

I am too strong is there anything fun? I am bored but what is this, Dying is not even possible! and now I am a helpless baby, I hope i am weak now, but what is this power again. I can kill my enemy or even God with a snap of my finger, treasures and Rare Weapons are all in my hands, Women and Kings are all under my control now. But I will live a leisure life not showing off. But do not provoke me as I might accidentally destroy you with your surroundings without bits to see anymore. special tag:no ntr, always over kill, poor Acting weak skill, A mix of pure eastern and Western culture

Vena_Ralte · Fantasie
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40 Chs

Chapter 18.My new wife is Goddes

As the house was nearly completed there was this feeling in me that I have to control my power or else I will surely destroy everything again.

After everything was settled,I made a decesion to let my foster mother stay with me and left the mountain towards my small town where my mother live.

Riding the dragon king we soar through the sky again,I have this problem of navigation but the dragon king memorised everything which makes things easier for me.

After we flown over some mountains and gorges finally we reach this little village,In fear of startling everyone in the village,the dragon transform into a human in mid air.

While I hate him,He was right but he could land to the ground first to make things easier for me why does he have to do this.

The air is not amazing at all,because everytime I land destroying the ground is always a must.

Upon landing,I fell through the ground just besides the village,how can no one knows that there was this much of an underground area beneath the village.

Beneath the ground lies a type of shrine for An evil Goddes "Hecate"who was the Goddes of withcraft.

After that crash her follower sure does floods in as well,the place that we fell was right inside the temple.

Her followers came and talk bullshit thingy again...the thing s I heard the loudest was "Death for infiltrator"but among the loud uproar came the sound of a click.

It was an elderly looking lady,holding a cane in her hands,but after she take off her hood she was not an old lady but sure is in a milf category.

Hello dear visitor of the Hecana temple the Goddes of the Good and bad,May I know the reason for your abrupt entrance?

Yes lady,But If I am not wrong,Hecana was the Goddes of witchcraft am I right.said the dragon.

!!!what an imbecile!!dare to badmouth our Goddes do you have a death wish?

another loud click sound came again which put the people in silent mode.

You are right dear visitor of the Hecana temple,Our Goddes is known for many names an well as many deeds for a good one and bad ones as well.

But our Goddes who has ruled over her believer from the dark with the moon and creatures of the night like hell hounds has never failed us.

From the way you have come,It does not seems like you are here to worship the great god are you?

But atleast which God do you follow...

I Aron Gild follows no God instead I kill them.

A laughter filled the room for a while,But the cult leader who was so cool and calm has shown her true colour as well.

So you are not a believer I see,but Do not make jokes like that as it may backfired on you...

But telling you this is meaningless as you are never going out of this place anyway.

Because I have made you inhaled the cult strongest poison as soon as we meet,I know that you are not some village person which enters accidentally that means you are strong enought to challenge us.

But You have inhaled my poison so many times that your heart will start to rod,makes you weak rotting of your body is the only thing which will follow you.

What do you mean that you have casted some kind of witchcraft thingy on me which can make me weak.Hey dragon is that what she said...??

Yes,my lord that is exactly what she said.

Ok lady I cannot feel any poison yet som can you please give more to me do t so it secretly and make it less potent or anything.

Just realise it full time,but I have question If you have realised it for a while won't it kill off alm of you too,because this poison from your words seems strong.

Yes,I know that this would be undoubtedly dangerous for all of us,but this is a sacrifice they had to make for the Goddes, Their sacrifice will never go away.

Ahh...OK but does that not include you too??

Yes it does you idiot everyone inside this teme would die,including all my allies and me It is an honour to die for our Goddes to punish an infiltrator of her temple.

She will never abandon us and will surely guide our soul.

OK..but can you stop the chit chat and release your poison again but this time only me,target your poison only towards me.

What are you crazy?,You are surely insane,if you want to die that much I will ho you so so.

Hmm..this is poison I can feel it piercing through my veins the numbness and a little ache in my heart I am truly poisoned after all.

Should I praise and thanked the Goddes Hecana for this beloved gift?

OH dear Guest I pities you and also is very happy that you want to follow the Goddes of good and bad but you might be too late.

May we see again in the after life if there is one.

Wait lady I don't mean it that way,but think what you want...

But why is the poison taking so long to take an effect,Don't you say it would started working right after you used it?

Why?!!!Are you not human or are you a God why is our poison not working,are you an demon why??ohh Goddes Hecana please help your follower in banishing your temple infiltrator.

As this is goin on,I who though the poison would be potent has lose hope again,what was all that feeling that I have,the numbness was just my poison immunity killing off the poison and the ache in my heart was the little fairy who resides in my body was pinching it.


why is it so hard to be weak?

Hey the cult leader do you have anymore tricks because the poison is not working at all,If you have no more tricks I will reward you by not destroying the place.

What did you say you Imbecile how dare you belittled us dear Goddes lens us your power to eliminate your enemy.

Even if you chant loud to the point the cave collapse your Goddes will not come,even if she did I will have to kill her.

And just after I said the word there was a darkness which was floating in the front.

The cult leader bowed towards that darkness stayed.

From the thick darkness, A foot was out which was silky smooth followed by lengthy hands,A beautiful lady stepped out.

Her cloth reach her ankle with a less look through cloth,the cloth barely covered her breast and privates,wearing dark jewelery all over her,clear dark eyes with dark lips,what beauty she is.

"Are you the one who have challenge this Goddes,if your are as per your request I am here"

What you are the Goddes Hecana,I was filled with excitement and asked her If she can be my wife instead of my enemy.

But this Goddes who was full of who actually made Abey that If I win I can marry her as my wife.

That was the most sweetest thing I have ever heard in my life.

After what she said,I immediately agreed and prepared for the fight.

She takes a long spear from the thick clouds spins it around later points it towards me.

What a beauty to be loved by all men,But I am as said before not racist and love equality as well took out my huge swords and points it towards her.

Hey lady are you sure you would be my wife if I can win this fight.

She was really irritated and launch her spear towards me,I smirk and though it would be easy but.

The fuck.ng spear splits and multiplied into several spears and came flying towards me,but luckily al the spear missed.

What??there were more than 200 spear there how did they all miss me?

looking at the Goddes it seems she was not good at spear at all.

I laugh out loud and taunt her but this goddess used the spear again and again,why does she uses the spear she should knows that she does not have a knack for it right she must have alot of other weapon,doe she love me.?

Hey women do you love me,Which made her anger to be even more and a shield was flying towards me which blocks one of a attack.

I was dazed to what it was,the shield was thrown by the dragon to protect me from an attack what was the attack who attacked me??