
I am already a mother at the age of 19

Bai Lu, the female lead of our story, got pregnant in high school with a guy she loved, Ai Chang, our male lead. when her parents found out about her pregnancy her parents asked " Lu tell father, did someone force you ? Just tell me I will kill him with my own hand, I want to see who dared to touch my daughter in this country." hearing her father she didn't dare to tell Ai chang's name because she believed his family is poor and her parents will really murder him as they are from one of the three mysterious and powerful family's leader. so she just told him without mentioning Ai Chang's name "Dad no one forced, and can you guys leave me alone for a while....please ". "we will leave, could you tell us who is the guy? what is his background? so we can meet his family and come to a decision " Her mother just wanted to know about the guy more, not for any decision. Knowing what her mom was thinking she didn't tell anything about Ai chang. After that she left for abroad without informing him, it's not that she didn't want to inform him. She tried to inform him but his phone was not reachable....when she tried to find him in school, her class teacher said he had transferred to another school just before their college entrance exam. after 4 years they met again at university.....let's get to know how they reunite again... take responsibility...and their sweet love story. author's note: there is no major misunderstanding. It's a sweet love story and definitely does not promote any underage pregnancy.....both main leads were 18 .....and doesn't contain any rape. THANK YOU FOR CHECKING OUT THE NOVEL and do leave a review to improve myself even if you don't like the novel.

starla_A · Urban
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24 Chs

After 2 days

"why are you asking that?" madam Bai asked while looking at her daughter.

"i was trying to figure out this young master's age" Bai lu answered her mother's question.

"there is no need to think anymore...i can just call xiang and ask him directly" master Bai said while taking out his phone from his pocket after putting Ai yun besides him on the sofa who was busy playing with her mother's phone.

Master Bai is talking about master Ai. Master Ai's name is Ai xiang. As business partners for years master bai calls him by his name and master ai does the same. As Master Bai was about to dial the number, Madam Bai suddenly stopped him. "Don't call... it will be embarrassing and awkward for both of you if his son is not the right one. It could turn out he is just 18 later."

After listening to his wife...he also thought the same and he didn't want to affect his friendship with Ai xiang "yah...you are right...but we can't sit still after knowing it could be him"

"just wait for 2 days, we will know everything soon anyway" madam bai said while looking at her husband then paused a little then looked at her daughter who is lost in her thoughts "lu, can you now tell us his full name?"

Hearing her mother asking her...she met her mother's eye "his full name is Ai chang. That's what he said to me and also written in the registration....i am not sure if his name is real". Bai Lu answered her mother truthfully this time.

"finally you revealed his name....i don't know why you didn't reveal his name all these years?" master bai said with frustration.

"because at that time i thought he was from middle class family....if i revealed his name...you would murder him in anger and he wouldn't be able save himself from you that's why i didn't mention his name"

Hearing his daughter's reason ...he was stunned "actually at that time i thought to kill him because he dared to touch my daughter....but now seeing my cute little princess i have calmed down alot" master Bai said with tiny smile on his face while looking at his granddaughter who fell asleep while playing. After Ai yun born....he forgot all his anger he had.....as time passed by he grown closer to his granddaughter. He use to travel half a day by flight...just to meet her sometimes without his wife.

"glad that you did" hearing her father Bai lu commented then went to take Ai yun from the sofa...while taking her...she informed her parents "i am taking her to bed"

Then went to upstairs to their room...when she was about to put her on the bed, she heard her daughter mumbling something in her sleep "dad i will find you soon" which she didn't hear clearly other-than the word dad. She was stunned then she said while looking at her sleeping daughter "you will meet soon just wait for awhile" then kissed her small forehead.

---fast forward---

After 2 days, the night of banquet...someone called Ai chang....seeing the caller name he picked up the call and asked "what is it hua? i told you in the morning that i will reach there before banquet starts"

"its not me who called you...mom asked me to call you to come to the hotel now" Ai hua defended herself.

"whatever....but why is she calling me there now? there is still 2 hours before the banquet starts officially" Ai chang asked his sister with a frown.

"i don't know...i think mom wants you to welcome the guests with them....anyways come here early before mom gets mad at you...also mom told me to inform you that you should be infront of her within one hour....i think you can reach here in time since it will take only 30 minutes from your apartment" Ai hua said before hanging up the call.

"but" before Ai chang could object she hang up the call...he didn't know how to explain her that he was not in his apartment...he is somewhere far from the hotel...it will take more than an hour to reach there. He was 40 minutes away from his apartment.

2 hours ago--

His best friend called him and said "dude....can you come to the company now?". Hearing him Ai chang frowned "i already told you yesterday to clear up my schedule for today....if you need my sign urgently... just sent it after the banquet ends" after saying that as he about to cut the call...he heard an anxious voice from the other side "but you have to come here now or we will suffer a heavy loss...please...i know you have to be there but there is still 4 hours left before the banquet starts officially.....just wear the clothes you are going to wear for the banquet so that we can leave directly from here"

"is it very serious?" Ai chang asked.

"yah" He chen confirmed.

"then i will come within one one hour" Ai chang informed before cutting the call.

after 40 minutes....Ai chang's car stopped infront of the same company which he visited few days ago....'The DRAGON company'....he went inside the building without caring about others who were giving him a weird look because he wore banquet clothes inside the company. Then directly went to the top floor where only the company's executives or the core members can enter.