
I am a genius,but I look like a brute

Daniel is a student with a vision of an ideal him. Strong, smart ,tall , and big. the Apocalypse is initiated, and he fulfills one of the criteria for an ideal him passively. join him on a journey with the insane. who else but the insane can survive a ruined world.

DaoistNii · Fantasie
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35 Chs

Chapter 18

Daniel at this time was an impossiblity he weilded the power of space. Not all aspects of it , but at least a section.

His power was born from his will to shatter space . But it didn't reach that point. Rather he was gifted with the ability to punch and contract and expand space instantly causing more damage than a normal punch.

And then he mutated it during its formation while consuming high dimensional energies enough to power a city for 15 years or a town for 20 years . And consumed the punishment of the universe to speed up the process by centuries, since he wasn't a town or a city , but a human .

Turning himself from a spark into a flame.

And subsequently due to his unique genius powers he started developing on the versatile nature of his spacial control.

All this amazing things , and the funny thing is that it was never in his initial evolution plan .

In any case impossiblities were weird , because their work affected the world , but they were not affected by their work .

Let's take Jay's shield . Jay had to maintain it , and any disturbance to it would be felt by him. His shield was as strong as he was .

But for Daniel things were a bit different.

His work on space was a kind of permanent affair , not tied to him in anyway. Any disturbance to it wasn't felt by him unless he focused on it. His work was as strong as nature and reality was .

Meaning for whichever species that was who were battling him or the other side of the rift , they were very close to the power of reality itself . This was a scary notion . Humanity couldn't deal with this at all ! The blue bug alone was a apocalypse level threat without the melovus , golden beetles and now giant red insectoids to add.

And now you are saying there is more than one being on the other side countless times more powerful than the blue bug?!

Daniel had to calm down his racing heart beat . Thankfully they were close to reality but not quite there. To put into understanding, Daniel theorized that the rift was created by them and this was possible because reality didn't actively prevent such an outcome.

But Daniel and impossiblity, a feature attached to the rule of space was actively preventing their actions, getting better at doing so the more they tried and failed to get past his work . With every new method of subversion they attempted, Daniel assimilated, deconstructed, synthesized, and reconstructed all attempts and with a growing knowledge base better handled their barrier. But he was pulling his weight while these dumb fucks were just there!

He really begun to see everyone else as monkeys , intelligent species , but useless. Had Jay learnt to utilize his abilities more, the sound/ vibrational damage could have been averted with ease!

" Jay can't your barrier block out vibrational attacks?" Daniel inquired, nudging Jay in a direction.

He was almost of the mind to teach Jay personally, but his true powers must remain hidden from everyone not himself. And it wasn't something he was willing to compromise on .

Daniel though had an 'Aha' moment in regards to how to deal with the powerful enemies on the other side of the rift .

If he scrambled space on both sides of the rift , no , if he formed a puzzle lock so complex and 3 dimensional it would take years to crack without full attention and dedication and the appropriate level of 'human' intelligence with spacial manipulation abilities, he could permanently close the bridge between wherever those creatures were and the building.

He felt that due to the blue bug , the monsters gained access to their coordinates.

One would ask that if they had it did it mater if the fist rift was permanently closed or not ? Answer was very much.

Daniel had thoroughly scrambled the space within the building. The only reason the monster still had the opportunity to fight was because the rift they formed at first settled within the previous stable space. So even if the walls were now too messed up to make another door , the first door was built with clean walls and was only blocked now .

Daniel wanted to put a Medeco 4 on the other side . At least until he formed a permanent solution.

But the problem with this plan was that Daniel had to be on the other side , or at least open the door to put it there . Which was a shit plan if the creatures take the opportunity to jump into this side.

Meanwhile Eric took it up on himself to kill all that he could.

" I could try ..." Jay said half doubtful of himself .

To be frank Daniel saw more potential in Jay's power than In Eric's power. It wasn't that Jay had the potential to be stronger than Eric by a land slide, but rather he had the potential to develop a catalogue of techniques even more bizarre than convention.

But unlike himself it would take a lot of time , and Jay had barely held it for a week . By human standards he was a genius hence why Daniel didn't feel it was right to pressure him .

Meanwhile Eric let loose for the first time .

His charge was quick enough to evade the gigantic monsters attacking him from above . It felt like a rat against humans , the size disparity was glaring! But Eric was a powerful force that just kept on going .


A single palm strike kills two melovus instantly . Three palm strikes to kill a golden bettle and 6 full minutes to fell one red insectoid.

The red insectoid was closer to the power of the blue bug , but was too big and too slow to evade like the blue bug.

Daniel really wanted to know how much power Eric was casually throwing around.

As he was Daniels punch , a Normal one , or at least before his impossiblity was strong enough to puncture right through the human body .

As it was now any punch he threw came with spacial effects , and he couldn't stop it . The force behind this new 'normal ' punch was powerful enough to blow a hole right through a human body casually, without trying hard. But even with all his might the blue bug only felt slight pain .

So how strong was Eric's plan strikes that caused the blue bug to loose its limbs just by blocking and create a hole in its head?

The blue bug might have met a miserable end for a creature so powerful machine guns only dented its carapace, but Daniel was still going to use it as a reference.

In fact he plans to take its body and use it for some research .

Eric was doing well , but he was human , and at some point he became tired and had to return back into the shielded building.

