
I accidentally became a fortune-teller

One's life, second fate, third feng shui; fourth accumulate merits, fifth study diligently; sixth reputation, seventh physiognomy, eighth respect the divine; ninth make connections with influential people, tenth nurture one's health! Through a fortuitous encounter, I came across the teachings of Zhuge, and embarked on the path of a fortune teller. From then on, I mixed in the city, practicing feng shui, observing the heavens with my fortune-telling skills, confronting the powerful and exposing the wicked. It was only later that I discovered this was a mind-boggling scheme set up thousands of years ago..."

DaoistHTWIgx · Fantasie
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70 Chs

Tiger-Treading Nine Steps

Under the gaze of Moyongxin, Moyongxing reluctantly approached the Qilin statue, extending his hands and slowly turning the Qilin. The Qilin itself weighed around a hundred kilograms, and as the young master of the Mo family, Moyongxing had never done any physical labor before. After just a short while, he was already panting heavily.

However, this kid had an indomitable spirit of refusing to admit defeat. Despite his flushed face, he continued to turn the Qilin inch by inch. Qin Yu watched with amusement and remarked, "Even if you were a strongman, it would be impossible for you to rotate the Qilin ninety degrees, let alone with your limited strength."

As the Qilin was about to complete its rotation, a smile finally appeared on Moyongxing's face. He exerted more force with both hands, but to his surprise, the Qilin remained motionless. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get that last bit to turn.

"Damn, there's something weird about this thing."

Moyongxing attempted a few more times, but the Qilin still wouldn't budge. It felt as if there was a resistance preventing it from turning. In the end, he had to reluctantly give up.

"What... what's going on, Master Qin?"

Liu Anshan watched in astonishment. It seemed that with just a little more rotation, the Qilin would face the White Tiger Peak. Why couldn't it turn?

"Director Liu, you can try the other Qilin."

Upon hearing this, Liu Anshan walked over to another Qilin, but like Moyongxing, he couldn't get the Qilin to turn in the final step. The two of them stared at each other in disbelief for a while before finally coming together and attempting to rotate the Qilin with combined strength, but the result remained the same.

"Master Qin, is there a reason behind this?"

Moyongxin, who was watching from the side, noticed the smile on Qin Yu's face and understood something. She asked inquisitively.

"In fact, many people know that the Qilin can suppress the White Tiger's malevolent energy, but most people are unaware of the specific method. They mistakenly believe that as long as the Qilin is facing the direction of the White Tiger, it would be sufficient. This understanding is incorrect. To effectively suppress the White Tiger's malevolent energy, the positioning and orientation of the Qilin are crucial."

Qin Yu explained to them, saying, "In order to truly suppress the malevolent energy of the White Tiger, the Qilin must be placed in the two positions where the White Tiger's malevolent energy is most severe. The two lime circles I drew represent these two critical positions. Only by placing the Qilin there can the malevolent energy be suppressed. However, the White Tiger's malevolent energy is extremely fierce, and it is not an easy task to place the Qilin in the correct positions."

Qin Yu's words left the three individuals present in silence. Seeing their continuing confusion, Qin Yu continued, "I'm sure you've all played with magnets before. When you break a magnet in half, it forms two magnetic fields. If you align one side of a magnet with another, the two magnets will attract each other if their magnetic fields are different. However, if you try to connect the broken halves of the magnet, you'll find that the two magnets generate resistance. One will be pulled down while the other will be pushed up, making it difficult to connect the segments. This is the effect of repelling energy fields. The White Tiger's malevolent energy is like a magnet with its own energy field, and the Qilin possesses a different energy field. When the Qilin is directly facing the White Tiger's malevolent energy, the two energy fields collide and create resistance. That's why the Qilin can't complete the final rotation, because of the repelling effect caused by the White Tiger's energy field."

Qin Yu's easily understandable explanation made the three individuals suddenly realize that it was the White Tiger's malevolent energy causing the obstruction.

"What should we do now?"

Qin Yu remained silent and walked to the opposite side of the tombstone, between the two Qilin statues. His expression turned serious as he closed his eyes, lifted his left foot, but didn't step down. It seemed like he was sensing something.

"What is he doing so mysteriously?"

Moyongxing whispered from the side, but Moyongxin gave him a warning look, her eyes fixed on Qin Yu, unwavering.

Suddenly, after a moment of sensing, Qin Yu opened his eyes and decisively stepped in a certain direction with his left foot. As soon as he stepped, a strong gale roared between the mountains, trees rustled, and it seemed to be accompanied by the faint sound of a roaring tiger. Moyongxin and the others' faces turned pale as they felt their bodies swaying in the gusty wind.

"Tiger-Treading Nine Steps."

Qin Yu recited with a clear voice as he continued his steps without pausing. With each step, the fierce wind howled around him, but his robes remained still, as if the wind couldn't touch him at all.

Qin Yu had already reached the front of the tombstone after seven steps. There was no path ahead, and it seemed that he would collide with the tombstone if he took another step. However, Qin Yu remained unfazed and continued to step forward. As he took that step, the others felt a tremor, as if the earth was shaking. They looked at Qin Yu and their pupils contracted in astonishment. It turned out that with that step, Qin Yu was floating in the air in front of the tombstone, just an inch away from the grass on the pinnacle.

A person floating in the air in a strange manner, this wasn't a magic performance. The three individuals' mouths were agape in astonishment, and Moyongxin's beautiful eyes were filled with wonder.

"Nine Steps to Return to Truth, White Tiger retreats, Qilin assumes its rightful position."

