
I Transmigrated In A Demonic Sect

Chen Fan opened his eyes to find himself standing in an unfamiliar place, surrounded by kids aged 8 to 15. Observing himself from the perspective of the other children, he appeared to be around 10 years old. The scene around him was perplexing, as most of the kids were divided into distinct groups.

Among these groups, there was a clear hierarchy. The first group, the smallest and loudest, was adorned in the finest clothing and seemed to be the picture of robust health. Just a step below them, the second group wore clothes slightly less extravagant but still far better than the third group. The third group, which Chen Fan found himself a part of, was the most mysterious. Dressed in shabby attire, they remained eerily silent. In front of this enigmatic group stood individuals donned in green robes, exuding an aura of authority.

For someone like Chen Fan, a mangaka who had spent his previous life engrossed in reading and crafting countless web novels and manga, the situation was utterly baffling. However, amidst the confusion, a realization dawned upon him. He had transmigrated into an alternate world. This revelation was nothing short of a dream come true, as he had often fantasized in his past life about transmigrating and acquiring incredible powers. Finally, it seemed that his dream had become a reality.

To gain a better understanding of the situation, Chen Fan decided to move closer to the first group, where he believed he could eavesdrop on their conversation. The second and third groups noticed his movement and, after some initial surprise, decided to join him in his pursuit of knowledge.

It became apparent that the first group either paid no mind to their presence or simply didn't consider it significant, as they continued their conversation without lowering their voices. As Chen Fan listened intently, he gradually pieced together crucial details about their circumstances.

Firstly, he discerned that he was indeed in another world, a realm where the language spoken was completely foreign to him. This realization heightened the sense of otherworldly strangeness that had enveloped him since he arrived.

Secondly, he learned that he was amidst a group affiliated with a peculiar and enigmatic entity known as the Nether Ghost Sect. This sect appeared to specialize in the arcane arts of controlling and harnessing the power of ghosts. Such revelations left Chen Fan in a state of awe and curiosity.

Thirdly, he gathered that the children around him aspired to become outer sect disciples of the Nether Ghost Sect. The individuals at the forefront of each group were already considered disciples of the outer sect. It wasn't long before a middle-aged man, whose authority was palpable from the aura he exuded, stepped forward.

"Follow me," he uttered, his words carrying a certain weight. The man didn't provide much explanation but simply gestured for the group to follow him. They complied, and he led them to a looming two-story pagoda. Without further ado, he entered the pagoda and instructed them to wait outside.

Minutes felt like hours as the group waited anxiously. Then, after a brief interval, the man reappeared and summoned a member of the first group to follow him inside. As minutes ticked away, the second member was called, leaving the group bewildered about the whereabouts of the first person. Thirty long minutes later, the third member from the first group was summoned inside, and the second individual did not return.

A profound hush descended upon the group, shrouding them in a tense silence as they grappled with the implications of these mysterious disappearances. The minutes seemed to stretch on endlessly as they waited in suspense, their imaginations running wild.

This pattern continued, with each group experiencing the same sequence of summoning, leaving the waiting disciples in a state of mounting anxiety. Finally, it came to Chen Fan's turn. With a deep breath, he steeled himself and approached the door, pushing it open to reveal a new, mystifying world beyond.

On the other side of the door, he entered a circular chamber with doors on all four sides, including the one he had just passed through. The chamber's center was dominated by an intricate, inscrutable diagram etched into the floor. To Chen Fan, it bore a striking resemblance to the arcane symbols he had encountered in movies and stories from his previous life—symbols that often signified powerful, mystical forces.

Positioned around the circumference of the diagram were four individuals, each of them an enigma in their own right. There was the middle-aged man from earlier, whose presence exuded authority. A beautiful woman with an air of mystique about her, a thin and seemingly frail man who appeared to be in poor health, and an elderly figure with eyes closed and hands clasped behind his back.

The aura emanating from these figures was nothing short of extraordinary, carrying a weight and gravitas that left Chen Fan in awe. He felt a profound sense of humility and reverence in their presence, especially when his gaze fell upon the elderly man, whose closed eyes concealed untold depths of wisdom.

"Stand at the center and sit cross-legged," the middle-aged man instructed, and Chen Fan complied without hesitation. His heart raced as he waited for the next revelation, aware that he was on the cusp of an extraordinary experience.

"Do you know why we are called the Nether Ghost Sect?" Without waiting for Chen Fan's response, the middle-aged man continued, his voice carrying the weight of centuries of tradition and mysticism.

"It's because we contract and subdue ghosts to do our bidding. Now, we will summon a ghost from the Nether and bind it to your soul. You will feel some pain, but remember, do not lose consciousness, or you will be possessed, and we will have no choice but to kill you."

Chen Fan was initially taken aback by the revelation. After all, his transmigration into this world had already been a bewildering experience. The idea of having a ghost bound to his very soul was overwhelming, even though he had anticipated something of the sort due to the sect's ominous name. However, despite the trepidation that welled within him, Chen Fan nodded resolutely to the middle-aged man.

"OK, let's begin," the middle-aged man declared, setting in motion a chain of events that would forever alter Chen Fan's destiny.