
I accidentally became a fortune-teller

One's life, second fate, third feng shui; fourth accumulate merits, fifth study diligently; sixth reputation, seventh physiognomy, eighth respect the divine; ninth make connections with influential people, tenth nurture one's health! Through a fortuitous encounter, I came across the teachings of Zhuge, and embarked on the path of a fortune teller. From then on, I mixed in the city, practicing feng shui, observing the heavens with my fortune-telling skills, confronting the powerful and exposing the wicked. It was only later that I discovered this was a mind-boggling scheme set up thousands of years ago..."

DaoistHTWIgx · Fantasie
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70 Chs

What is Bodhidharma facing when he faces the wall

"What is Bodhidharma facing when he faces the wall?"

As Venerable Jiankong's voice slowly spread, the entire crowd held their breath, waiting for the response from Venerable Zhiren. If we interpret the question literally, it naturally refers to facing the cave entrance.

The anecdote of Bodhidharma facing the wall is almost universally known. Bodhidharma, the founder of Zen Buddhism, spent nine years facing a natural cave on the peak of Mount Song, becoming a legendary figure in Buddhist history.

During his time facing the wall inside the cave, a stone directly in front of him bore an indistinct image of his posture. This stone, known as the "Bodhidharma Facing-the-Wall Stone," has been mentioned in numerous poems and literary works. One of them is a verse titled "Praise for the Facing-the-Wall Stone":

A stone at Shaolin, they say it's just a stone. Clearly, it is a person; clearly, it is a stone. What stone? The Facing-the-Wall Stone. What person? The Facing-the-Wall Buddha. ...

"Bodhidharma faces the wall, turning his back to the seeker of the Dharma with a severed arm!" Venerable Zhiren confidently responded without hesitation.

"Where is the seeker with a severed arm? Are you referring to Huike, the Second Patriarch?" Venerable Jiankong continued to inquire.

"Are you asking about the seeker with a severed arm in the historical context of Chan Buddhism, or the present-day seeker with a severed arm?"

"The one from Chan Buddhist history. What's the difference with the present-day one?"

"What difference is there between the past and present? The Dharma is transmitted through the Tathagata's command. Without those who seek guidance and engage in the propagation of the Dharma, how can the mission of protecting the Dharma be fulfilled?"

"Amitabha! Excellent, facing the seeker with a severed arm. Bodhidharma faced the wall without speaking the Dharma, silently facing the wall day after day. Facing the wall, closing the eyes, the wall breaks through to the face, I would like to ask: Since Bodhidharma faces the wall with the wall facing the face, why does he need to break the wall? What is this broken wall?"

"Amitabha! When the wall facing the face breaks through the wall, what is being broken? It is the barriers within us, our attachments, my attachments, our barriers. Facing the wall in our interactions with the world, obstacles are present everywhere. They need to be broken."

Venerable Zhiren smiled gently and said, "Bodhidharma faces the wall, but what is he turning his back to? He faces the wall for nine years to guide future disciples, to fulfill the mission of transmitting the Dharma, and to spread the Buddha's teachings extensively. Therefore, we must disregard life and death, overcome the fear of life and death, face the responsibility of life and death, and take on the fear within ourselves. We face and bear it, no longer fearing or avoiding it. Facing and shouldering it, that is the purpose of Bodhidharma facing the wall. Thus, we say that Bodhidharma faces the wall, turning his back to the seeker with a severed arm."

Clap! Clap! Clap!

As Venerable Zhiren's words concluded, applause erupted from the onlookers. Many of them were believers in Buddhism and familiar with Buddhist anecdotes. Huike, the Second Patriarch, who had severed his arm to demonstrate his earnestness in receiving Bodhidharma's teachings and entered the Chan tradition, was known as the seeker with a severed arm.

There were indeed quite a few people looking puzzled, including Mo Yongxing, Zhang Hua, and Tong Min. It was evident that they hadn't heard of the story of "seeking the Dharma with a severed arm."

Qin Yu, on the other hand, found great enjoyment in listening to the sharp and profound words of the two masters. Upon careful reflection, he gained a lot from them.

