
I Am A Catholic God Of Death

Alex Smith just an ordinary pastor at an ordinary Catholic Church, until the day he was killed. God decided that he shouldn’t have to die with the amount of malice in his heart and sent him to reincarnate in a world where he no longer concerns himself with. A world where sins don’t matter. Getting to this world, Alex realizes that he is no longer bound to the chains of morality that held him down on earth. He realizes that the church isn’t what he was used to on earth, that the church is filled with liars and manipulative people. He is disgusted by the church and embarks on a journey to end the church no matter how many people he has to kill to do it. *** Official discord link https://discord.gg/2XrBm3Fe

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantasie
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55 Chs

It’s Just Some Illusions

When Azure was reunited with his memories, everything became clear to him. This world was the most disgusting, piece of shit world that anyone would ever come across.

That opinion was limited to him, though. There were many sinful Christians that would kill in order to get reincarnate in a world like this.

'The church' wasn't really a church, it was a disgusting organization that didn't run according to God's will, it ran according to politics.

'The angels' were supposed to be the church's army, basically their muscles, the ones that would dirty their hands on behalf of the church.

This world, as far as Azure one of it had two continents; Iceland and Greenland. Greenland had four countries inside of it; the Diamond kingdom, the Ruby kingdom, the Emerald kingdom and the Amber kingdom. All these kingdoms have at least ten churches operating inside of them.

The church were treated with prestige because of the feats which they claimed to do and 'Miraculous deeds' that they did with the help of 'the lord'.

All these disgusted Azure. The fact that the church was being used for something so evil and the fact that the lord was being blasphemed upon. He didn't like it and since he didn't like it, he had to stop it even if- even if he had to kill.

In his mind, death would be the most fitting punishment for these liars, so that they find their way to a life of eternal suffering quicker.


One word in particular could not be used to describe the church. If one were to find words, they would say elegant if beautiful or magnificent but these words could hardly convey the essence of it.

It was very tall, about ten stories tall. It was painted white for the most part and had a few black crosses painted across its surface.

There was a huge fence that surrounded the perimeter around the church and there didn't seem to be a gate or an outlet anywhere that provided a means for entry and exit.

Sticks noticed a few people going to the other side of the fence an he tapped Azure and gestured towards the slowly building crowd.

When they got to the center of the crowd, Azure witnessed the most shocking thing that he had ever seen in all his years of living, and he was a pastor!

He literally saw huge slabs of bricks disappear, intro thin air to clear a path wide enough for one person to pass.

And while he seemed to be awes and dumbstruck at the entire thing, Sticks didn't seem to be fazed at all. He just watched it with an expression that could be read as the 'it's just disappearing rocks, what's so special about it?'

"A-are you seeing this?" Azure asked feeling slightly embarrassed at the disparity between his and Sticks' response to the disappearing bricks.

"It's just some illusions" Sticks shrugged. "There's no brick around that area of the wall, most likely there's an illusion stone that makes it seem that way but in reality there's nothing". Sticks said, his vigor increasing comparing to the nonchalant tone he used when he started explaining. "Why do you thing that there are two guards outside an inside?"

Azure shrugged. "I don't know, to stop people from breaking in".

"Bullshit! Even the king doesn't have the balls to break in to the church in broad daylight".

"But are the guards always there?"

Sticks regarded him as he would an idiot at this very moment.

"Bro, we see them everyday".

"Oh". Azure said softly. Several parts of his memories that eluded him came to him at that moment.

'Damnit Fred'

"Next!" One of the guards called out.

Azure realized that it was his turn and walked forward. The guard searched his body then hollered for the ones inside to grant him access. The guard then stretched out his hand, asking for a tip.

Now, it wasn't that Azure didn't understand the gesture, he just had no money with him, and as such he couldn't afford a tip.

So with all the dignity he could muster (which didn't amount to much), he stretched out his hand and gave the guard a handshake and he walked inside.

Not long after, Sticks entered munching on a bun. Immediately Azure's stomach went on a rampage as of reminding him that it needed to be fed so Azure unceremoniously grabbed the bun from Sticks' hand and tossed it into his mouth.

"Hey!" Sticks protested.

"Don't 'Hey' me, I was about to get one for myself before you dragged me here". Azure said while chewing the bun. "And you could've gotten more, I'm still hungry". He added. Sticks could hear the dissatisfaction in his voice.

Sticks opened his mouth as if he was about to say something then decided that he shouldn't speak or rather he shouldn't say what he would've said because a second later, he spoke.

"Let's go and register"


"So we can actually participate in the selection". Sticks said. "Did you come to watch?"

Azure rolled his eyes and stated walking then stopped. He turned around and started at sticks while awkwardly rubbing his nose. "Where do we register?"

"For the love of-". Sticks tan a hand through his hair. "Over there! Over fucking there!" Stocks pointed at a small booth to his left which was precisely the opposite direction that Azure had walked towards. "We fucking register over there!"

Now, Sticks' screaming was attracting a lot of weird stares. Azure decided that the best course of action was to tactfully pretend that he did not know sticks, this being extremely difficult since he was the person that the yells were directed at, and walked towards the registration booth leaving Sticks to look like at mad person.