

I am too strong is there anything fun? I am bored but what is this, Dying is not even possible! and now I am a helpless baby, I hope i am weak now, but what is this power again. I can kill my enemy or even God with a snap of my finger, treasures and Rare Weapons are all in my hands, Women and Kings are all under my control now. But I will live a leisure life not showing off. But do not provoke me as I might accidentally destroy you with your surroundings without bits to see anymore. special tag:no ntr, always over kill, poor Acting weak skill, A mix of pure eastern and Western culture

Vena_Ralte · Fantasie
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40 Chs

Chapter 26.My wife cheats me pt2

How can that happen,

After kicking the door down,I saw my wife which I truly love being push down by the Prince of the enemy kingdom I was fighting.

My wife lovely hugging another man naked,I have never even seen her naked body because I respected her shyness.

After she saw me, she was surprised and act innocent and but hearing the commotion the Prince guard came upto me.

The Prince having confidence now because his guard were here fu*ks my wife right infront of me but my wife also does not plan to leave him either instead enjoyed the sex and moans furiously,even though she was not even bonded my any rope or anything.

The guards points their swords unto me and made me look until they were finish because the prince ordered them to do so.

After they were done, The Prince flattered me saying,"dude thanks for keeping your wife fresh for me,you are a good man"

I laugh...unmotivatingly

it was not that I could not defeat this bunch of guards,It was just because I was waiting for my wife's words.

Amely stood up using the bedsheets to cover herself, "sorry honey that you have to see this,but you were just not enought for me".

Even the Prince laughed again hugging he and kissing her, but the worst was that when the Prince kiss him Amely my lovely wife kiss him back.

Which has now broken me and a tear filled up my eyes.

After their lovely kiss,the prince said,"You like what you see Aron Shild now I want you to die,I will take your wife Amely Shild in as my mistress"

hearing that I asked my wife,If she wanted to be just his mistress not even his wife.?

But Amely said,"Yes,I will be his mistress,I have no problem"

"But why?"I exclaimed"you can be a queen here?"

Amely answered to me that,she rather becomes the mistress of a man who can give her pleasure besides his kingdom is much larger than mine,and that I was fighting a losing battle.

Now I know why I was always losing when I make a perfect plan to fight,it was because my wife has been informing this shitty prince about the plan that I have make in my own bed.

The Prince while laughing and still hugging my wife,"Hey Aron now Just accept your dead,and leave me,I am going to have fun with your wife again,guards kill him".

Well he should have been more patient there,I was always powerful and strong and all the kingdom are all rules by the true me with brute strength and I was called the Demon King as a nickname and under me various kingdoms form up which I really do not care.

But I put up an act of being weak just because Amely said She does not like men who massacre and begin my life a new joining my own army and giving myself my own land and permission to fight for more land.

It was funny thinking about it.

I have always controlled myself,but now Seema,I cannot do that anymore.

With a stomp of a feet the whole palace along with all the maids guards and even my people and anything which were is a radius of a 1000 km were all turn into nothing not even the ruins remains,except for me and the Prince and and my wife which I does not include in my attack.

After seeing my power,The Prince has now realize who I truly was as My deadly and intimidating aura has appeared.

"De..dede.Demon King..."while bowing down and crying his misdeeds.

Even my wife who has always wanted to meet the Demon King now bowed to me shuddering and begs for forgiveness.

She said that,"Hubby this is not my fault,you should know that this Prince has always lust over me,so when you were not at home he come to me and blackmailed me that If I don't sleep with him he was going to kill you so,I led him lay me to bed for you,

And later he continued in doing so,but this is only the third time believe me".

And then the Prince shouts,"what a bunch of shit are you saying woman,

I am sorry my king for laying your wife,but it is not my fault.

I know that I have always lust after her body but as you have warn me,I stop doing so and the war started as well.

But as we were losing,your wife came to our kingdom five months ago to meet me and offered threatens me that that my kingdom is all going to perish if I does not do as she said,because you started this war for your wife.

She seduced me to lay in bed with her and even told me your battle strategy which is why we have still been winning until now this last five months.

Later she invited me to your castle saying that you are goin away for a week and that she has made all the guards to leave and only kept her trusted maids.

Which continue,I have sex with her more than a thousand times this five months and even last month.

She said you are going away for two month so I came here and stayed for a month just having sex in your rooms it in the corridor even at your throne.

I am sorry for the act I gave when you arrive because I was too drown in having sex with her already."

Well that was quite a narrative unpleasant yet most listened story I have ever been told.

His name is Edward and has always lust after my wife even when they came for a peace visit noticing that ,I have warn to cut off his libido once.

The lust he gave towards my wife was also why I started the war because my wife told me to do so.

So which was one correct I am sure because this Prince is just nothing but a jerk who would never dares to do anything inside my kingdom so it was the obvious.

I asked my wife Amely,"Amely I know what you did so,Care to tell me more about it"

while looking at her right in the eyes.

She dare not to lie anymore...

Starting with I am sorry while crying,

"Sorry honey,please forgive me, I was just lusting over you but you never gave me the satisfaction and although I know that you are strong you were not just strong enought either as a king.

So I have to do all that,the only man who I could easily seduce is also the one who lust over me so I did that.

I know that If you win I will not have that pleasure anymore so,I leak your battle strategy.

Sometime,I even let the guard ravage me because Edward was not around even when you are home I used the knights and guards for my own pleasure but ended up killing them off because I could not trust them.

"But now I know that you are strong and have legion of wives as well,so please just take me in to your castle as your lowly mistress and I will be alm yours again no men can ever have me,

please hubby I still love you.."

A voice was shouting,"what a hideous and crazy bit*h you are daring to this to my lord"

Two of my guards and The General of my army who is also my wife has come due to the serious first commotion I have made for the last two years.

I held my hands and they stopped.

What a sight...I exclaimed while laughing while lifting Amely's chin.

""Well I will forgive you for cheating on me because everyone have secret.

So even I was hiding this much from you and also have more than a hundred wife as well that too behind your back.

I guess I was just in the wrong for not fulfilling that crazy lust of yours to begin with?""

"Really"she exclaimed with a smile"you will forgive me for everything and take me in as well"

"well there,I did say I would forgive you but not take you in,you have done something you should have never done to me which is not your adultery or killing my knights,

It is just because you have sold out my perfect battle plan,even though everything is mine to begin with and losing this little kingdom does not mean I lose it either.

I am just outright angry with you just because of the fact that you have easily given out my hard earn battle plan which took me a long time to make.

Hihi surprise..surprise dear reader..

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just so I know that you like it

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