
I am a legend

What awaits in the road ahead, I do not know, but surely something that has nothing to do with peace, goodness, or justice -- John Farrell Sitting in a large chair covered with a leopard-skin blanket, I drank red wine slowly, letting the hot liquor warm my chest and relax my tired body. Shoulder gentle press, can relax my tight muscles, I looked behind the moon sakura, after many years, this from childhood to take care of my sister's wife, massage technology or as good as I was a child, but also to me back with a gentle smile. Not only the moon cherry...... I glanced at the many women in the room, they are doing their own things, peaceful and carefree appearance of happiness, it is hard to believe that we have gone through so much ups and downs. Fox ears long tail half beast beauty, sitting on a rattan chair to take a nap, open half of the book, placed on her full chest, people can not be attracted by the towering sexy curve. The fairy girl with pointed ears and blue eyes, holding a fine needle in her hand, made embroideries one by one, and occasionally rubbed her tired eyes. The horn-haired dragon lady, polishing her sword with cotton cloth, would occasionally cast her eyes on the cradle opposite her, and on the old enemy beside it. Next to the cradle, a young girl with huge breasts, holding a short blade, is always guarding the name of me and her most beloved person in the cradle. On the luxurious carpet embroidered with the pattern of a hundred phoenixes, a pair of angels with folded wings whisper, their looks and bodies are identical, but their reactions when they are indulged in happiness are completely different. ... I looked around the room again, at them, at the others, and quickly glanced at some of the names already inscribed on the memorials. When I met my wives, they gave me a nod, a smile, a glance, and a little red lips, an undisguised hint of flirtation. My stories with them are enough to fill dozens of thick books. There are childhood sweethearts, mutual support in adversity, bitter resentment and deep love. The love story between my wives and me, like my martial arts, covers most parts of the earth and is still talked about by people there today.

bing_bai · Fantasie
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70 Chs

Chapter 31

Reaching to the chest, although the tentacles are soft, but there is almost nothing obvious, I think a little, then I know that this is the result of tying the chest with cloth, and now a cold smile is cruel to pinch.

"Ah..." Jessi screamed at the sudden sharp pain, shaking herself from my clutches.

'Why are you wrapping the cloth around your chest? Is there anywhere you can't see your tits?" A cold voice came out of my mouth and slowly rubbed Jessie's breasts.

"No... Don't, stop... You slut..." Jess groans in pain and shakes her head, but I keep pinching my fingers as if I didn't hear it; With my other hand, I lifted the hem of her robe and dug into the privates of the goddess.

"Ahh... ! No, no! ' Jess's instinctive cry came as intense pain rolled in.

She lifts the hem of her robe and pulls down her trousers, revealing a delicate pink bottom wrapped in white silk panties. Through the thin small pieces of cloth, you could faintly see the bulging fleshy flap between the bottom ditch, and there were a few silk virgin's unique aroma, striking the nose.

As I began to pull off this robe, I grinned grimly: "It is said that the clergy must keep their bodies like jade, I really did not expect that it was I who ate the head soup of the next master of the Palace of Cihang!"

"No way! Ahh... Stop it... Or I'll..." Jess tried to stagger herself, but I couldn't move her bound body.

"Are you trying to threaten me? Well, are you going to try to kill me with the consequences of gasterism? Hey! Dumpling poison is so powerful, I only have to inhale a little, my body will be so rotten, if it happened to you, you are such a goddess goddess beauty, the ghost will vomit!" At this point, Jess couldn't take the risk, thinking of the pain, so she let me do whatever I wanted, prying open her legs and thrusting my fingers rudely into her privates.

It was dry. The flesh was tender, but there was no moisture in it.

I cold hum, off the belt, holding the stem of meat, gun is about to mount, which know a pain in the lower body. I can't believe this bitch has the ability to control her muscles, shut her door, and stop me from entering. Glancing at the bitch, I saw that her face was beautiful, and goddesses like them, who have made virginity their life's work, naturally have some special secret self-defense techniques.

I kneaded her chest and slapped the tender flesh between her legs. Though it hurt, the bitch held back her teeth and stared at me with a pair of hostile stars that would have killed me in a moment if she had returned to action. And I found something even worse. As time went by, the golden awn on Jessie's body and the gray color on her face began to fade, and it was clear that the poison had been driven away and could regain its mobility at any moment. Run away? By then it's too late!

I drew my gun at the thought that had just occurred, but it was not the closed woman, but the delicate little chrysanthemum behind her head. Something hot and hard suddenly penetrated the goddess's unguarded arsehole and rushed straight through without mercy.

"Noooo... Noooo!"

Jess screamed and wailed, her genitals torn apart by a huge object, and I could hear the sound of her body breaking. The stem went in and stopped moving. The pain was too much for Jessie to breathe, so she could only gasp for breath. The ash on her face returned, and the poison, which was only a step away, flowed back into her body, fighting with the rest of her powers.

For a moment's respite, I grab a second hand hold of the upturned butt, thrust it in forcefully, and begin the joyful exercise of sexual intercourse.

