
I am a devil in a strange world

He was the main character yet everyone else appeared more important than he was. What was this story he was assigned to? In a futuristic world of magic and gadgets, he emerged from the depths which held no value in comparison to the great ones and the higher ups. The world was beautiful and he was considered one of the many blotches that tainted its beauty. The day he was killed, a cleansing was manifested. He, however, reincarnates into the real world - Earth. Reborn from a world of fantasy instigated by ink into the world of humans, he faces no better luck than his previous life in a book. Unfortunately for him, in this new life he is struck with an illness that makes his skin look red. People call him the "devil" and even his mother is scared of him. A world he couldn't understand yet, he understood. Who was this writer that created his story and why was he reincarnated into this strange world that refused to accept him either? What if more lies to writing? What if writing sparks up and opens up a world humans never knew existed? Prepared to learn about this "Earth", he sets into the great merchant city with the help of a shape-shifting system to become the greatest librarian and explore the truths that binds him to the library of his stories. He is Emmet Quinn, the devil in a strange world. [WPC June 2024 entry] _ _ _ Read on and enjoy the journey of Emmet Quinn! Your support is simply the most I could ask for! NB: The story is set in a futuristic Earth with a revolved humanity. However, this "Earth" is different from the Earth in real life. Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/zsahn4yckr

Blak_cherry · Fantasie
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65 Chs

The world I lived in

Outside the walls of the wooden shelter was the true meaning of the good things of life. Vegetations ranging from mushrooms to spiritual plants were scattered across the lands.

Flying ships drove across the air as everyone was in the spirits of hustle for the start of the new week.

Most of the people who walked across the streets were dressed in silk and fine linen, emitting a wealthy demeanor.

The black eyes that watched silently at everything that was going on, drifted from the opening that served as a window and a sigh escaped the boy's lips.

It was no use fantasizing about the things that would never be his.

"We're not going to eat if you keep on staring out that window," A feminine voice emerged from the adjoining room.

The boy remained silent and only allowed his eyes to travel towards the owner of the voice. It was a woman who appeared to be in her early fifties, with a demeanor that seemed almost lifeless.

He could hear pots clanging and the sound of the kettle wheezing yet, he couldn't smell anything.

"Ma, I'm leaving to find a job," He suddenly said.

"Get out now before your mates grab one before you," The woman said, not for once glancing in his direction.

He moved towards the only bed in the room and grabbed the pouch resting on it. With that, he stepped out of the house.

His silver hair glistened under the bright rays of the sun. His black eyes were an empty hole that revealed no emotions, and his pale fair skin was in no better condition.

It was easy to pick him out as odd in the streets, he thought to himself.

"What job exactly am I looking for?" He scoffed. "To pick the gardens of the higher ups or what?"

His mother was always bothered about him getting a "life". She was always putting too much pressure on him and he didn't like that either.

He started walking slowly and soon, his pace increased. He moved faster through the crowd and soon, he started running.

As he ran, he threw stunts which enabled him to cover the distances ahead, even faster.

After much running, diving, and jumping, he reached a quiet place covered in trees. He walked slowly towards the midst of some trees and crouched till his eyes was fixed on the sand.

He proceeded to draw a vertically raised door in the ground with his index finger. He then opened his pouch and dipped his hand in it. When he brought it out, he threw what looked like golden dust onto the drawing on the ground.

The sand began to seperate, revealing behind his drawing a wooden door.

He immediately took the door by the knob and pulled it open before jumping into the hole after it, shutting the door behind him. Once he had gone down the hole, the sand automatically returned to hide the door from view.

Underneath the sands that led to the door through which he had gone, was what appeared to be a secret lair. It wasn't a lair owned by scientists or one owned by a smart team nor was it one owned by a secret agency.

It was one owned by thieves.

Properties that ranged from objects to jewelries were scattered in various corners to mark the success of their numerous achievements.

There were two fairly long couches that sat opposite each other. On one sat a boy who examined a gem and on the other were two other boys who emptied the contents of two pouches in a search for something valuable or money.

His footsteps announced his presence and the boys looked up from what they were doing.

"Hey! White head is here!" The boy who had been examining the gem, smiled and patted the space next to him which spelt for White head to sit next to him.

"Anything for today?" The boy they referred to as White head allowed his eyes to move through each of them before taking it back to the boy with the gem.

"We have something in mind. Well, it's going to be the toughest so far but, definitely worth it," One of them scavenging pouches, said.

"Spill it out," White head urged, seemingly impatient.

"Well... it's Lord Camellias' garden," The boy with the gem called Jin, continued.

For the first time, White head showed an expression and it was one that read fear and surprise.

"What do you mean Lord Camellias' garden? Even a madman wouldn't dare wander off into that space and expect to go scot-free," White head's eyes moved through each of their faces.

"He has these new plants. The luminous pears and I overheard the villagers saying that those pears will give abilities that match the spirit core of whoever takes it. What if we actually have great spirit cores? If we could gain great abilities as well...we could become as powerful and as rich as we want too!" Jin pushed on his point.

White head turned silent. There were many things he could risk but robbing someone as powerful as Lord Camellias could be one of the greatest mistakes anyone could ever make.

"I don't know..." his voice trailed off.

"We'll do our thing and keep watch and protect ourselves including you. All you need do is go and... and bring four pears then, BOOM! we're all rich," Another of the boys, Cain added.

White head thought for a long while. Sometimes he wished his life didn't take the turn it was but no matter how much he resolved to do something better, it never worked out.

It was as if someone he couldn't see controlled his every move.

"What time?" He found himself asking. He needed power first to get a name.

He didn't have a name. Names were sold just like anything else in this world. Only those who had either money or power could get names.

Jin, Cain, and Rueben had been thieves long before he had become one of them. They got registered names from the money they stole and he was yet to make enough money to get a name.

"Now," Jin spread out his arms with a smile.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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