
I am a pill container in the mage world

Struck by lighting, Rachel gets reincarnated in the mage world. But unlike everyone else, she ended up as a pill container! Is she the protagonist or the legendary 'granpa' every protagonist has?

DaoistKY9MH3 · Fantasie
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315 Chs

Zagronan v Jack

Before Jack could say anything, he saw a punch coming.

"Isn't this a bit strong for rank 10?" he wondered, surprised.

The punch connected, and he got sent flying. 

However, not even a scratch appeared on him. 

Zagtonan continued attacking. Another punch came and hit him in the face. He got thrown farther away, yet he felt nothing.

"I feel like a certain bald person from a manga on Earth! The monster hits, and I just get thrown around," Jack sighed, feeling no threat.

But then, he felt something strange. A terrifying aura emanated from Zagronan.

"Illusion?" he thought.

Jack's surroundings changed, becoming exactly as they were on Earth.

"Illusion that creates a world based on my memories? Now I'm on Earth, so does this mean I can't use any supernatural power?" He tested it and nodded. 

He is now like an average mortal, trapped in an illusion; if he died here, he would truly die.

"Then, let's break it," he thought.

Killing him, of course, is not this easy. Although he is on 'Earth,' the system is still with him. 

He activated the system. The cooldown of the system is now so short that he could continuously use it.

He is on Earth now, where all supernatural powers are suppressed out of existence; he will die if he takes the hit without the cheat being active.

Zagronan appeared before him, grinned, and threw a punch. 

Jack couldn't even see it, let alone defend against it. 

"You only know how to punch?" Jack becomes speechless.

Strong enough to wipe out the entire Earth, the punch fell and shot him far away! The impact was so powerful that he got thrown far, reaching the moon and breaking it into pieces! 

He continued moving faster than light; this is an illusion, so customary laws don't apply. He collided with the sun and began to burn. 

However, with the system active, these only made him much stronger.

His cheat is unbelievably powerful, even among those who have original systems.

It not only makes him invincible, but it even strengthens him the harder he gets beat up.

The only way against him is sealing him; anything else would only make him stronger.

Of course, this is illosion, so his strength here should also be illosion. At least, this is what he thinks.

"I'm fighting on his ground; that's why I'm in this embarrassing situation. Let me get him to my playground!" Jack smiled.

He is losing, of course, because he is in the illusion Zagronan made. Here, whatever Zagronan wants will come true. Fighting here is, at most, a tie, thanks to his system.

For anyone else, falling into Zagronan's illusion is a death sentence.

He closed his eyes and connected to his body outside the illusion. 

This illusion never truly cut off his connection with his body outside; he is too strong for that to happen. Still, his connection is limited, and the illusion cannot be completely nullified. Zagronan specifically left his body outside and only brought his mind in because he knew he could break the illusion if his body were in.

Jack's defense is beyond rank 11; even rank 12s must spend a bit of effort to kill him while his system is not active; nobody can scratch him when his system is active.

But it would take a long time for his strength to break through rank 12, even if a rank 12 attacks him directly for years.

No rank 12 is dumb enough to do it; they would quickly notice the problem, stop attacking, and then seal him up.

His strength now is below rank 12, but far above rank 11; he can kill rank 11s with one spell, punch, or even touch.

He is rank 11.5, one can say.

The difference between rank 11 and twelve is many times more than that of an ordinary mortal with rank 11. no number of rank 11s can damage rank 12

Jack has no universal or complete laws, but he doesn't need them; his power comes from the system, not anything in this universe.

Jack's body outside, with closed eyes, clenched his fist and punched! The illusion world shook, and many parts fell apart. 

Jack frowned. 

The punch could have destroyed a rank 11 world, but the illusion world only shook. Even more, the damaged parts were repaired rapidly.

"What? Do you want to make an attrition fight with me? Ok, let's do it!" he continued punching, and Zagronan continued repairing.

After a few years, Jack was exhausted! In the war of stamina, he lost to Zagronan!

"It looks like I should get serious!" he thought.

