
I accidentally became a fortune-teller

One's life, second fate, third feng shui; fourth accumulate merits, fifth study diligently; sixth reputation, seventh physiognomy, eighth respect the divine; ninth make connections with influential people, tenth nurture one's health! Through a fortuitous encounter, I came across the teachings of Zhuge, and embarked on the path of a fortune teller. From then on, I mixed in the city, practicing feng shui, observing the heavens with my fortune-telling skills, confronting the powerful and exposing the wicked. It was only later that I discovered this was a mind-boggling scheme set up thousands of years ago..."

DaoistHTWIgx · Fantasie
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70 Chs

The dragon turtle has a ghost

Qin Yu's words prompted everyone to look down at the shattered jade carving on the ground. The once vibrant and colorful carving had been broken into pieces, with the dragon head completely separated from the turtle body. The turtle body itself was in pieces, lying on the ground as if recounting the damage it had suffered.

"Hey, why is this piece black?" Zhang Hua, with sharp eyes, noticed dark, smudgy lines inside one of the shattered jade pieces. The entire interior of the carving seemed to be tainted with ink-like streaks.

"What's going on? Why are there so many black lines?" Zhang Hua's discovery surprised Li Weijun. He then picked up a fragment of the jade carving from the floor and found the same dark lines inside. He picked up a few more pieces and observed that each one had these black lines.

"Weijun, hand it over. Let me take a look," Meng Feng said, his expression changing from pale anger to confusion. The jade for this dragon turtle carving was a gift from one of his friends. He had personally witnessed the white and lustrous quality of the jade and had commissioned a skilled jade carver to create the ornament. How could these coarse black lines appear in it?

"Could it be fake jade?" Zhang Hua expressed his opinion. He knew that there were many counterfeiters who used other materials and special chemical processes to make them resemble jade. It was difficult for ordinary people to distinguish between genuine and fake.

"This is high-quality Lantian seed jade, and it's not fake," Li Weijun quickly denied Zhang Hua's speculation. As a wealthy businessman, he had purchased numerous high-quality jade items, so he had developed a keen eye for them. As soon as he held this jade carving, he could feel its smoothness and excellent quality, confirming it as genuine Lantian seed jade.

"Master Qin, what's going on? Did you somehow know that there would be these black ink-like lines inside the dragon turtle?" Li Weijun asked Qin Yu. Meng Feng's attitude was a bit lofty earlier, but now he couldn't bring himself to ask Qin Yu directly. Li Weijun had achieved great success in business, which naturally required a sharp intuition. He took over the questioning on behalf of Meng Feng.

Qin Yu glanced at the security guard and Meng Feng, who was still staring at him. With a wave of his hand, he said to the guard, "Xiao Zhang, you can leave. There's nothing for you to do here."

"Yes, sir!" The guard saluted Meng Feng and then turned to leave.

"I don't know about the black lines inside this dragon turtle," Qin Yu shook his head and replied.

"You don't know?!" Meng Feng's voice rose by a notch, causing the retreating guard to pause momentarily before continuing toward the guard post.

"I may not know about the black lines inside this dragon turtle, but I do know that there is something ominous about it," Qin Yu stated firmly.

Qin Yu responded indifferently, to be honest, he was a bit fed up with the high-ranking official in front of him. He didn't come to see him show off his authority, and he wasn't here for his own business. If it weren't for the people of Guangzhou, he wouldn't even bother dealing with this arrogant person.

"What do you mean by saying the dragon turtle has a ghost?"

"Meng Secretary, I'm not a criminal. Do you have to speak to me in an interrogative tone?"

Qin Yu was annoyed by Meng Feng's attitude and directly retorted. As soon as these words came out, both Li Weijun and Zhang Hua became nervous, secretly glancing at Meng Feng's expression. Apart from his stern face, they couldn't tell any fluctuations. But it was precisely this lack of emotional response that made them feel fearful; the less there was any expression or reaction, the more it unsettled them.

