
I accidentally married a seductress

"I love you" Selena uttered the words like she had been holding them back for a while now. "And I'm not saying this because I can't live without you" Selena added as she matched his gaze, tears roling down her cheek. "I can, but I don't want to".

Felicity_Uhomonye · Fantasie
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62 Chs


"When are they coming back?" Selena asked as she helped Alfred set up the dining table, the time was already past five, she had expected that they would be here by now. 

"Soon" Alfred said as he dropped the dish and then returned back to the kitchen.

Selena walked away from the dining room, she stood by the windows as she fixed her gaze outside waiting for the car to pull up in the drive way. 

She didn't know why she was expecting their arrival, for some reason she wanted to see him. This was the first time he was absent for this long since they had been together. She wouldn't deny that she had gotten use to his presence and so there was this feeling of emptiness caused by his absence. 

"They are here" Selene said with a smile when she saw the car pull up on the drive way, Selena had not realized that her hands were gripping the curtains as she stood there in anticipation. She saw the car doors open and Selena waited for him to get down, the driver got out first followed by Dylan. 

Selene waited for the next person to get down from the car but no one came in, it seemed like Dylan was the only passenger in the car. Three other cars pulled up in the drive way, Selena waited as she watched but the other cars were filled with Damien's men, but no Damien. 

Selene had a disappointed look on her face as she returned back to her seat on the dining, her expression had turned gloomy. She looked like a child who was disappointed after opening her long awaited Christmas present. 

"Sometimes master Damien would pass the night at his office, perhaps a late business meeting or something like that" Alfred answered. He could tell judging from the look on her face that Master Damien was not in that Vehicle. Alfred wasn't expecting Damien tonight, he knew that Damien would be passing the night at his office but a small part of him wanted to believe that Damien would come back because of her. But he was proven wrong once again, not even her can change Damien's old habit. 

"It's alright" Selena answered as she placed her hand on her thigh trying to hide her gloomy look. She didn't know why she was disappointed, even if Damien decided to come home today, Selena knew that her pride wouldn't let her talk with Damien. 

The doors open and the man of the hour stepped in with a cheerful look on his face. 

Dylan had a smile on his lips as he walked closer to the dining and took a seat next to Selena. 

"You look sad, did you miss me?" Dylan teased with a smile as he gently nudged her on the shoulder. 

Selena smiled when she saw him, his smile was infectious and she couldn't help but get infected. 

"Yes" Selene answered honestly, even though she had enjoyed her time with Alfred, she couldn't deny that the mansion was a little boring today because of his absence. 

Alfred sighed as he walked towards the open door to close it but he couldn't help but comment. 

"Master Dylan, I see you still have old habits" Alfred spoke like a father scolding his son, he closed the doors with a thud before walking back to the dining. 

"Pardon me Alfred, I was just so excited to see my sister-in-law that I forgot to close the doors" Dylan Apologized as his gaze shifted to the dining table and his smile widened. "Food" Dylan said. It sounded like the man was hypnotized. 

"Where is Damien?" Selena asked as she glanced at the door, even though she knew that he wasn't coming, she was still tempted to ask. 

"Damien had some work to do so he decided to spend the night at his office" Dylan said as he took off his suit Jacket, he noticed the look on Selena's face change when he dropped the news. "But he asked me to give you this" Dylan said as he gave her the small fancy bag he had come in with. 

 "What's inside?" Selena asked, she held the bag in her hands and contemplated wether or not to Open it, her curiosity got the better of her and so she had to open it. 

"I think he was trying to call you but then he realized that you didn't have a phone so he got you this" Dylan explained and then he returned his attention back to his food. 

"Thank you" Selena said as she looked at the carton, she wasn't going to bring out the phone yet, perhaps when she gets back in her room. 

"You should call him and say thank you" Dylan advised as he began serving himself. 

"I will" Selena answered. Even though she planned to not talk with him, she still had to call to say thank you. She had been thinking of ways to sneak back into her old apartment so she could get another phone or at least money to get another phone but now she had one, and she didn't even have to spend a dime. Well it does suit her, she was now the wife of Mr Parker. Selena Parker, the name sounded weird in her ears. 

Selena Kyle Parker.

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