
I am a pill container in the mage world

Struck by lighting, Rachel gets reincarnated in the mage world. But unlike everyone else, she ended up as a pill container! Is she the protagonist or the legendary 'granpa' every protagonist has?

DaoistKY9MH3 · Fantasie
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315 Chs

Vampire John

The new law didn't change anything in any noticeable way. 

Spreading 'misinformation' was already illegal, so the new law didn't help stop the rumor.

All it did was the opposite.

After witnessing how the World Council is doing all it can to stop the rumor, the few left skeptical people also began believing it.

The rumor spread, but there was no protest and chaos. The people are too afraid to do anything notable. 

But, it did fulfill Rob's objectives. As a result of his 'efforts' to 'stop' the dissemination of the rumor, most now believe the rumor to be true.

The next part is on Alex III.

Alex III woke up after he received Rob's help request. 

He prefers Rob to remain the leader of the star world dream world. After all, it has only been around a few thousand years, and there are millions more left. 

Who knows what will happen in the next millions of years? It's best to have the leader of the other dream world as a doppelganger. 

So, after leaving the cave, he closed his eyes and disappeared. 

Even though it was morning, as a vampire ancestor, he could walk around. 

Alex City is the capital of the Mountains and Rivers Alliance. 

This city is at the geographical center of the whole world, with a population of 10 million people. 

A city of 10 million people in medieval times is massive. 

The city has a mayor appointed by the prime minister, but the mayor has little power. 

There are no elections in the Mountains and Rivers Alliance. 

Alex III has a famous saying about democracy: 'Allowing the poor to vote is nonsensical because they wouldn't have been poor if they had good judgment; as for allowing the rich to vote … who is richer than me? It's most rational for me to be the sole voter.'

In the Mountains and Rivers Alliance, every word and sentence Alex III utters is recorded carefully and has the force of law. 

As a result of nearly all people having doppelgangers on Star World's side, the idea of democracy is familiar to the people of Alex's dream world. 

But, because of what Alex III said about democracy, the prime minister, all ministers, all higher-ups, vampires, etc., are completely against it; even mentioning it is dangerous, as some may label it disrespecting Alex III's ideas and vision. 

The words of Alex III are inviolable; vampire agents consider any world against the 'ideas' of Alex III as treason. 

Fortunately, Alex III doesn't have that many recorded sayings; otherwise, everyone should have been carrying a book around to ensure they did not utter a wrong sentence. 

Alex City is also the residence of the Chief of Vampires, Alex IV. 

Alex IV isn't as revered as Alex III, but he is still a fearsome figure that nobody dares to neglect. 

Even the prime minister kneels and kowtows seven times, then kisses his right foot and left foot whenever she meets Alex IV. 

There have been cases of people becoming Alex IV's snack because they showed disrespect.

The gates of Alex City are huge! It is said that vampire agents personally helped build this city. 

There are two vampire guards at night and hundreds of elite soldiers guarding during the day. 

It's not that the Mountains and Rivers Alliance has many enemies; indeed, no one in the world is against them. 

The guards are just a show of force and majesty; after all, the place that is the residence of Alex IV couldn't remain unguarded.

Now, in the morning, many people are trying to enter. 

The people living within the city's walls are all the wealthiest and most powerful people; most residents actually live outside the walls. 

However, important malls and shops are all in the city; thus, anyone wishing to sell their products must enter the city through the door. 

The entrance fee is the city government's most significant income source. It is different depending on people's rank. 

For example, those ranked 6 and below are not required to pay anything, while those Ranked 7 have to pay a tiny amount. 

Rank 16 traitors, on the other hand, must pay one gold coin if they wish to enter. 

One gold coin is equivalent to one month's income for a farmer. 

That is, if the traitor somehow avoids execution or jail. 

There have been cases of traitors released from prison. 

Usually, one would recover social ranking once one completes one's sentence, but the mark of being a traitor would never be washed away. 

Not even Alex IV could do it; only Alex III could wipe the mark of a traitor. 

In practice, Alex III never cares about looking through the applications of those convicted of being traitors and then completing their sentences. As a matter of practicality, all convicted of being traitors, even if falsely, will forever remain at rank 16.

Some of these rank 16s still manage to live reasonably well.

Therefore, even though it's rare, there are cases where traitors are walking free among the population.

At this moment, Alex III is looking at the gate curiously; there are many changes compared to what he remembers. 

He is wearing bright white clothes, with a hat. Even though the sun doesn't kill him, it's still very uncomfortable to stand under it. 

Someone standing with a bright white color is very attention-grabbing. The people around looked at him curiously but didn't get close. 

Nobody looks for trouble; what's more, even though his clothes are weird, they are made from silk, so the people around realize he must be rich. 

He ignored the long line and went straight to the gate; he could ignore them but wanted to look around for a bit. 

