I need to solve this here. Please take good care of my sister, Sebastian. She can't live at her place for now because off some odd reasons. It'll be easy for my dad to find her there." He added.

"Of course I will, thanks alot. I didn't see you as a guy who could do take such drastic measures, despite your mutant father." He sighed.

Even Sebastian is shock. If he was to be him in his shoes, he bet, he would have probably done the same.

"She has to avoid any event parties, live on stages, collaborations, featuring and interviews for now. Whatever she wants to do, I've talked with her manager. He knows what to do. One thing, she's permitted to work online."

Pausing for a while, he added, "I trust you Seb, even....if Yusheng comes in between I know you won't accept defeat."

"Yusheng? Who's that?"

"Sebastian, this whole drama is killing me. My father is planning to bring in a man which is my old friend to start dating my sister, despite she been pregnant." He explained tiredly.

"What?! Another guy?" He laughed and became serious again, "I reserve my comment."

"She's a star. If all these sarcastic things goes out, her image will be ruin in the limelight. Just imagine a celebrity who aborted five babies, the whole world will curse her. No one will see it as the fault of my father."

"And that I won't let happen, you hear me?"

"Right now her phone is on airplane mode. And it's night over there? Call her to know if she has landed. I'll hang up now, my parents are heading towards my direction."

After they hung up, Sebastian tossed the phone aside and ran his hands through his face before taking a deep breath.

He glare at his mom and cousin who were also staring back with their brows upwards. In other words, they're curious of what was said between them on the phone.

"She'll be here in the morning."

"Whew," Petra wiped the invisible sweat off her forehead with the back of her hand and breath a sigh of relief.

Ryan who was still amazed added, "Dude, quin–oh sorry, I was just stupid to ask again." He quickly reframed his words when Sebastian gave him a deadly glare.

He didn't want anyone to find out about it according to his woman. But his cousin already knew and he knows his mouth won't keep shut.

"Ryan, you better close it before I ask Anastasia to get a zipper on your lips." He stated his mind flat.

Without saying anything, Ryan pinned his lips with his hands.
