

I am too strong is there anything fun? I am bored but what is this, Dying is not even possible! and now I am a helpless baby, I hope i am weak now, but what is this power again. I can kill my enemy or even God with a snap of my finger, treasures and Rare Weapons are all in my hands, Women and Kings are all under my control now. But I will live a leisure life not showing off. But do not provoke me as I might accidentally destroy you with your surroundings without bits to see anymore. special tag:no ntr, always over kill, poor Acting weak skill, A mix of pure eastern and Western culture

Vena_Ralte · Fantasie
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40 Chs

Chapter 10.I entered the City of Arog,

Now If that is the case then I will have to go to some big town or city to become an adventurer right..

I know just the city for that,,I should probably go to the Arog city,This city is probably the biggest city in this kingdom,It has the most adventurer here and Guild works are very impressive too,They are also the city who has accumulated the most S rank adventurer.

As my current strength I should be able to become a nice rank right,Let me just go there for the test..

**Ahh..Aron,,can i say something**

What ..where does that voice comes from again,who dare to call this king by his name.

**I am sorry,If I offend you but Can I say something about how you should go to the city**

OH its the little fairy,every familiar called me Master so I missed you there..Well,I does not have that much of a plan either so,Yes you may tell me what you have in your mind...

**Thank you sir Aron,AS I have said before,You have to become an adventurer to get the thing you want, I also want to say that,It is not just the Adventurer licence that you need you are going to need team so,I want to tell you first that you don't show your power while in the city and especially not show off,

With those huge and magnificent,mount of yours like the Dragon or Wyvern .Because they might be afraid of you and even might not want to party up together with you as your news of massacre to a lot of species in other kingdom has spread too fast,,**

Hmm,so you mean I should not let anyone know how powerful I am and i cannot show my true power which means I will also need to be in the low rank as well in the adventurer license test right.??

**Yes If you can do that**

OK then I will go to Arog city by taking a horse this time,And as I take the horse which was brown and magnificent,I ride towards the city wearing a silvered colored sword scabbard at my back and a sword inside it.

I started to ride out at dawn and Reach Arog city at Noon,which took me quite a lot of time And I even have some cramp in my buttock as well because of sitting too long.

I have finally reach Arog city,What a sight it is.Magnificent buildings made of stone which was polish very carefully ,And all the Houses and Inn were all more than a two story high.Even the horse stable has a two story building but it was probably not meant for horse.

People around that city wear beautiful and quality clothing and the specialty about this city is that there are no beggar at all,more likely they do not allow beggar to beg here and the city master also tried hard to help the beggar as well.And yes thief are punish very hard as well,And If they caught someone stealing they are to be executed.

But this law itself is also used in a bad way by various people as well,Like rich merchants and some Aristocrats who resides in the city.

So now I have reach the city,Everyone was looking at me,AS I looked like a gallant knight with the sword I have on my back and my magnificent brown horse.Some kids were even pointing at me and looked very happy while some cried because I looked scary.

But As i walk proudly in the middle of the street,I met a bunch of Adventurer who seems to adore me and I can see that they are trying to make used of me by following who looked very strong and rich.

So I have to take this as an advantage as well,they were 8 of them and from the looks they seems decent in strength among the city adventurer as well,


So I asked them where this City Adventurer Guild is,they replied hurriedly and Guide me to where the adventurer guild building is,

The adventurer building was a five story building and was made up of Polish stone and Gem along with monster Crystal,seems it was made so that the aura inside the adventurer Guild could become more of a power booster.

,, This groups of adventurer who was trying to suck on me was even fast enough to asked me a question and said ,..**are you going to report your great success in the adventurer hall??**

But the answer that I gave to them was not what they have expected because, I replied to them that I was there to register as an adventurer for the first time,they were Down for a moment and somewhat furious which they don't show outwardly But I could feel it.

But they does not seem to give up on trying to suck me like a leach because I still looked very rich Even If I am not some strong warrior they seem to expect that I could used my money on them and normally rich person never got a low rank to begin with, As this city is where you are a king If you are rich.

And I entered the great hall of the adventurer guild(it is not actually great for me or anything it was just the name for that hall..great hall of the adventurer guild)

Please support my story and I will always give more update.Tank you for reading..

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