Jay didn't know how to selectively let in others , so the barrier has to be put down and reput back up as quickly as possible.

But some variation of insects came in too .

Flying mosquito like insects as big as a toddler.

Around 100 entered with Eric and Madison instructed the soldiers to shot them down .

But it proved difficult, as the bugs had excellent maneuverability and a sense of danger . But one person constantly got hits .

It was the same person that helped Eric slow down the blue bug.

Augustine. She had a 50 percent accuracy rate , which was insane for a small intelligent moving target with no studied patterns.

Daniel deduced she awaken a superpower , but compared to hers , his ,Jay's Eric's and Mavis' , powers were top tier in comparison.

This made Daniel question if Mavis' power was stronger than his because hers manifested a couple of seconds before his did..

But even with her above average accuracy they couldn't get all the bugs. Jay and Daniel also had their attentions else were and Eric had thoroughly exhausted himself.

This lead to even more deaths . Daniels heart had grown stone cold to the deaths occuring all around himself he could help , but that would further decrease his attention directed at subverting the powerful beings on the other sides attempts at opening a rift within the building.

He wouldn't risk it .at this point all others were seeing Daniel doing was a blurr of hand finger arm and palm coordinated signs . He was building something no one was sure , but they could feel it . Now the only problem was how to install it on the other side of the rift without dying a horrible death.

The circumstances everywhere was shit .Daniel Really wanted to just give up and run away. He knew a hopeless situation when he saw one .and like a jinx another on the other side joined the three , making four .

And this new addition proved to be a menace !.

Rifts flicked in and out of existence within the building Daniel abandoned improving the space around the building for Jay . At least now it was enough to not make Jay feel much pressure.infact it might now be overkill.

With all of his attention on the new problem , Daniel snatched back his upper hand but then he noticed that whatever joined recently was on a whole different level of technique than the previous three.

You see while the first three had signatures to exactly how they used whichever spacial power they all had.

Like a style unique to themselves, the fourth just kept on going through spacial signatures like it was nothing.

Daniel felt like he was up against another super genius like himself. But later into it Daniel discovered it's trick . There was a mathematical formula to the selection of signatures. But the thing was it'd take him hours to decide the method. This indirectly ment that the formula being used was so convulted only earths greatest quantum computers could solve it!

Daniel didn't have a personal signature. He was using realities signature, meaning he was easy to all of them. He also couldn't change this fact. If he could , it'd be if he had spatial powers, and if that became reality , it also ment a single of his opponents would be able to run him over unless he had the energy and power equal or greater to their own.


Eric after resting a few seconds went back out .

Again letting in a swarm of flying mosquito bags the size of toddlers.

This time Augustine's accuracy went up a bit , seeing as she was getting used to it . This time no one died within the building.

Suddenly Daniel came up with an idea. If within an hour he could decipher the formulas being used , he could perhaps formulate two , no three spacial constants.

A constant that calculates all possible signature variations. It was impossible for any being to do something that seemed virtually infinite, but Daniel knew that it wasn't. At least on the other side. He'd exchanged enough attacks to know their spacial knowledge base . Anything from their knowledge base wouldn't work any longer . Unless the started from their foundations of spacial manipulation and developed on a different route . Which still gave him decades or centuries, and by that time he'd not need protection from them , but they'd need to be protected from him.

A constant to calculate all forms of breaching techniques.this was relatively easier the variations in this was under a singular umbrella of 'breaching '

And the final constant of coordination . between the two previously stated constants . This was wild , because not only did it border the line of Spatial technology artificial intelligence, but it also demanded that he install a function that perpetual operated without any input from him, and only reality to rely on .

It was insane, it was madness , Daniel didn't even know if such a thing could be called an impossiblity? He could tell instinctively that he would never be able to form another impossiblity, ever . Not because it might be hard to come by another flicker, but that a flicker would never form in a place filled with flames already. So what would reality do if he restructured the law of spacial stability on a permanent geographical location.

With each time Eric went out to cull the enemies numbers , flying bugs would manage to infiltrate , to which Augustine and those with guns would shoot down. Jay was testing waters, trying to focus on blocking out vibrational waves (ie sound) from generating within his barrier .

Then with his spacial perseption Daniel perceived captain Hudd coming down from the top floors .

Certainly something was really wrong with him. That casual jog down was too eerie for Daniel .

" Lieutenant" he called out to Madison

" captain what is the matter" it wouldnt be an exaggeration to say that Madison was disappointed in her Captain's inability to lead them . Letting inexperienced teens do the heavy lifting . He'd been strange since he came back .

Madison turned only for a hand to swipe past her face. It took seconds to register what had happened.

Splurt blood gushed out of her left eye as she entirely lost sight in that eye .

" AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH, AAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHH " Her scream was gut wrenching that it pulled others attention from defending against the flying bugs causing two deaths immediately.

The beautiful Asian American captain had an eye in his blood soaked hands, and even when he'd taken out her eye in the most brutal way possible, he still had that amiability in his Aura.

Daniel cocked a brow , Jay just looked plain shocked .

' why would he sabotage his cover like that soo quickly ' was their thought .

" Explain yourself or die where you stand" both Jay and Daniel said in unison. It wasn't by intention, they grew up together and could be called brothers not related by blood. So during stressful or stunned moments their speech patterns turn to synchronize.

And at the moment they were pissed off .