

I am too strong is there anything fun? I am bored but what is this, Dying is not even possible! and now I am a helpless baby, I hope i am weak now, but what is this power again. I can kill my enemy or even God with a snap of my finger, treasures and Rare Weapons are all in my hands, Women and Kings are all under my control now. But I will live a leisure life not showing off. But do not provoke me as I might accidentally destroy you with your surroundings without bits to see anymore. special tag:no ntr, always over kill, poor Acting weak skill, A mix of pure eastern and Western culture

Vena_Ralte · Fantasie
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40 Chs

Chapter 14. The backstory has too much Drama.

Mary smiled and launch an attack on them with a Dagger that she was holding which the Prince drops while running away in fear.

Although she is a healer, which does not have much battle prowess, she is an S rank at that.

This becomes a massive advantage for her as well, as she barged toward the guards, one of the guards chop attacked her with a sword, seeing that Mary blocked the attack with her bare hands and stab the man.

The man died instantly due to one of Mary's healing skills, which is damage reduction and multiplication which was an aggro skill for a healer and multiplied the effect of the damage for an enemy or decrease the damage for a friend.

Mary's wound was also deep due to the cut she got from blocking the attack but, she is a healer after all and healed herself instantly.

Seeing this, the other guards knows that they are not facing an easy opponent at all and attacked not one by one but together.

It surely was tough for Mary to fight against that many by herself, but her S rank healing skills and props save her every time death was near.

After the fight has continued for a while, she was pierced in the shoulder followed by another one piercing her in the chest and followed by one another.

Five swords were piercing her body and are completely immobilised, due to the guards still holding on to the sword If she moves it will hurt her.

And the guards also know that If they take their sword out, she would heal herself and fight again so they stay in position until she dies off losing blood.

But Mary as being an S rank healer has a very powerful trump card as well. A trump card so powerful that she was told by her brother to use it only when she is going to die.

But for Mary there can be no perfect time than now to use the skill, Her eyes were red in anger, she was dyed red with her blood, and as she has stopped struggling, the guards thought it was over but that was not the case at all.

Seeing that she was about to die, The prince himself came and act out his anger with arrogance by kicking Mary, but as he tried to Kick her again he was stopped by the guard's Captain who was a General in the king's army.

The Prince was very angry and shouted If he is his soldier or if he is on the enemy's side, But the general replied that he was the king's soldier and not anyone now as the king has died I will take my leave.

Even the guards tried to follow him but, The general told them to protect the Prince and left them.

The guards did not want Mary who was strong and loyal to be tortured shamelessly by the Prince either and try to kill her off for good.

As they tried to pull their sword back, her blood which was spilled started to glow and float, the guards who were still clinging to their sword had to release their sword because they could not pull it out anymore.

The light got absorbed by Mary and gradually heal her body, Seeing this the guards who were there took weapons from their dead comrade and formed their battle stance.

Mary has activated her Skills instant heal which heals her physical and mental soul to its origin point.

Her wound heals in an instant and the guards also attacked her, but every cut was healed the moment they cut it and that is also when they fell to the ground too.

The guards were all dead and only the Prince was left Mary asked the Prince again to either kill himself or die a painful death at her hands.

No sane human would kill himself for sure, that being the case the Prince offered Mary a lot of compensation but nothing but his life could be enough anymore.

Mary tied the prince and just like he killed his lover and brother.

She stab him with hundreds of wood and some sharp pointy objects, the Prince screamed in agony wanting to die, but every time the prince was going to lose consciousness Mary healed a part of the pain and do it over again.

As she has finally got what she wants he lets the Prince die and cuts his body in half giving half to Monster and burning the other half like his brother and Lover.

Mary who used her isn't ant heal has now turned to show its side effects, A strong skill such as that surely has a very strong side effect as well, the healing was so intense that, it healed her physical body to younger self, she turned into a little girl and fell asleep.

Later the General who has left came back and after observing the scene for a while shook and nod his head and took Mary along with him.

While he was leaving the battlefield he mumbled to himself what a pity for a country like Barrister to perish all because of its prince's mistakes.

And to see the strong adventurer party in our kingdom perish due to the same reason as well, As a general, I have not taken care of my country well and did not die beside my troops fighting the enemy either.

So I will repent my mistake by taking care of this girl.

Mary and the general moved to another kingdom and the General stopped his carrier as a soldier and put his focus on raising Mary again.

Mary has also regained her memory after she has become an S ranked again but she was too late to tell her foster father to even say thank you or tell him how much she hates it.

The General died of old age and Mary also stayed being an adventurer after she had awakened her S rank and never think of leaving the place until I have changed her destiny by destroying one.

After hearing all that backstory I nearly cried because there was so much drama and struggle,

From the time I was young I have never remembered myself struggling for anything at all, not even once.

I saw her weeping after she had renewed her tragic history, I blamed myself a little and I also knows that I have to console her,

I hugged her saying the most honey-trapped word that I have which is"don't worry we will tear to pieces who ever tried to harm you ever again"

what... do not blame me, I never have to woo a girl unlike you, I lost word, OK but I will also learn as well.

After the Elf saw me hugging Mary they were smiling and teasing me like I need to be consoled too ..and hugging each other.

I was very embarrassed, I think my face is all red because of my shyness.

But as we were chatting happily, I met this Guy flying in the sky who proclaimed himself as God. He was arrogant and stupid in a snake's way.

From the looks of it, I will surely not be able to go to the Giant Forest for the time being to take the poison which could weaken me.

That God stared right at me and asked If I was named Aron Shild, Replying nicely I said yes,

But this mf surely tried to kill me and attack right after I answered him, I am sure that the attack was strong, not just strong It was very strong.

So this is the power of a God, I jumped from the Dragon I was riding and sent it away along with the Griffin because there are my wives riding them as I could not guarantee their safety at all.

I used my sheer physical power to block his attack and that was the strongest opponent I have ever fought.

I need to attack first or this will not turn out to be my victory at all.

As I was sure that my wives are far enough, I used my full potential physical capacity to attack and let it be followed by magic flame.

My attack was so large and powerful that it caused some mountains by our side to collapse and all the trees were plugged from the ground due to the force.

The sky was all cleared there was not even a single cloud to be seen that the naked eye could fetch.

To my surprise, this self-proclaimed God was not even harmed a little bit, and laughed my attack off as useless.

This is crazy I am shuddering, My cold sweat came out from my body and my hands were shaking so much.

Was I nervous about how strong he is, No I was just too excited to fight someone who could withstand my attack.

My blood was pumping and my breadth became heavy as well, just thinking about how interesting the fight would be, I was ready to face him off.

I took my sword from my inventory storage and points it toward him...

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