
I Alone

KiriE · sci-fi
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

*Cough... Cough* My throat is so dry, so is my tongue even the side of my lips is red and bleeding.

Right now im in middle of nowhere, my surroundings is all covered in sand with the occasional debris of rebars, metal sheets and some concrete parts of seems used to be a building. Im currently walking east, 10 kilometers to whats seems to be a city, but yeah, im tired...

While walking I take my backpack and open it, I take the water canteen inside and opens it just to take a couple of sip.

*Gulp... Gulp*

I gulp the water twice but honestly it's not enough, I want to take a sip more or drank it all, but i cant do that. I need to save my water, i wont drink this all, not unless i found a new water source.


I continue my walk for about 2 and a half hour until a saw some buildings. I saw some of the buildings are short, lots are destroyed, a couple buildings are tilted and seems to be leaning towards other destroyed buildings.

In the middle of an empty ruined town a young man wanders, under the staring sun he keeps walking, and stumbles upon an abandoned building, dry air sweeps the surroundings,

Gradually he slows down and rest inside on one of these buildings, when he get inside he take out his cluster shotgun, a multi-purpose gun that uses eight different shells from the normal lead balls to paralysing shells, made from the old era.

He puts two incendiary shells inside and starts to check the building. He checks the first floor, there's nothing important here, after that he goes to the second floor. As he walks by, he notices that the building is crumbling little by little, any big movement will definitely cause a collapse, however as a safety precaution he continues.


He reaches the second floor... Suddenly he hears a sound like a metal screeched... He quickly aims at his front, ready for any frontal attack. He moves silently towards the sound, a right turn to the hallway and he will reach it.

He quickly turns right but he found nothing... Even the source of the sound is nowhere to be found. He moves further, and checks the perimeter but nothing at all...

"Something's weird," he thought, uneasiness fills him. An imminent danger is coming the further he stays in this building...

He runs quickly, he should leave or this will be the end of him...

The moment he runs the strange metal sound starts to screech again. He quickly turns around to see what it is, but then something fast lunges into him. He quickly aimed his shotgun but his accuracy fell down because of the sudden movements. But he still pulls the trigger...


The smoke coming from the incendiary shells are blocking his sight. He thought he shot it. Suddenly, a small creature coming out from the smoke latched into his left hand...


Because of it... He accidentally lets go of his shotgun, the creature in his left hand burrows in his flesh, and starts to crawl up to his elbow and still further crawling. Pain is all he can feel. When it burrows, he feels like every muscle inside of his arm is tearing apart as it crawls inside.

He quickly takes his knife in the back of his waist and gouge out the creature not that far from his elbow. Blood came out at the same time the creature does.


The blood soaked creature is still not dead and starts to move, the young man quickly get his shotgun but he can't feel his left arm, it seems to be paralyzed... the creature maybe did something to his arm...

Little by little he starts to recognize the creature, its a "Metal Screech". A insect like a strider, with 3 centimeter body length and 2 inch 6 thin legs.

"Of all the things to appear, why is this insect!" He furiously says.


Using his right arm, he take the shotgun... The Screech starts to move towards him, he aims but it was really unstable, any shot he will do will likely to miss.

This shot that he would make will decide if he can make it out alive, if he misses he's dead, devoured by the creature inside of his body. As his enemy right now is very small and agile, right now what he needs is concentration...


He aims but his arm is swaying, but as the adrenaline goes... He saw in a little bit of a second that his arm stopped, and right at that moment, he pulled the trigger...

The shell flies at Mach speed towards the insect... In a millisecond of time, the Metal Screech burns...

The insect dies... Looks like he can still live and continue his journey...

As everything looks fine he catches his breath, his whole body shakes as he is relieved that everything is fine.

Looks like he needs to change location, if something like that happens again, he might be done for...


He packs his luggage and starts to move... Leaving these ruined buildings he left a sign in the middle of the road...

"Danger - Do NOT Proceed"

If there will be chance that someone accidentally goes here. He has been warned that this is a dangerous place... "I wish... to."


He leaves without finding anything in that town, he can't risk his life with his left arm still numb. It might be a good decision to leave that town...


Slowly by slowly, as he walks further away, the ruins starts to disappear in the naked eye, until all you can see is just the stormy sands of this ruined world...


Right now the world is a "Mess". Because of humanity's greed for convenience, they do all kinds of things that will satisfy their hunger, as a result for all of those years, the world has changed into a chaotic one. Destructive monsters start to appear because of mutation in human experiments, weather storms become hazardous, and repetitive world war to fight for resources... After all of those years of destruction, 95% of the world's population has disappeared and still decreasing, this might be the time for humanity to be extinct... After 10 years, the human race still further decreasing, until the only man known survived...

This story revolves around Reylight Wiibot also know as "Light". As he journeys to the world to overcome great struggles, difficult challenges, and know forbidden knowledge. And ultimately finds a paradise, a safe place, or something he can call a "Home".