
I am a pill container in the mage world

Struck by lighting, Rachel gets reincarnated in the mage world. But unlike everyone else, she ended up as a pill container! Is she the protagonist or the legendary 'granpa' every protagonist has?

DaoistKY9MH3 · Fantasie
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315 Chs

The Demon

Owen got back to the capital of Robels kingdom and then entered meditation.

Now, he is sure that the container is a peerless treasure.

Owen finally started communicating with it.

Rachel said:" You shouldn't have revealed my existence to your ancestor, but hey, it's your life; why do I care if you want to throw it away?"

Owen said confidently:" I have everything I have today because of my ancestor. Don't worry; he will never harm me. Let's talk about pills. What should I use first?"

"Why do you ask me? Didn't Alistair give you a book about it?" Rachel said.

Owen signed and said," You are a magic treasure that even my ancestor is fascinated by, so I think you might know something that he doesn't."

Rachel said," Actually, you're right! I know how you should use them."

'Essential skills' have 'prescribing,' which gives the host a list of useful pills.

However, that's not the only function of 'prescribing'.

It has two modes.

One is the ideal mode.

In the ideal mode, it prescribes the best pills in general without regard to whether Rachel can produce them.

The other is the realistic mode.

In realistic mode, it prescribes the pills that she can actually make.

Before, this was useless as she could only produce one pill.

But now, she can produce many valuable pills that Alistair gave, so this part of 'prescribing' is finally practical.

Owen said," Then what should I use first?"

Rachel started a long talk...

Kurt drew his sword and attacked with all his might!

The two swords touched, and sparks flew!

Kurt took a step back while his opponent remained steady.

"I'm a bit weaker. I must avoid direct confrontation." he thought.

The fight continued.

Kurt evaded the bandit as much as possible.

He was a bit faster.

But none of them had an outright advantage.

"damn, if it goes like this, the lady might be in danger!" he thought.

His duty was to protect the lady.

If she dies, everything will be over.

If he returns and tells Duke Hill that he failed to protect his daughter, the Duke will most likely kill him!

This kind of thing has happened in the past.

And if he ran away, his family would be dead instead of him!

He gritted his teeth and shouted," All defend the carriage."

Of course, nobody cared about his order in the middle of fighting.

Suddenly, an exceptionally sharp arrow flew and hit Kurt right in the eye!

He died!

Kurt was the only knight, so everyone else died quickly without him.

The knight fighting Kurt just now bowed to a man who had just arrived.

He said," My Lord."

A man with bright red hair, brown eyes, and black skin stood near the knight.

He was Dominik Brooks, a noble from the Kobi kingdom!

He was a great knight!

Dominik laughed and said, "Clyde, you got better at swordsmanship! Later, I'll teach you a few more tricks."

Clyde smiled and thanked them.

Dominik's soldiers dragged the girl in front of Dominik.

The girl, Rose, was screaming and crying.

"Here you are, Rose, you look sad. What's wrong?" Dominik laughed.

Rose angrily screamed at him when she saw him, "You are sick, Dominik, how dare you? My father will never forgive this!"

"Of course he won't; that's why I won't let him know who stole and killed you!"

He was laughing while thinking of many things in his mind.

Rose noticed what a stupid thing she said.

She immediately tried to smile while crying and said," I'm sure my father is willing to exchange a lot of gold to get me. You can negotiate this, please, Dominik."

"Take her away," Dominik ordered.

Rose screamed and struggled all the way.

Clyde came behind Dominik and asked," Lord, are we sure this is going to work?" he was very doubtful about this plan.

"Of course, it will work. How can it not? Any plans by a genius like me will succeed!"

He planned to steal Rose and have children with her, then kill the Duke and his only son, and then go there and make his son with Rose inherit the title.

Dominik himself, as the father, would control everything.

Rose would, of course, be dead right after Dominik gets a son out of her.

He praised himself many times for his brilliant plan.

"Let's return to the castle," he ordered.

Clyde saw all this and became increasingly worried about his Lord's state of mind!

"Where is my daughter?" Duke Hill screamed so hard that his throat hurt even as a legendary knight.

"She…she is gone, Lord!"

"Ahhh!" lord Clark Hill lost his temper, drew his sword, and slashed at the man's neck!

He screamed as much as he could with a cut-throat and died miserably!

Everybody present was petrified, not daring even to breathe!

Clark was furious and helpless!

His daughter was supposed to marry the Robels kingdom's King, yet this happened!

The Robels Kingdom and Kobe Kingdom have an excellent relationship.

The noble families of the two kingdoms usually marry each other.

The King of the Kobi kingdom had no daughter.

Therefore, the daughter of Duke Hill was chosen as the bride.

"How can anyone dare? Who did it?" he was baffled.

His daughter has a very high-grade mage talent, so high that it was famous as the century's genius.

She could have been accepted as a mage in Blue Light Academy.

Rose was supposed to have a very bright future!

But now, he allowed her to be stolen just like this!

He had sent 100 soldiers and a knight as guards for her to go a short distance in a neighboring city to buy some jewelry, but who knew such a thing would happen?

