
I am a pill container in the mage world

Struck by lighting, Rachel gets reincarnated in the mage world. But unlike everyone else, she ended up as a pill container! Is she the protagonist or the legendary 'granpa' every protagonist has?

DaoistKY9MH3 · Fantasie
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315 Chs


"The ability of 'one in the world' makes the Demon King of Pride the strongest in the world. This ability is not a spell; it's based on one of the original sins.

Original sins are a part of the world's rules, right next to other laws, such as the separation of heaven, hell, and the main world.

These laws were part of the default setting set up by the 'Great Dream' civilization.

Even if the strongest person is rank 10, 'one in the world' would still make the Demon King of Pride stronger than them.

Of course, it's only for a limited time. Additionally, it doesn't consider magic treasures and spells, only the rank.

Therefore, the chances of winning against a rank 10 opponent are slim for a rank 9 Demon King of Pride.

But what about rank 11? Would 'one in the world' allow the Demon King of Pride to reach rank 11? The answer is no. The world is only a low rank 11, so it cannot elevate the Demon King of Pride to a strong rank 11.

In that case, what happens?

'One in the world' is a part of the world's laws, so it cannot fail. If a law of the world fails, it damages the whole world's fabric.

For such situations, there are also rules put in place by the 'Great Dream.'

The countermeasure of preventing a law failure is straightforward: it simply eliminates the Demon King of Pride, thereby resolving the root of the problem.

All of these actions are carried out by the operation of the laws of the world as set by the 'Great Dream' without anyone controlling anything.

The fundamental laws of space and time have gained consciousness. However, they are not the world's laws but the two threads that weave the world together.

How they weave together to form what shapes have nothing to do with them and everything to do with the 'Great Dream.'

'Great Dream' made its worlds as resilient as possible, not easily destroyed.

In fact, there are rules even for situations like the law of time gaining consciousness. If a situation becomes dangerous, the laws of the world will reset the river of time to correct the issue.

Mages were unaware of this, as it had never occurred before, But It would have eventually happened if the two rivers of time hadn't combined.

Resetting time internally wouldn't damage the world but would erase history.

Mortals may not notice time's reset, but mages, especially those skilled in luck and calculation using time, would immediately perceive it.

The river of time has flowed since the beginning of the world, recording everything.

If one is skilled enough, it is possible to learn all that happened in history through the river of time.

When you reset, all the history gets erased, making the past impossible to uncover.


After Pride's death, everyone was stunned. They stopped fighting altogether!

Being rank 9, they knew the implications of what had just happened.

"An existence of at least rank 11 is in the world!" 71 remaining demon kings thought in the shared brain.

Only Pride's main body died,  as the incarnations were not dependent on it for survival.

All the demon kings knew the exact details of Pride's ability.

The information was also known to the mages over the years.

The only scenario in which it can fail is if there are level 11 entities in the world.

"There is no point in fighting anymore. Come and sit here for negotiations," suggested Lee.

As for revenge for the destruction of the 'humanoids' academy, she didn't even think about it.

For rank 9 mages, the concept of revenge is ridiculous.

Only mortals are short-thinking enough to sacrifice benefits for something as petty as revenge.

This is what rank 9 mages thought; as for what is the truth, it's a matter of opinion.

The demon kings nodded.

Just as they were about to start, a woman who looked like an elf appeared before them!

It was Alys.

She controlled the shared mind; she could have controlled the demon kings all she wanted. However, she didn't bother.

She can easily kill them all.

However, there was no reason.

She could kill them all in a moment if she wanted.

"Who are you?" asked Pride Number 3, who was chosen as the new Original Pride.

"I'm Alys, one of the creators. Now, I want you all to do something for me," she said.

Everyone was shocked.

As rank 9 mages, they usually never got shocked over anything, but at this moment, they were.


just as they were shocked, a rank 9 zombie created by a demon king's spell appeared out of nowhere.

"Silence!" Alys shouted and snapped her fingers.

The zombie disappeared! She threw it directly into outer space.

Outer space is fatal to anyone without a complete law, so it died as soon as it reached there.

Everyone gasped.

They knew what Alys had just done. If she wanted, she could kill them with a snap!

"What does Your Majesty want from us?" asked Jorge, his voice trembling. He was tough, but still, facing death after living for countless years is scary.

"Find someone for me," then she transferred the details to their minds.

She knew that Zagronan was in the mage world, but she said this just in case, "Also, go and tell the gods that each must send one avatar here. I want to talk to them."

She can go to heaven but cannot come out of heaven. After all, rank 12 is higher than 7, and the laws of the world apply.

She can go out of the world and come back again, but that's troublesome. The superiors entrusted her with this mission, which means she must have permission to leave.

As for bending and suppressing the rules, all are possible, but they may still damage the world. She will only do it if her superiors allow her to do it.

