

I am too strong is there anything fun? I am bored but what is this, Dying is not even possible! and now I am a helpless baby, I hope i am weak now, but what is this power again. I can kill my enemy or even God with a snap of my finger, treasures and Rare Weapons are all in my hands, Women and Kings are all under my control now. But I will live a leisure life not showing off. But do not provoke me as I might accidentally destroy you with your surroundings without bits to see anymore. special tag:no ntr, always over kill, poor Acting weak skill, A mix of pure eastern and Western culture

Vena_Ralte · Fantasie
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40 Chs

Chapter 24.My rebelling wife

OK, I do not know what I just done and took along an elf queen and a princess with me.

Even though I am angry at her, till now because in the past she destroyed all the city that I have created just because she hates the human and kill without mercy and destroyed half of my kingdom.

Killed my jackess caretaker, decapitated him and hang his head on their flag while they were coming for me.

Although there is no one who deserve that other than him, because he was cruel, brutal, Alchoholic, and loves woman especially elves.

But he is my caretaker who raised me without any worry at all, although he somehow turned me into a first copy of himself.

So, I told her evrything that has happened knocking her mother out.

That Princess, after fighting me for a minute was now sure that there was no way to win from the beginning.

Because I single handedly fought all of my army taken by her , which I trained myself to be able to defeat some Demons who used to pop up from the crack.

They are strong but they are still not even enough for the appetiser,The Elf who was my wife who has rebelled against me chose to kill herself rather than fighting me after she realize that she has no chance of winning.

I slaughtered my own army who has dared to rebel against me, I cannot doubt this Elven princess wife of mine having confidence against me after she has taken over 2 third of the army.

Because all the army that she commands numbers in more than millions.

And yet the battlefield was filled with a pool of blood ,I mean a pool of blood where you could literally swim,and their bodies was piled like mountains.

After finally cutting all of my soldiers, the remaining soldiers who has accept their fate chose to kill themself rather than running away.

Although I taught them to fight until dead and never run away,but I guess, they still dont run away knowing that there is no way I would let them run from me.

I ordered the remaining legion. of troops to kill any rebelling soldier who has fled the battlefield, they are also humans so some there was sure some nitwick who did fled the battlefield but death only awaits them.

After reaching my wife, She points a dagger towards herself, trying to commit suicide but I stopped her from doing so.

I said to her,"Are you just trying to die off that easy after causing this much trouble?"

she knows that she has no choice but to do what I say even the cruelest torture.she accepted her fate but her high esteemed high elf attitude was surely still in checked.

I brought her home and, kept her in the cellar, It was the day of arbitrating her, she was chained out from the cellar her looks was aweful but her face does not show any hint of being sad and have gladly accepted everything I was going to do to her,she was smiling when she came to the court room,her being chained really made it hard to look at.

After the hearing has started, she was given a chance to speak for her offence and her words were sweet as well.

She said that, she was power hungry and rebelled against me even though, there is not even an ounce of bad treatment against her at all, and that she regrets that in the end of going through all that she still could not kill me.

What a brave words for a last word, But to her surprise and I goes towards her ang hugged her and laugh saying ,"it's a prank" and laugh very hard.

I actually thank her for, bringing me some enjoyment in my boring life and even rewards her to be the main queen and that her regrets of not being able to kill me can be followed up by her son.

Damn,I was stupid what a shitty judgement I must say.

After hearing my story the elf princess laugh out really loud,

I questioned her if why she laugh, was it that she does not believe what I said?

but she replied,"No,I truly believe what you say,considering your strength and the strange mount that you have,but I was only laughing at the fact that you reward me after rebelling against you,

what normal human who are full of themself would do that"? she asks...

But I replied to her that I was not a normal human.

She smiled,"sure you are not"she replied again.

Considering what I have just told her,I guess I did take my revenge in some way,

But while we were flying in the sky, I saw the ship that I was searching, travelling between countries because of it.

Jumping directly towards the ship,makes ahole in the ship,which cause me to fall directly to the sea.

Jumping up again and hop on the ship ,they were sealing the hole in the ship with ice magic and were looking at me with their auspicious eyes.

One of the crew angrily attacked me but was thrown into the sea for food ...

What a stupid guy he was...