"Well, it's been a while since someone talked to me like this." Meng Feng suddenly slapped his thigh and burst into laughter, which startled Li Weijun and Zhang Hua. Eventually, they followed suit and laughed with Meng Feng.

"That's because they either need something from you or fear you. I don't need anything from you, and your higher position than mine doesn't make any difference."

Qin Yu sneered. In fact, he had already anticipated what kind of reaction Meng Feng would have. These officials were far more cunning and calculating than ordinary people. Every reaction and decision they made were carefully thought out, considering the pros and cons.

In the current situation, it was evident that Meng Feng knew the reason behind the anomaly of this dragon turtle. Compared to his tough attitude, understanding why this black line appeared on the dragon turtle was Meng Feng's top priority.

Qin Yu understood this point very well, which is why he retorted firmly. If there were no black lines inside the dragon turtle, he would still find a way to exonerate himself, but at least he wouldn't dare to be so tough in his attitude.

"Yeah, Qin Master, just go ahead and tell us." Li Weijun gave Qin Yu a signal with his eyes, indicating that he should stop.

"Xiaoyu, just explain why these black lines appear inside the dragon turtle and what you mean by saying the dragon turtle has a ghost?" Zhang Hua wiped the sweat off his forehead and urged his cousin. Fortunately, Secretary Meng didn't pursue the matter further; otherwise, dealing with them would have been too easy.

"You guys burn the part of the jade carving that has the black lines." Qin Yu didn't answer directly.

"Burn it?"

Li Weijun took out a lighter from his pocket, needless to say, it was the famous ZIOP lighter. Li Weijun placed the piece of jade on the flame and started to burn it.

Except for Qin Yu, the other three stared at the burning fragment in the flame. Under their gaze, they could see the black lines slowly disappearing at a visible speed when they came into contact with the flame. At the same time, wisps of black smoke slowly gathered, and to their astonishment, the black smoke gradually formed a circular face with open-mouthed fangs, rushing towards Li Weijun.


Just as the ghost face was about to collide with Li Weijun, a hand quickly intervened between the two. With a flip and a squeeze, the hand held the entire black smoke within its palm. The five fingers slowly moved, then the hand opened, revealing a quiet black liquid resting in the palm.

"Master Qin, what is this...?"

The hand naturally belonged to Qin Yu, and it was he who had acted earlier.

"This is the Ghost Head Line. As you all just witnessed, when it is burned, it forms a ghostly face. Once someone is struck by this face, they gradually become disoriented and eventually their entire face becomes as thin as a ghost's, devoid of any human appearance."

"The Ghost Head Line? How could it be inside this dragon turtle?" Meng Feng asked, his attitude considerably improved compared to before. He had come to accept Qin Yu's expertise. The fact that such an ominous thing existed inside the dragon turtle, as indicated by its name, implied it was not an auspicious entity.

"The dragon turtle is one of the nine sons of the dragon, traditionally believed to possess the characteristics of both a dragon and a turtle. It is a symbol of the dragon god and the turtle god, and has long been one of the four auspicious creatures in Chinese culture. Among Feng Shui practitioners, there is a saying: 'To prosper quickly, suppress the Three Killings.' And this dragon turtle precisely possesses the ability to suppress the Three Killings."

Qin Yu briefly explained the origin and function of the dragon turtle, then looked at Meng Feng and continued, "The placement of this dragon turtle should have been determined by a high-level practitioner based on your birth chart and the orientation of your house. The specific position of the dragon turtle on this shelf should, according to common practices, have an activating effect on your overall luck."

"Indeed, my friend did consult my birth chart to determine the placement of this dragon turtle," Meng Feng nodded, admitting the fact. Acknowledging that he had sought the assistance of a Feng Shui expert in front of others would inevitably have some impact on his reputation as an official.

The topic has veered off a bit. After explaining the origin and function of the dragon turtle, Qin Yu picked up a piece of the broken jade carving of the dragon turtle from the ground and said, "That knowledgeable person calculated everything correctly, but they forgot one important thing."

"What is it?" Meng Feng asked, unknowingly being led by Qin Yu, devoid of his initial authority.