He had already reached rank 8 in the illusion world.

But no matter what, Zagronan is far stronger; after all, he is the world's creator. 

"Nullify!" Jack cast his spell. 

This one can nullify another spell or formation; there are more specific spells about nullifying formations, but Jack cannot cast them. He is not good at spell casting. 

Many parts of the illusion world got nullified, but the core remained stable. Jack failed. 

"Troublesome!" he muttered. 

He allowed Zagronan to draw him into the illusion; otherwise, it would not have been so easy. Who would have thought his grandfather was so skilled in illusions?

"I'm going to kill you!" Zagronan shouted. 

Jack was surprised! 

"Why does he look like he hates me so much? Do we have an enmity?" he shook his head. 

Zagronan continued to hit him with rank 11 attacks. 

Fortunately for him, these attacks only strengthened him and didn't kill him. 

He might get as strong as rank 11 in less than a century at this rate.

He wouldn't have been able to do this before because the cooldown time was much longer, but now, his system has leveled up enough that his cooldown is less than the duration of the skill, so he can use it continuously without limit.

A few more years passed. 

After too many attacks to count, Zagronan finally managed to hit Jack enough for him to reach rank 10. 

Zagronan was exhausted! Not physically, but mentally! He never thought there was such a tough person in the universe that even he would tire of beating! 

"A good punching bag!" he grinned. 

He felt his Rage was depleting as he beat Jack harder and harder!

On the other hand, Jack was also extremely frustrated! 

He is stuck here! 

No matter his method, this illusion is way too powerful; it looks endless. No matter how much he damages and erodes the illosion, more will appear and fix all damaged parts.

"I need a concentrated attack!" he thought. To win, he must destroy the formation at once without giving it the chance to recover.

"I don't want to use that trump card!" he is reluctant. He has one spell formation with him all the time. The spell formation saves 1% of all damages done to him; then, when he wants, it releases all of it together. It cannot hold more energy than an average rank 12 attack. But an ordinary rank 12 attack is far more than required to wipe away this illusion.

"Let me save that for an emergency! Let's use 'Future Punch Ultimate' for now!" he thought. 

The rank 12 attack is for when he is about to be sealed by a rank 12.

If he uses it now, it would take millions to recharge it. 

The Future Punch Ultimate, on the other hand, is much easier to recharge. It is a 'time' spell. 

He can use his future punches along with his current ones. For example, if he uses his future punch for one year, all his punches in the next year will be used up. For the next year, he can no longer punch! If he does, it would be a paradox.

How can he punch when he has already used up all of them for the year? That would be a paradox based on a universal law; his ending would not be good. Therefore, he never dares to cheat on the Future Punch. 

Still, being unable to punch one year is no big deal; after all, his most powerful attacks are spells. And, in emergencies, he can always use Future Punch Ultimate again, Punch again, and take his punches from 2 years later. 

So, he cast "Future Punch Ultimate!" 

He drew his punches from the next 10 years! This attack is still rank 11 peak, so it can't harm himself! Zagronan, on the other hand ...

The punch hit the illusion and shattered it! It didn't have time to recover at all! Like a domino, the entire illusion world was destroyed, and Jack's mind managed to return to his body! 

Jack felt his body.

All the physical strengthening he got inside the formation was gone; his body was not there after all. But to his surprise, his mental strength returned.

"Maybe this is a way for me to improve my mind?" he thought. 

He, of course, had already tried illusions to strengthen himself before, but none of the strengthening remained; Zagronan's illusion was the first that allowed his strength in the illusion to return to reality and remain.

He looked at where Zagronan was. 

Zagronan was covered in endless illusions, and more and more illusions were coming out!

"How does this guy have so much illusion?" Jack started thinking of fleeing.

Illusions are not his strong point; if Zagronan were only rank 11, it would be fine, but he is far stronger than an ordinary peak rank 11. Moreover, he specializes in illusions, a weak point of Jack; fleeing is the logical choice in these situations.

Jack attempted to teleport away but found the space to be locked. He looked around and realized it should be a semi-world, possibly a semi-world made by Rachel!

