

I am too strong is there anything fun? I am bored but what is this, Dying is not even possible! and now I am a helpless baby, I hope i am weak now, but what is this power again. I can kill my enemy or even God with a snap of my finger, treasures and Rare Weapons are all in my hands, Women and Kings are all under my control now. But I will live a leisure life not showing off. But do not provoke me as I might accidentally destroy you with your surroundings without bits to see anymore. special tag:no ntr, always over kill, poor Acting weak skill, A mix of pure eastern and Western culture

Vena_Ralte · Fantasie
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40 Chs

Chapter 39.Zeus is dead

Flustered eyes with a long stare filled me, because I do not know who the he*k this old man is.

But the fact that he came as soon as they this self proclaimed god shouts for help towards their father, he appeared which means he is their father or some type of strong guardian.

"You, the both of you are so weak, you will return to the underworld to train for a thousand years as a punishment, do not even dare to call yourself the son of Zeus again, even unable to beat a mortal,

As it tarnishes my name as the God of the sky"

Well hearing what he said he must be their father, who cares I am going to kill them all anyhow was what I thought until the fuc*ing God hit me with a lightning spear which does not penetrate my physical body unlike others, the lightning bolt of spear suddenly dissipate but covered the whole of my body with its current,

Which shock me from inside out, the pain... was the first, It was not a simple physical pain, where a portion of the body is in pain,

But a torture I must say which touch even the soul was what I feel,. but luckily the pain do not last long.

"You, a mortal of the lower most realm dares to do harm to my sons, the sons of I the great God of the sky Zeus the almighty God of all God"

What a long intro I must say, If I wait for him to finish then surely his speech would take forever,


Holding the sword of demons and God in both my right and left hands I charged...

With a nice and clean hit not a cut, there were smokes all around us unable to see each other due to the powerful impact,

I enjoyed the fact that I killed him at first hit, I never loved to KO people who has some backbone as I want to show them some respect.

But I remembered hearing a clanking sound right after hitting him,

As the fog caused by the ripple between us disappeared,

He was holding a shield looking at me and as I swung my swords again, he parried my attack and hit me with his shield.

"A brave mortal you are, I shall award your bravery by not killing you, hereby you are forgiven"

The Fuc*ing Zeus tries to leave the fight but as my heart was already proud enought to the point that being belittled was more painful than an injury.

Taking out one of the most powerful swords in my inventory although it was not the best but I am sure it was enought to kill even a God as the swords itself was name a God slayer.

Striking in and out I rish towards Zeus but the almighty king of the God was quite hard to kill just using brute force as just a punch of his made me flying too long.

Our fight was scaling nearly all the continent which was like a thousand hear natural disaster that only an expert could know that it was anything but natural but man made.

On the other hand the empress has also enjoyed our shows, the fight was intense and its effect was huge as well.

Large wave of winds which causes a tornado and lightning to fly around while in the abnormal sky.

The wave which hit the grounds were unbearable by creatures or any living organism, the fight was like a man made extinction era.

As the fight was reaching its ending, I was the one lying on the ground filled with blood, and a spear penetrating my shoulder,

As he come and step on my hands which was trying to reach for the drop sword, he smirks.

"Now remember being a mortal is what makes you useless mortal, Your retribution will be granted especially by me, Go to your after life where my brother awaits"

Although what he said have no meaning, but I was sure that he was trying to make his last strike against me.

"Mortal say your last words"

Holding my hand high towards him,"my last words? that would be bye bye"

And snapping my finger of God slayer skills that the system has given me, Zeus has started to shred light in his body, a crack appeared followed by another crack,

"what is this he yelled" but there was nothing much he could say later as he has evaporated into pieces...


Host has killed Zeus the Greek God of the sky,lightning and God.

Host has started a first class power struggle by Poseidon and Hades trying to take over olympus as the successor of the throne.

Host has to make himself the king of the Gods of the lower realm or else Finger snapping death may not work on power level higher than you

Your luck would be decrease to a certain area as well.

Host has killed a main God,

Host is rewarded with the key to become weak,

****x ******

Hmm...I though I was so dead when I fought him but now turns out he has reach the death point that his body just disappear, or it might be the way of God leaving the place.

That finger was great to kill a renounce God, but what does the system mean about the God who are stronger than me.