

I am too strong is there anything fun? I am bored but what is this, Dying is not even possible! and now I am a helpless baby, I hope i am weak now, but what is this power again. I can kill my enemy or even God with a snap of my finger, treasures and Rare Weapons are all in my hands, Women and Kings are all under my control now. But I will live a leisure life not showing off. But do not provoke me as I might accidentally destroy you with your surroundings without bits to see anymore. special tag:no ntr, always over kill, poor Acting weak skill, A mix of pure eastern and Western culture

Vena_Ralte · Fantasie
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40 Chs

Chapter 16.I Settled and build my house.

With all those question in my mind and unfulfilled doubt I know that this was not to stop me on my journey.

At first I have no reason to live and no tried to live the most leisure live as possible by finding beautiful wife and make a true harem who truly loves me.

But As time past,Being too strong always makes to do some stuff that I don't like which made my resolve towards getting weaker.

But now after fighting a God for myself,I have some faith that I would be able to find out the reason that I got reincarnated again and also fight some of them as well...

Now My main mission is to try and find that poison to make myself weaker although I do t think It would work at all because this little blue screen of mine always get some good skills everytime I tried to be weak.

So I have to start my journey again,calling forth my dragon and Griffin who have carried my wife's I, I know that I have to build a home for myself because I could not take all those Wives along with me to my journey there can be time they would be a nuisance as I have to fought a God for myself as well.

And So I started my journey again by finding the best placed to build a house. As we were flying around I spot this beautiful plateau atop a big snowy mountain.

This mountain was so big and dangerous It have lava flowing right through the mountain at the floor region and the middle region of the mountains are all miraculously filled with snow.

The top part of the mountain was filled with a thick trees surrounding the plateau.

From how secure the mountain is,It can be sure that the place was once occupied by a powerful individual not by a group but by himself.

Upon seeing the mountain We goes towards it and land on the grassy plains atop the mountain.

A pack of wolfs were howling as soon as we land and charge towards us growling and running from the thick trees,they were leaded by a huge Alpha pitch black wolf and are followed by his beta and delta on the right and the left.

Just before reaching us they stopped, and encircled us, these mf wolfs, spotted the dragon and Griffin which are as strong as hell but their fucking pride is too huge to the point that they still challenged us.

The dragon seeing that was like what the hell!! because he could K.O them easily because he is not just your simple dragon he is the the dragon King after all.

The Alpha wolf after his pack has surrounded us he step up right infront and howl loudly It was surely a challenge but the dragon seeing that stepped up but not to fight him.

The dragon was so strong and old that his wisdom is vast as FK.

After this one heck of a time travel he knows that there is a dragon which was him reigning in the dragon tower made him lose interest and was staying low.

But after seeing the wolf He was fired up and turn into a human,The Alpha wolf huge and pitch black to the point that looking at his black fur feels like sinking into eternity also turns into human as well but I could not determine if that wolf was male or female at all.

After witnessing those wolfs turning into human form the dragon talks to them.

My interference was not needed at all, the wolf having a huge pride does not want to just quit either so the dragon King summoned one of his dragon Kin.

The summoned dragon Kin was one heck of a beauty but not for long until she turned into a dragon. After her morph the Wolf leader also turned into a huge wolf again and they fought desperately.

The wolf jump on the dragon but the dragon flame was something he should always avoid because it was a lethal first degree poison for him.

The wolf bite the neck of the dragon,the dragon trying to shake off the wolf was flying in the sky and while harshly shaking the body.

The wolf after being lifted from the ground without a proper grip was desperately biting on the neck of the dragon but being a wolf who reign in the ground could not get a grip on the end and fall off fro the dragon.

The wolf falling from the sky even though he was a powerful wolf have this feared of some height.

With his strength the fall was not enought to hurt the wolf at all and could land like a cat but due to her bad Phoebe of height she was spinning while falling and turn into a human form.

After she nearly hit the ground she was carried by the dragon who just fought her and and drop her from a safe height.

The dragon transform into human and reach after landing she was a beauty.

The wolf was also tend to by the rest of the pack,after the wolf was well,it came upto me taking her thick wear off and said,"I will serve you my lord".

I am full of questions but seems the dragon made a bet that if she lose she will have to serve me.

But before anything The wolf pack leader was actually a girl and an epic beauty at that although her character might be a little pink and thug.

The dragon girl was elegant and the dragon king applause for the great fight as well.

After all the fight everything was settled,remembering that I have to build my own house,I summon this builder who was a wise Goblin and made let him make me a big house.

The wise Goblin oned his builder Goblins and started to construct the house,they are small but strong and the work was very fast as well.

But the wise Goblin came upto me and request the help of a Dwarf builder to help them with the steel work and the help of elf's for woodwork.

Answering his request I summoned the Warden of Dwarfs who has no idea what was going on,but after hearing the Wise Goblin words he called his familiar Dwarf to help in construction of the building.

But as for the Elf,I never collected any elf in my last life time except to use them as slave and wife so I have non of them to summon as my familiar.

Instead My four Elf's wives volunteered and I also called upon the tree spirit which was with me to help in the works.

After the construction has began for a while,There was this turmoil going on and around, The Dragon and the wolf was sensing it and looked at me,After I nod my head,they burst out towards the place the problem was coming.

But after they left the dragon king and I looked at each other and nod again there was this eerie feelings.

Something terrifying was emitting his presence It was surely not some old dragon but something even more dreadful.

I told Mary that I have something to deal with and left them with the dragon king following me.

Mary the Goblins,Dwarf,and the Elf were left the only one left there without any protection so,I summoned the Griffin again to guard them.

This Griffin of mine unlike other is just a mythical beast and does not have any human form so he stayed as a guard for them.

Me and the dragon king goes towards the emitting aura and at the end of the green plains,there was this dying trees which made a path.

As I goes towards that road there was this huge drop all of a sudden,I could not see anything but this dragon king of mine saw something in the pitch dark drop.

He just jump down the hole seeing him jump t I have to follow as well.

The fall was really amazing because it felt like eternity just like it looks, a minute has passed and still not reaching the bottom.

There was this chill all of a sudden followed by hot burning sensation atlast there was this light that got emitted and all of a sudden hit the ground but that ground was not a ground but some shitty lava.

I sunk on that lava and the shitty dragon king landed perfectly upon the water,But amazing that this lava was not that hot and climb upon the lava.

The dragon king help me up and and pointed towards the cave which was the one emitting the emitting eerie aura As I walk towards that cave there was something that was holding on my soldier and pulling me back I have this little something of a dark frightness and the hand holding on my soldier is not amazing at all.