The chief guard, a man with a short beard and black eyes, looked at him cautiously and said, "Please display your ID." 

Everyone in the world has IDs issued by the Mountains and Rivers. 

Alex III looked in doubt. 

He didn't have an ID or even know what an ID was. 

"What is an ID?" he asked in doubt.

The guard looked wide-eyed. How can one not know what it even is?

What's more, the man in front of him didn't even try to hide that he didn't have an ID. Someone in these weird clothes, coming to the gate without an ID and not even knowing what it is? 

The man is either crazy or …

The guard started recalling the picture he had seen long before. It was a painting of Alex III. 

A man with a long beard; that's the primary impression he had of Alex III.

He looked at the man in white. He had a very long beard that he occasionally stroked. 

Alex III is famous for being a vampire who can walk in the sun, but it was rumored that he still doesn't like the sun; therefore, he usually wears a hat when he goes out. 

The smart guard thought at lightning speed and quickly connected the dots. 

With cold sweat on his forehead, he immediately knelt and kowtowed seventeen times. 

Usually, seven times is enough, but he did seventeen times to please the man he suspects to be Alex III. 

Luck knocks on the door once in life; this is his luck. 

If his gamble turns out to be true, he might be able to attract the attention of a legendary king whose words are the law, the man whom nobody dares to dream of resisting!

Alex III stroked his long beard with his right hand and asked doubtfully, "Why are you kowtowing?" 

With his head down while on his knee, the guard said, "Your Majesty, lord of all, Alex III, how could I not kowtow in front of the ruler of the world!" 

"How do you know I am Alex III?" he asked with some surprise. 

The guard felt like a mountain was crushing him; this sentence confirmed that the man in front of him is indeed the legendary Alex III, the man whom everyone fears and respects. 

"How can someone with your aura be anyone else?" the guard praised Alex III in a short sentence. 

Talking too much in front of the king of the world is disrespectful, so he condensed the string of praise he wanted to say into a single sentence. 

Alex III nodded with a smile, "I like you! What is your name?" 

The guard looked up carefully and said, "My name is John Forest from Westforest City!" 

Alex III nodded again, laughed, and asked, "Do you like the night?" 

John's quick brainstormed again. "What should I answer? His majesty is a vampire, so I must say I like the night to please him. But why did his majesty ask this question? Why does his majesty care about whatever I like the night?" he couldn't find the answer. 

With his IQ, he could have found out why if he knew how vampires are created. 

How vampires are created is not public knowledge; most say that Alex III makes them out of blood with his invincible magic.

Nobody imagines vampires to be made from humans. 

Vampire agents, for their part, wanted to distinguish themselves from 'lowly' humans; the rumor of vampires being made of blood has long been suspected of being spread by vampire agents themselves.

John answered, "I love nights and, especially, the moon more than anything!" he exaggerated to win favor. 

It's public knowledge that vampires only come out at night and love the moon, as it reminds them of the sun that they cannot see; John just hoped that Alex III shares this liking with other vampires. 

Then, with a quick move, Alex grabbed John's neck and twisted it, killing him in one move! 

John didn't have time to react, not even time to feel pain before the world went dark for him. 

The onlookers had long heard of the conversation and were all kneeling with fear. 

Alex III cut the tip of his finger and poured blood into the mouth of the corpse on the ground. 

Then, he closed his eyes. The next moment, he appeared directly in a dark room in the palace. 

First-generation vampires couldn't tolerate sunlight, so if he stayed out in the open, the new vampire, John, would be burnt to death before doing anything. 

The room was not empty; it was the bedroom of Alex IV. 

Alex III didn't teleport here; he just used his unimaginable speed of 150 times the speed of sound to get here in the blink of an eye. 

His power has only gotten stronger as he ages. 

Vampires are unlike humans, who lose their strength with age; vampires only get stronger. 

Alex IV noticed the abnormality, opened his coffin's door, and came out. 

After seeing Alex III, he bowed deeply and said, "Father!" 

When they are together, Alex IV calls Alex III a father, not Your Majesty. 

Alex III nodded and said, "This fellow is the new vampire I created. Okay, I have come here to talk to you about Rob!" 

Alex IV nodded at John, then asked, "What about Rob?"

He knows Rob; it's just that he doesn't bother with matters of the Star Dream World, so he last talked to him a very long time ago. 

"Spread the rumor that Rob is a ghost; I want everyone to believe it." After Alex III said this, he didn't wait for an answer and disappeared. 

He already ordered; as for how Alex IV does it, it has nothing to do with him. 

He doesn't have this many subordinates for show; if he has to rack his brain personally for everything, then he might as well kill off all these useless underlings. 

Alex IV sighed and rolled his eyes. He is used to his father suddenly coming, ordering something, and disappearing. 

Having nobody to complain, he just sat and waited for the new vampire to wake up.