

I am too strong is there anything fun? I am bored but what is this, Dying is not even possible! and now I am a helpless baby, I hope i am weak now, but what is this power again. I can kill my enemy or even God with a snap of my finger, treasures and Rare Weapons are all in my hands, Women and Kings are all under my control now. But I will live a leisure life not showing off. But do not provoke me as I might accidentally destroy you with your surroundings without bits to see anymore. special tag:no ntr, always over kill, poor Acting weak skill, A mix of pure eastern and Western culture

Vena_Ralte · Fantasie
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40 Chs

Chapter 22.I Give away too much Gold

After a while I added more gold and added more until the point that she eventually died from being suffocated by the gold,still her death might be a dream for some low life's as well.

The bloodlust I have while seeing her die was showing and some weak soul choked as well,but a brave little girl came upto me and touch my hands saying,"uncle stop"

Which made me realize what I just did wrong and controll myself.

Yes,I am not a good guy,and this bloodlust something I acquire from trying my best to survive.

Sight,I should learn to controll this bloodlust.

After a while later, The city lord came to me with a bunch of guards and adventurer and has ordered them to attacked me, but they were stop by the knights who were there, who knows how the consequence would be If they draw their swords towards me again.

The city lord was very angry and shouts out his anger,being unable to do anything except that.

Well I guess it was my wrong this time,So I chose to give them some compensation all the gold used for killing the girl and this 5000 gold is my compensation for the part I have destroyed.

And this batch is for the business that I have cause a problem for the merchant and gave them a 10 thousand gold.

Everyone was happy after seeing the money, and was open to me like nothing has ever happen especially the city lord.

The cleanup of corpse was done by the knights immediately and I also went out to complete my task.

I have this feeling of forgetting something and yeah it was to buy some horse for the Griffin's food but I just complete my little mission first.

If I am not wrong the poison that I am looking for can only be found by an adventurer and that too in a very strange way.

An adventurer have to continue his task with something that has to do with herbs and continue on until he finish an S rank task that has to do with herbs.

If he take any adventurer task given from the guild which has nothing to do with herbs than he will not be able to complete the requirement.

After the requirement is done that adventurer will be given the location of three herbs,by the magic books in which it used all the merit for the completed task.

Those location given by the books are not mission or task it is just a way of saying thanks from the magic book.

So it could not be done by force and I have to deal with this myself by completing every herbs task given by an adventurer guild.

Even though it was a herb which was used just for ointment it was really hard to find around the place I am searching for.

Don't thay say these types of herbs are not rare at all but why can't I find even a spec of leaf here.

Well they say that some herbs could be inside a cave so let me just enter that big caves.

And so after entering the cave,the cave was emitting a strange light which became brighter and brighter to the point that the cave was brightly lid.

Wow,I exclaimed seeing this scenary is the first as the way the interior of the cave was lid was amazing in its own way.

But later a scream of fear like "save me" and later "just run,while I lure them away" was coming from another cave which was interconnected with the cave I am in.

A little girl carrying a sword bigger than herself came rushing out and yelled at me to run,

Seeing that I does not flinch an inch,stops and stood infront of me facing her back towards me,the girl just scold me and yelled at me to run while she hold the attacker back.

I stood still having no idea of the situation,later from the cave crawled out a cute looking mole,after seeing the mole,I could not hold out my laughter and laugh crazily.

"you are running and yelling for that little mole" while patting her head I exclaimed, but with a weird look she stared right in my eyes and,"hey dont touch my head ever again,and that is just a mole which is not scary even though he is just a B rank monster on his own,but 100 of B rank monster would surely kill you especially in their turf".

"And let's see how you laugh after you see that"while pointing towards the cave where a bunch of moles came rushing out.

"What!?they have regroup"she exclaimed hastily and held my hands and ran away taking me along with her,"Why are you scared of a bunch of ground moles"I asked.

But she seems to be still mad and kept running still holding my hands but it seems the mole has some intelligent which was enought to block off its intruder.

The path ahead collapse right infront of us and a bunch of ground moles came rushing out from the side opening, while there are some at the back.

"No choice"she shouts and ran to the path and yelled to follow her,I don't know why but I just goes along with what she said.

After we ran for a while in the straight path,which was also one of the moles trap a dead end appeared and about 500 B rank moles were chasing us.

She was very distressed now and have no hope to live,she just came up with another plan that she would fought the moles head on try to lure them away as much from this straight path while you try to escape.

She knows that she would not be able to defeat such an amount of moles but still steps up infront of me again giving me her necklace to give it to her sister if he does not make it.

But I held her in the shoulder and stopped her,pulling her back,Fire I shout holding my hands out towards the moles which burn them just enough to eat.

In the 500 amount of moles about 450 was burn dead and the remaining does not seems to have a chance for survival that much,

The little girl was surprised and was looking at the scene jaw with jaw dropping reaction.

After the moles has left the cave was starting to become darker but she cast a simple spell illuminate which brighten the cave again.

I pick up the burn up moles, sprinkle some salt and ate it,mmm..this was just delicious the crispy flavour it gives and the warm aroma of freshly burn meat,and the mole meat itself being an S rank was very tasty.

I gave her some as well and after eating it she became shiny and seems to make some improvement.

She was overjoyed and said a lot of tha ks for saving her.

But after some inspection of me she asked "you the guy who nearly destroyed half the city?"she asked.

Yeah that was me is the answer that I gave her but instead of getting afraid of me or making a distance she scold me for giving too much gold for compensation.

1 gold was equivalent to 100 silver and 100 bronze was equal to 1 silver.And the cost of repairing the city would cost around 100 gold maximum as the daily wage for the worker is just a 100 to 200 bronze,and all the material could be bought for 50 golds and and with the worker all can be completed with just 200 gold.

Yeah I gave them quite a lot of gold,I regret a little after what she said,but I do not lose anything even after distributing that much gold because the gold in my inventory space was more than enought to build a huge castle with just using the gold coins.

After what she said I smiled at her and said "no worries,gold is one of the things,I don't lack at all in my life".

She smiled and asked me If I could give her a 100 gold as well in a joking manner.

But I just said yes,nad gave her a stack of gold and even offered her 500 more gold if she could tell me where I could find the herb I was looking for.

She took the gold hesitantly with full of questions and looked at the herbs I was showing in the paper.

At first,she though it would some rare herbs but it was just a beginner task of finding herbs which was even inside the city growing in some wall as well.

She laugh really loud patting me just like I did to her with a smug face,"well being strong and rich really is not perfect,I see"

She later told me that,I could not find any of the herb here because those type of herbs only grows near human towns or village and not in the Deep forest.

I am right now in the deepest part of the merchant city forest,which have monster which rank from A to B.

And the bunch of moles I just killed was enought to be claimed as SS rank problem.

After knowing what I wanted I gave her 500 gold she was very happy and state that she would follow me out of the cave first.

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Thank you for reading

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