"Ahh... Noooo..." Her body split open again, and the wrenching pain caused Jessie to scream.

"Ahh... Ahh..."

Jess was unable to speak, and the Goddess could only groan in the face of the pain and impact, almost demented.

"You ungrateful bitch. If you didn't give me that, you should have fucked me first!" I smirked with pride.

'God, God of heaven... I..."

Jessie shook her head as tears ran down her cheeks. But my heart did not relent. The thought of that day's humiliation at court turned my anger to lust.

"Thank the gods that they let you sacrifice your virginity to me... No, your whole being." 'I said, holding the stout stem of flesh in the goddess's buttock.

"What four heavenly daughters, from now on, I want the whole world to know that you are just a rotten bitch who has been played by me!"

'Ah! As the sharp pain made Jessie scream, I began pumping back and forth, rubbing Jessie's round pink buttocks.

"Oh, no, no! Oh, no, aah! '

She had never imagined such a humiliating day. She had lost all feeling from the waist down, and only the pain kept hitting her nerves. The goddess shook her head desperately, hoping to get rid of the pain of this ordeal, but she could only keep wailing.

"No! Ah, no, ah!

Ignoring her screams, I felt extremely comfortable under the rough but rhythmic pumping.

"Yaaawn... Ah, whoo... Ah, ah..."

Jess, on the other hand, was fainting from pain in her lower body, and the shame of losing her virginity and being raped was hitting her consciousness so that she could no longer concentrate on the poison, but leaned back and screamed sadly.

"Ah, ah, ah... Um, ah..."

As I held the thin body in front of me, inserting and pulling it out again and again as if it were going through a woman's genitals, Jess shivered and wailed.

"You belong to me," she said.

I angrily fucked the goddess official's soft beauty chrysanthemum hole and laughed loudly: "What's the use of believing in God? Can your God save you? Now don't say I raped you, they can't help you even if they fuck you up your ass!"

The action of pumping and thrusting your asshole became so intense that it sent shivers all over the goddess officer's body.

Jess couldn't hear what I was saying, but I saw the moment when I reached out and ripped the wings of light from her back, right at the vulnerability of her forehead dripping with cold sweat.

They were invisible, but they were real. When they were torn from her back, it was the pain of separation.

"Ah, ah, ah... Oh, no, no, no! '

The pain was so great that it consumed Jessie and destroyed all sense in the Goddess's head.

"Uh-huh... ! By Hemdall! Forgive me..." Jessie let out a shriek of terror, a convulsion all over her body, and as the runaway venom rushed to her head, I couldn't stand the orgasm, and all of my hot semen was sprayed into the virgin anus of the goddess.


Raped this bitch, the day of the evil anger out of the majority, thinking of the earth four heavenly women, in these two days even half of the physical intimacy with me, is indeed full of pride. I have considered whether to kill this woman to kill her mouth, so as not to be retaliated against by her afterwards. This woman is too powerful, far from the original evil lotus, and the ghost is not in my hands, I am afraid to train her to become a sex slave, I am afraid it is wishful thinking. However, the consequences of killing her would be too serious for her to recognize me as I am now, so she would not be afraid to track me down later.

Although the water fire devil Jiao is dead, there are a lot of valuable treasures on the body. I took out the ghost pills, cut and cut, and wanted to finish things as soon as possible and quickly slip away. Suddenly, a strange sound into the ear, I was surprised to look back, I saw that stinky bitch do not know when to wake up, tied arms of the gold wire rope has fallen to the ground.

I immediately held my sword across my chest, trying to figure out what to do, but Jess didn't move, and I didn't dare to move. There was a stalemate.

After a few moments, I realized that there was something wrong with Jessie's gaze. It was empty and far away. It looked like she was seeing me but not seeing me.

What's going on here? I took a step forward and was about to make a move when Jessie's eyes moved to me and, after a moment's glance, she looked puzzled.

"Where is this? Who are you? Why am I here?" Jess is confused. "I... Who am I?"

Stunned, I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

My goodness! The bitch has amnesia!

Sometimes often sigh, blessing, disaster, disaster, the things in the world is really hard to say very, reality is often more bizarre than fiction stories. I finally managed to rape this bitch Jessie, although I did not get her red pills, but the anal rape goddess officer feeling is still a mess, however, just before I have decided how to deal with this bitch, she actually gave me an idiot face and told me that she has amnesia.

Well, looking at that silly white face, her eyes are not as sharp as before, and there is more obvious fear and anxiety. It does look like a bit of amnesia. But... Can playing with anus cause memory loss? It's a medical curiosity. Do the goddesses of the Cihang Palace think with their butts?

My pervert dad once said: if you don't get revenge, you don't get revenge. These words fully taught me the importance of seizing the moment. If this woman has lost her memory, then simply help her brainwash it! Jessie is so powerful, the poison in her system could be removed at any moment, and if the memory loss is removed, I will definitely go to hell.

"Young lady, you..."

"You... What do you want? '