
I Am A Catholic God Of Death

Alex Smith just an ordinary pastor at an ordinary Catholic Church, until the day he was killed. God decided that he shouldn’t have to die with the amount of malice in his heart and sent him to reincarnate in a world where he no longer concerns himself with. A world where sins don’t matter. Getting to this world, Alex realizes that he is no longer bound to the chains of morality that held him down on earth. He realizes that the church isn’t what he was used to on earth, that the church is filled with liars and manipulative people. He is disgusted by the church and embarks on a journey to end the church no matter how many people he has to kill to do it. *** Official discord link https://discord.gg/2XrBm3Fe

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantasie
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55 Chs

Vexation Of Spirit (2)

"All is vanity and vexation of spirit!"

Inside the dome like stadium, there were thousands of screens held up on poles placed inside the fighting screen. There were various instances portrayed on every one of the screens.

One of the screens showed Azure's fight with the demon. Most of the audience weren't focused on the fight between Azure and the demon, their attention were elsewhere.

On a secluded section barricaded away from the rest of the crowd, an old looking man sat at the forefront. He was flanked on both sides by two females wearing a nun outfit.

The old looking man stared at the screen portraying Azure's fight with the two demons. The old looking man raised his brows for a moment or two before it dropped and maintained its normal position.

Two old looking man was none other than the pope!

Two rows behind the old looking man, Alex stared at the screen. His lips curled upwards to form a smirk as he watched Azure fight the demon.


The demon smirked as it watched Azure charge at it. The chains dissipated and two swords formed on the previously empty hands of the demon.

The demon used the sword to block the incoming attack from Azure. He used the other sword in his hand and stabbed at Azure.

Azure clashed and appeared some distance away from the demon. His eyes flashed with a dangerous glint as his body flashed and appeared in front of the demon.

"For the light shineth in the darkness and the darkness comprehends it not!"

The flame shaped mist that outlined Azure's body and his sword started 'glowing', if that was possible at all. A thin azure colored crescent danced in the air as Azure slashed his sword towards the demon who laughed.

Azure slashed at the demon with all the strength that he could muster at that moment. An Azure colored arch trailed the edge of his blade as it moved towards the demon's neck.

The demon's figure turned into a blur and dodged Azure's sword slash, as soon as the sword passed it, it moved towards Azure and slashed at him with the fire swords.

Azure flashed and reappeared behind the demon, slashing at its neck. The demon turned around and blocked Azure's sword strike.

"Oh you're way much fun than the others". The demon said as it slashed at Azure once more. Azure flashed and appeared some distance away from the demon.

Azure's eyes started glowing with an azure hue. The mist that outlined his body seemed to have reached a somewhat solid state as it resembled actual fire. The mist that outlined his sword also underwent the same type of transformation.

He ran towards the demon but stopped at a distance that seemed safe enough and slashed at him.

A five feet long crescent slash mark burning with glowing azure fire formed in thin air and rushed towards the demon who smirked as he started his dodging motion.

The crescent was moving towards him at a velocity that made it difficult for the demon to dodge. He would've managed to do it quite easily nevertheless, if Azure's figure didn't appear in front of him.

A devilish smirk was on Azure's face as he slashed down at the demon with his sword. The flame colored mist started 'burning' with a passionate intensity as Azure's sword was on its sojourn towards the demon's neck.

The demon broke out in a cold sweat. He maneuvered his body in such a strange way, allowing his neck to narrowly pass through the bombardment of the slash mark and Azure's sword.

The demon heaved a sigh of relief as its figure passed Azure's attack. It made sure to retreat some more.

"Ha!" The demon laughed hoarsely after it was sure of its momentary safety. "You miss- uh!" The demon didn't finish his taunting statement. He let out a low groan and widened his eyes. His hands stretched out as if reaching time clutch his back. Unfortunately, they couldn't complete that movement. The demon's body collapsed on the floor. Its eyes widening in shock. It never got the privilege to see who or what killed it. It died with so many questions.

"I don't miss". Tamra said behind the body of the corpse. One of her green daggers was firmly embedded into the left side of his upper back area.

Azure smiled at her, then lost consciousness. His sword almost grazing his neck as his body plummeted to the floor.

Tamra lazily walked to his body and searched him for any serious injuries that she didn't know about. Upon ascertaining that he was fine, she carried his body and dumped it violently on a tree trunk that was nearby.

A slightly bright golden light appeared above her head. She looked over to where Azure and Sticks may and saw that they also underwent the same changes.


Inside the dome like stadium, the pope furrowed his brows as the screen showed Tamra carrying Azure's body. He muttered something to the two nurses and focused his attention elsewhere.

Lucifer looked at Azure and smiled. His smile turned into a full fledged grin. He turned to the two other demons who stared at Azure'a screen. There was a faint look of regret in their eyes.

"Bet you're wishing that you picked him huh?" Lucifer laughed at the face of the two other squad generals. "See how awesome I am at scouting talents, just look at…". Lucifer scratched his head as if trying to remember something. Ultimately he gave up. "Alex!".

"Yes, general". Alex leaned forward so that he was behind Lucifer.

"What's his name?" He pointed at the screen.

"Azure". Alex said and leaned into his seat.

Lucifer was about to continue his bragging but the attention of the two generals had been shifted to another fight that was ensuing.

With a dissatisfied harrumph, Lucifer also began to monitor that fight. As luck would have it, the fight also involved another member if he Lucifer squad, just not in the good way.