"Namo Amitabha Buddha, the compassionate Buddha. Since we have mentioned Dharma facing the wall, I would like to ask: What is the direction of Dharma facing the wall?" Zhiren began his counterattack.

"Facing the one who seeks the Dharma with a severed arm," responded Jiankong with a smile. As soon as these words came out, the crowd was taken aback. Zhiren had already said that Dharma faced away from the one seeking the Dharma with a severed arm, and everyone had applauded and agreed with that. So why did Jiankong say that Dharma faced the one seeking the Dharma with a severed arm?

"I may not fully understand it, but it is clear that Jiankong's response is incorrect. Zhiren had just said that Dharma faces away from the one seeking the Dharma with a severed arm, and everyone applauded and agreed. So why did it suddenly become facing the one seeking the Dharma with a severed arm?" Zhang Hua poked Qin Yu's side and asked.

"Facing the one seeking the Dharma with a severed arm?" Qin Yu furrowed his brows. If Dharma was facing away from the one seeking the Dharma with a severed arm, why would it also face towards them?

"Qin Yu, who exactly is this one seeking the Dharma with a severed arm?" Mo Yongxing interjected.

"The one seeking the Dharma with a severed arm refers to the Second Patriarch, Hui Neng. However, in Zhiren's words, the one seeking the Dharma with a severed arm refers to those who have a strong determination to seek the Buddha's teachings."

"Yes, why didn't I think of that!" After Qin Yu casually replied to Mo Yongxing, a sudden flash of inspiration hit him. He slapped his thigh and exclaimed.

"What are you so surprised about?"

Mo Yongxing was startled by Qin Yu's sudden movement and loud voice. All the people who were originally contemplating the Zen meaning in Jiankong's words turned their attention to him.

"Has this young layman understood something? Perhaps you could share it with everyone," Jiankong's gaze also shifted towards Qin Yu, his face showing a kind smile as he encouraged him.

"These are just my personal opinions, and they may only invite laughter from the wise. How could I dare to embarrass myself in front of the masters?"

"The Buddha once said, 'All beings are Buddha, and the original nature resides in an immeasurable multitude.' This means that each person carries a Buddha within them, and through enlightenment, they can directly perceive their own true nature. There is no distinction of size or superiority. But please forgive me, esteemed masters, if my understanding is flawed."

Qin Yu respectfully bowed to Master Jian Kong, clasping his hands together in a Buddhist gesture. After organizing his thoughts, he began speaking, "Master Zhi Ren mentioned that Bodhidharma faced the wall, with his back to the one-armed seeker. In a narrow sense, this one-armed seeker refers to the Second Patriarch Hui Neng. Bodhidharma faced the wall, not speaking or transmitting the Dharma. Only the Second Patriarch Hui Neng received the inheritance from Bodhidharma, so Bodhidharma facing the wall indicates his back turned to the Second Patriarch."

"In a broader sense, Bodhidharma facing the wall represents those who have a strong affinity for Buddhism and great determination. The saying goes, 'The Dharma is not easily transmitted; the Buddha's awakening depends on the karmic connection.' Therefore, Master Zhi Ren mentioned that Bodhidharma faced the wall with his back turned to the one-armed seeker."

Having said this, Qin Yu's tone softened before continuing, "Buddhism emphasizes the law of cause and effect, the continuity of past and present lives. Whatever causes we sow will naturally bear corresponding fruits. Bodhidharma facing the one-armed seeker is the cause, and as there is a cause, there will be an effect. Turning his back to the one-armed seeker was done to find the right person with a karmic affinity, which led Bodhidharma to encounter the Second Patriarch Hui Neng. Consequently, Bodhidharma naturally turned his face towards the one-armed seeker to transmit the Mahayana Buddhist teachings. That is the effect. Hence, Bodhidharma faced the wall, with his back turned to the one-armed seeker, while facing the one-armed seeker."

Qin Yu's explanation was actually quite simple, much like a common activity we often engage in, such as taking a bus. Boarding the bus is the cause, and with a cause, there will be an effect. Getting off the bus is the effect, because we boarded the bus, we must eventually get off.

"What a profound understanding of cause and effect! Young devotee, if you have the time, please sit down and discuss Zen with us," Master Jian Kong laughed, stroking his beard, extending an invitation to Qin Yu.