Qin Yu let out a loud shout and took the ninth step. To everyone's astonishment, he floated directly onto the pinnacle of the tomb. With that solid step, the fierce wind abruptly ceased, and the two Qilin statues, under the watchful gaze of the three individuals, slowly began to rotate until they were perfectly aligned with the head of the White Tiger Peak.

With the Qilin assuming its rightful position, the three of them felt a tremendous roar echoing in their ears, accompanied by a hint of mournful wailing. Following the sound, they noticed a slight tremor in a giant stone on the right side of the mountain, as if a mighty tiger had lowered its proud head.

This sensation was peculiar. Although the giant stone stood firmly without any movement, standing there and observing it gave them this strange feeling. Liu Anshan, in particular, was amazed, as the giant stone looked completely different from what he saw yesterday. His senses were overwhelmed by the inexplicable surprise.

Their gazes turned once again to Qin Yu. At this moment, Qin Yu stood on the pinnacle with his slender figure, appearing incredibly mysterious and ethereal. Even Moyongxing, who had never looked favorably upon Qin Yu, couldn't help but show a strong sense of admiration in his eyes.

When Qin Yu took that first step and floated in mid-air, it left Moyongxing dumbfounded. The roaring wind, the alignment of the Qilin statues—everything made Qin Yu appear so mystical, as if an invisible force had elevated his presence.

After seeing the Qilin assume its rightful position, Qin Yu let out a long sigh of relief. The Nine Steps to Return to Truth was a footwork technique recorded in the Zhuge Inner Canon. Each step had to be carefully executed, as a single misstep would fail to suppress the White Tiger's malevolent energy. Furthermore, each step depended on the fluctuations of the energy field and required attentive sensing to determine the next direction. This was Qin Yu's first time using it, and fortunately, it was successful.

Descending from the pinnacle and seeing the gazes of Moyongxin and the others fixed upon him, Qin Yu couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. It seemed that he was naturally suited for the role of a Feng Shui master. He had achieved results with his first attempt at the Nine Steps to Return to Truth. It appeared that he possessed considerable talent.

"Master Qin, you truly are extraordinary."

Liu Anshan, genuinely impressed, spoke sincerely. No wonder the county mayor held such respect for Master Qin. His methods were truly extraordinary! Liu Anshan even contemplated whether he should ask Master Qin to examine the Feng Shui of his family's ancestral tomb.

"Hehe, it's just some Feng Shui techniques. There's no need to exaggerate."

Qin Yu modestly shook his head. He considered himself only an entry-level practitioner in Feng Shui. True masters in ancient times could command the submission of mountains with a single step, causing the veins of dragons to roar. Some could even contend with the heavens by harnessing the power of dragon veins, influencing the course of mountains and rivers with every move. That was the true realm of the extraordinary.

However, when Qin Yu mentioned "entry-level," he was referring to the entry level as described in the Zhuge Inner Canon. In today's society, if Qin Yu were to be considered entry-level, then more than half of Feng Shui practitioners would not even have found the threshold.

"Master Qin, there's no need to be so modest. Your skill just now is enough to be called a master."

Moyongxin regained her composure and spoke up.

Just as Qin Yu was about to say a few more words, the sound of a bell rang from his pocket. He checked the caller ID and saw that it was a call from Hao Jianguo. Qin Yu's face revealed a knowing expression as he pressed the answer button.

"Master Qin, just now, I suddenly felt my house shake, and the ancestral tablet we have at home was trembling non-stop. But now, everything has calmed down. What's going on?"

Hao Jianguo's voice came through the phone, and Qin Yu chuckled before replying, "I just suppressed the White Tiger's malevolent energy. County Mayor, there's no need to worry. It's just that your ancestors felt the joy transmitted when the malevolent energy was suppressed. You can now check your daughter's birthmark; it should have completely disappeared."

There was no sound from Hao Jianguo's end. Qin Yu could hear footsteps, indicating that Hao Jianguo was going to check his daughter's birthmark. Soon after, a voice filled with excitement came through the phone again, "Master Qin, my daughter's birthmark has truly disappeared completely! I am so grateful to you, Master Qin!"

"No need to be polite. It's what I should do."

After hanging up the call with Hao Jianguo, Qin Yu's face returned to its usual calmness. He had successfully completed the first step of suppressing the malevolent energy. The next step was to find a suitable Feng Shui site for relocation. However, finding the right location was not something that could be done quickly. It could take as little as a day or two, or as long as ten days or more.

With this in mind, Qin Yu turned to Liu Anshan and asked, "Director Liu, the next step is to select a Feng Shui site for the county mayor's ancestors. This is not something that can be done in a short period. I don't know if Director Liu can arrange a reliable driver to accompany me, as I don't know how to drive."

"There are many people who can drive. If they are reliable..." Liu Anshan pondered for a moment, about to speak again, but was interrupted by Moyongxin.

"Master Qin, why not let my brother accompany you as your driver for the next few days?"

"This..." Qin Yu glanced at Moyongxing. This time, she didn't have the same defiant expression on her face. Actually, Qin Yu wouldn't mind having Moyongxing drive for him. After all, the Moxie sisters had witnessed his abilities, and he was also eager to enter high society now. It was necessary to maintain a good relationship with the Moxie family.

"Let's go with that!" Seeing that Qin Yu didn't outright refuse, Moyongxin immediately settled the matter. She then turned to Moyongxing and instructed, "Little brother, you should stick with Master Qin for the next few days and follow his arrangements."

Qin Yu had his own thoughts, and Moyongxin had her own agenda as well. If initially she was interested in the Dragon-Seeking Disk, now that she had witnessed Qin Yu's abilities, other thoughts were arising in her mind. Regardless of her intentions, it was always a good idea to maintain a good relationship with Qin Yu.