The demon kings and mages all looked and saw images of Rachel and Zagronan. They didn't ask anything, just waiting for her.

"If you find either of these two, just contact me without disturbing them," she said. Then, she disappeared.

She planned to contact headquarters and ask for permission to cause some damage.

In her current state, she is way too limited in her actions.


After this war, the demon kings and mages reached an agreement.

Hell was officially disbanded and annexed by the mage world.

With the moon shining pure energy on hell daily, it soon loses all its dark elements. However, demons wouldn't disappear. Demons had dark elements mainly because they lived in hell, so without dark elements, the new demons would have pure energy, like mages.

Demons with pure energy are a strange concept.

For a long time, like always up to now, demons could not use pure energy to meditate, but the main reasons were their meditation method, not innate inability.

Now that this happened, the demon king should create a meditation method for the demons, so they can meditate using pure energy.

All meditation methods have roots in rank 9 beings, as creating one requires deep knowledge about how the world works.

Demons without the dark element would lose much of their 'evilness.'

The dark element removes emotions such as caring for others and kindness, so without the dark energy, the concept of a kind demon is coming.

Even now, with the dark energy, some good demons exist, some that can even pass heaven's judgment.

There are other problems, such as the balance of the world, which would be significantly disrupted without a source for the dark element.

But with a creator here, mages and the demon kings weren't too worried about this.

All areas formerly known as hell were given back to the demon kings to rule, with the mage world remaining under mages as before.

The continent of 'Humanoids' has been devastated to the point where it is impossible to revive it.

Lee abandoned it and moved to the continent formerly occupied by Seven Lights Academy. Its former name was Dyer, after the academy's founder, but they changed it to Lee Continent.

With 'humanoids' rank 9 mages alive, how many lower-rank mages died wasn't really important. In any case, most high-rank mages survived, as they were in the protecting formation.

As for why Seven Lights Academy abandoned the mage world, it remained a mystery.


Dyer was in a mansion with Lewis.

"the danger is getting worse!" he said.

He would have died if he had remained in the mage world. That was a certainty without any doubt.

A mysterious woman with the appearance of an elf would have killed him.

After coming to heaven, they communicated with the gods, who permitted him to remain for now. His value was high because of his prediction ability. The Wisdom Council took a vote and allowed him to stay.

"The situation of this world is getting too messy! We should convince the gods to use the secret weapon!" said Lewis, who knew the details.

"Yeah, this world will never be the same again. In the next meeting, I will do my best to convince them!" Dyer said.

Before, he had kept some secrets, but he's going all out in the next meeting.

He has predicted a lot and knows how bad it is.

The river of time cannot predict after a certain point in the near future. What does this mean? It means the world is going to end soon!

Without using the secret weapon, they can only wait and die.

"How did it happen? It's hard to believe it's already at this point," sighed Lewis.

He was initially relieved when the river of time was fixed, but now, an even bigger crisis was approaching.

"That pill container has a lot to do with it," said Dyer, whose prediction ability was now much better than before.


"Please, get the rank 7 jump rank somehow," Rachel begged.

In the reflections in the last few weeks, everything had become very grim.

She has already been forced to kill a few of her hosts and run away to avoid getting caught. The efforts to capture her had multiplied.

"I said they don't have it! You ask me so much, yet you haven't given me anything until now!" said God of Wisdom.

"I'm going to give you a lot if you give me the rank 7 jump rank!" she said.

"You always say that!" Then, she returned to his research with the research group. The group was achieving outstanding results.


Bertha was jumping in the trees in heaven.

After living here for a long time, she loved it.

Today, she wanted to return and bring the wood elf tribe here finally.

Some time ago, the gods finally accepted that the heavens 'judgment' was too harsh of a condition, so the standards were lowered to allow more people to come.

Still, wicked individuals wouldn't pass the altered judgment spell, but good-hearted people would likely pass.

The previous judgment could have been passed if: the individual had never done they regretted it later, made others regret it, or made anyone sad, angry, or disappointed, for any reason, in any situation, and never harmed someone for any reason to pass.

Harm was also defined loosely, with emotional or unintentional physical harm also disqualifying people.

It's easy to see why even saints would fail.

The latest update to the spell lowered the standard and allowed people who see themselves as 'good' and have not harmed or intend to harm anyone for an unjustified reason as defined by Gods to pass.

With this, still, most would fail, but many would also pass and be allowed to enter heaven.

She returned to her mansion and hugged her two children.

She had received permission to have two children years ago.

One was a pure human girl, and the other was a pure elf boy.

"Are you sure you want me to stay?" asked Milan hesitantly.

"Yeah, it's best if you stay," she replied.

Milan was only rank 1, so it's more dangerous for him.

After a while, a rank 6 angel came and took her back.