"I would be honored to join both masters. It is a privilege I could only dream of," Qin Yu gratefully accepted.

Immediately, a young novice brought over meditation cushions. Qin Yu expressed his gratitude and sat cross-legged, joining the two masters to form a triangle.

As Qin Yu settled down, the nearby Monk began dispersing the surrounding crowd. In the past few days, whenever Masters Zhi Kong and Jian Ren engaged in their sharp debates, they allowed no one else to listen in after each question. Those familiar with the routine understood this, so while feeling a bit regretful, they left. As for the tourists, they were not genuinely interested in the obscure conversations, so upon seeing Shan Ni dispersing the crowd, they also departed one after another.

"These devotees are welcome to explore our temple." The crowd quickly dispersed, leaving only Mo Yongxing, Zhang Hua, and Tong Min. Master Zhi Ren smiled and addressed them.

Although Master Zhi Ren's words sounded polite, there was an obvious sense of urgency to dismiss them. Mo Yongxing initially wanted to say a few words but was pulled away by Zhang Hua.

"Qin Yu, we'll go for a stroll. If you're done, please give us a call."

"How should I address you, young devotee?" After the three of them walked away, Zhi Ren turned to Qin Yu and asked.

"I am Qin, surname Qin, and given name Yu."

"Qin, do you know why the two of us have been debating under this Bodhi tree for several consecutive days?"

"Perhaps it is because the Bodhi tree represents the enlightenment in Buddhism," Qin Yu pondered for a moment and shared his interpretation.

"Not quite. Although the Bodhi tree is also known as the tree of enlightenment, we, as novices, cannot compare ourselves to the predecessors of Zen. The Bodhi tree has witnessed many things, but this path is difficult to comprehend. The reason the two of us are debating under the Bodhi tree is to wait for someone." Zhi Ren's gaze softened as he looked at Qin Yu.

"Waiting for someone? Masters, please don't tell me you're waiting for me," Qin Yu wasn't foolish. Zhi Ren's words revealed a hint, as he wouldn't have mentioned it if the person they were waiting for wasn't him.

"Qin, have you heard about the prophecy made by Master Zhi Yao San Zang under the Bodhi tree?" Zhi Ren didn't directly answer Qin Yu's question but posed another one.

"Yes, it is about the prophecy that the Sixth Patriarch, Huineng, would attain Buddhahood under the Bodhi tree and transmit the Mahayana Buddhist teachings," Qin Yu nodded in response.

"In Buddhism, we possess a secret technique for observing the future. It is somewhat similar to the prophecies in Christianity. Master Zhi Yao San Zang used this secret technique to foresee that 170 years later, the Sixth Patriarch, Huineng, would receive ordination and impart the Mahayana Buddhist teachings under the Bodhi tree. That's why he left behind the prophecy."

"Master, please be clear with your words!"

Taoism also has similar secret techniques, like fortune-telling. However, fortune-telling focuses on reading a person's facial features and determining their destiny. Sometimes, due to certain reasons, destiny can change.

On the other hand, prophecies predict events that will occur in the future within a specific timeframe. Such prophecies are usually certain and do not contain errors. Of course, the prerequisite is that the person performing this technique truly possesses such profound abilities.

"With compassion, on the night of March 2nd, more than two months ago, the former abbot of Guangxiao Temple, Master Mingjue, observed the celestial patterns and noticed abnormal movements of the Purple Star and intensified radiance from the Big Dipper. The twenty-four constellations interacted and corresponded, and the celestial mechanism seemed obscured, as if someone had tampered with the celestial energy. Master Mingjue was already ninety years old, but in order to understand the reason behind this celestial phenomenon, he employed the secret technique and saw a fragment of the future. He left us with a prophecy before passing away two days later, journeying west."

"On the night of March 2nd?" Qin Yu pondered for a moment, and suddenly, a spark of realization flickered in his eyes. Wasn't that the night he touched the ancient Eight Trigrams stele and obtained the Zhuge lineage?

"Could it be that this celestial phenomenon is related to me?" Qin Yu remained composed. Since Master Zhi Ren had mentioned it, he would find the answer by continuing to listen.