Someone barged in screaming," Lord, we found some tracks; it leads to Baron Domino's territory!"

"What! that sick animal?"

Dominik is known throughout the Kobe kingdom as an animal acting only on instinct.

He wasn't ever punished because his acts were towards people who lived on his territory.

In Kobe kingdom, nobels can do whatever they want to their people.

Clark thought momentarily of what that animal might do to his daughter, and his hair stood to its ends.

He ordered." Gather everyone around; we set off immediately."

Nobody dared to protest and point out that taking a castle would take more than just a few people around.

Dominik was sitting in his room and having fun with a few of his slaves.

Suddenly, Clyde came in without permission and said, "Lord, the Duke is marching toward the castle."

Dominik threw his slaves away and said," Yes, I'm going to kill him myself!"

Clyde said," Lord, you must run! Duke Hill is a legendary knight. We can't stop him for long! We can use his daughter as a hostage and simultaneously…"

"Shut up! I'm going to kill him and take over the position of Duke myself!"

The highest position that he dreamt of taking was Duke.

As for the King, even crazy people wouldn't dream about it.

Dominik started running toward the castle walls.

Clyde could only follow Dominik.

Soon, they reached the walls.

The castle was quite big for a barron, and the walls were sturdy and tall.

The reason is that a count owned this castle before his territory was split.

Still, this wall was no match for a legendary knight!

Clark, along with a few people around him, reached the castle.

He saw Dominik and immediately got off his horse and screamed, "Bastard."

Then he ran toward the wall and jumped!

He jumped so high that he reached above a 10-meter wall in one go!

This dumbfounded everyone!

The Duke's subordinates were Especially caught off guard.

Among them, there were only two grand knights.

Grand Knights definitely couldn't jump this high.

They could only watch now!

"Get out of the way," the Duke shouted, waving his sword.

Hands, feet, and heads flew!

It was like a meat grinder; no matter what came before him, it was split into pieces with his sword's wawes!

Dominik took out his bow and shot an arrow!

Clark waved his sword and hit the arrow in the air.

But ...

His sword broke, and the arrow still hit him in the arm!

"Magic treasure!" Clark shouted.

He immediately let go of everything and jumped down the wall.

Dominik smirked and said, "No way I'm letting you leave here alive! Take this!"

He shot another arrow toward Clark!

Dominik was speedy and skilled.

The arrow reached Clark.

If the arrow hits him, he is dead, even if he is a legendary knight.

But it never hit him!

The arrow suspended mid-air and froze!

Clark touched the ground, unaware of how close he was to death!

Owen looked around and said," Interesting!"

Dominik was stunned!

"Hey, you ruined my plan! I'm going to kill you!" he screamed.

Owen slowly took out his three-color fate glasses and put them on

"Why an idiot like him is gray?" he was shocked.

This treasure would vibrate anytime a person who is not green gets close.

Just now, 'three light fate' magic treasure vibrated. That's why he used it.

He looked around, and only Dominik was gray.

Gray may be worse than red!

Red means it will kill you if you don't kill it first.

The meaning of gray, however, is disputed.

The first theory is that gray is an uncertain fate.

It might be helpful or harmful. It depends on the person as to which one turns out to be true.

The second theory is that it's beyond the treasure's ability to measure.

The third is that it's an unavoidable danger.

A danger that won't be solved even if you kill the person.

And the last is that it's impossible to kill the person.

Their fate is not to die at this moment.

Fate is mysterious; some things can be changed, but others are fated.

It's all mysteries of time.

After all, fate is a lens through which to observe the fundamental law of time.

It is a way to discover the mysteries of time.

But it's flawed.

Looking at time using fate ... some details will be lost.

"Let's test it now!"

Owen immediately used his highest potency spell, the only rank one spell he learned now, the 'lighting' spell!

Great lighting appeared, and just as it was about to hit, Dominik disappeared!

Owen was utterly in disbelief!

He didn't sense anything!

"'Impossible to kill the person' theory is true?"

This was the first gray person he ever met.

Owen decided to ask his ancestor about it.

After a while, he decided to save his future wife, cure her father, and then think about it!

Alistair looked at Dominik in front of him!

"A demon? Why are you here?" he asked.

Dominik screamed," Who are you? I'm going to kill you! You have ruined my perfect plan!

Alistair touched his chin and said," You don't remember hell? What kind of demon are you?"

He looked at Dominik carefully and was confident that he was a demon!

"And not just a demon, a royal bloodline demon!" Alistair laughed.

It's like a meal delivered to your home without any trouble!

He was looking for a way to get to hell, and now, with this demon, he might finally succeed!

To create a clone that is capable of exploring hell, he needs a body that is compatible with it.

Any monster body will do that.

He would have used a monster body had it not been for the second condition.

The bloodline must be from one of 9 royal demons!

Without it, the clone will immediately be discovered and enslaved.

A demon with a royal bloodline in the mage world is almost unheard of!

"I don't know why you are here, but I promise I will use you well!"

Then, only Dominik's screams could be heard!