"No way out!" Jack shook his head. 

If Rachel wants him to stay, there is no way he can run away. 

The endless illusions around Zagronan moved and covered the entire semi-world!

"Again," Jack sighed. 

This time, though, he was careful, so the illusion took him and his body! 

They again returned to the illusion of Earth. 

Jack snapped, and Earth disintegrated. 

Not only the Earth but the entire solar system and all the galaxies. 

All disintegrated with one snap.

For rank 11s, a planet like Earth could be destroyed with a glance.

"Come out! Let us fight," Jack exclaimed.

He wanted to test whether he could get stronger by being injured here. He had already tried various ways, like illusions, dreams, etc., but none worked. This is the first time that improvement in illusions actually transferred to his mind.

"Why is this? What does my grandfather have that others don't? Why did I get stronger in these illusions and not in others?" he wondered. 

He could only try because he didn't have the answer to this. 

Zagronan came while grinning. 

He spewed endless illusions again and started transforming the world.

"Again! So much illusion? Are you really rank 10?" Jack doubted that his grandfather might have a universal law related to illusions. Although, if that were the case, Jack would have no chance at all. Illusions created by a universal law are not comparable to these.

The world was transformed and soon turned into a chaotic world. The sky was red, with nine moons in the sky. Countless rank 10 and rank 11 demons moved around!

"Creating this many rank 10 and 11s, even if they are nothing more than illusions, takes an unimaginable quantity of illusions!" Jack was astonished. 

The rank 10 and 11 demons all attacked! He was like a soccer ball, thrown from one place to another. Still, he remained unharmed, and his strength was increasing every moment.

After a while, Zagronan shook his head and used his trump card!

Suddenly, a terrifying aura spread! 

All rank 11 and rank 10 demons disappeared and got absorbed by Zagronan. His body got inflated by millions and millions of times.

Two massive black, curved horns, each light-years long, appeared on his head. His pupils were red, shining like suns.

His height at this moment could only be measured by light years!

"Rank 12?" Jack almost fainted. 

"How is it possible? Rank 12 is not this easy!" he screamed in his mind.

"Even if it's just an illusion, the illusion of rank 12 is no simple matter!" he thought.

Rank 12s can't kill him, but they can seal him. If Zagronan wants, he can seal him in this illusion for trillions of years! 

Zagronan punched with his palm, which was bigger than a million suns! Jack punched back! 

When the two collided, a massive explosion spread but was suppressed quickly because Zagronan's punch didn't really slow down. In terms of power, they were like an ant and an elephant! 

The system protected Jack all the way, and his strength increased a lot in turn.

"I feel like my mental power is very close to rank 12?" he thought. 

He was like a cosmic cannonball, hitting stars after stars and disintegrating them. He was moving countless times faster than light. As for being unable to move faster than light and all this nonsense, none applied. One, because it's all an illusion, and two, even if it wasn't an illusion, all laws would be suppressed when the energy involved is too much. Even universal laws, let alone a world's complete laws.

Jack was thrown to the edges and hit the boundary of the semi-world.

The semi-world shock was on the verge of destruction.

Or, it wasn't.

After all, Zagronan is not a true rank 12; he is an illusion, not real.

The semi-world can even take hits from true rank 12s, so this much is nothing.

Jack was bounced back, but Zagronan moved faster and punched him head-on again!

Jack again hit the boundary and bounced back!

Zagronan took him in one hand and started pounding him with the other!

Bam Bam bam!

In space, sound will not move due to lack of air.

But, this law was suppressed, and the sound of pounding spread in the empty void!

Even planets collapse from the BAM sound!

But, no matter what Zagronan did, the system didn't let a scratch appear on Jack! All of this, instead, was helping his mind reach the boundary of rank 12!

They continued fighting, or well, Jack continued to be beaten. Both enjoyed it from the bottom of their hearts. 

Zagronan enjoyed having a punching bag, and Jack from keep getting stronger.

Rachel witnessed and smiled. She found a good match.