
I accidentally became a fortune-teller

One's life, second fate, third feng shui; fourth accumulate merits, fifth study diligently; sixth reputation, seventh physiognomy, eighth respect the divine; ninth make connections with influential people, tenth nurture one's health! Through a fortuitous encounter, I came across the teachings of Zhuge, and embarked on the path of a fortune teller. From then on, I mixed in the city, practicing feng shui, observing the heavens with my fortune-telling skills, confronting the powerful and exposing the wicked. It was only later that I discovered this was a mind-boggling scheme set up thousands of years ago..."

DaoistHTWIgx · Fantasie
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70 Chs

Pouncing on Mo Yongxin?

"Qin Yu, isn't the Three Combinations Formation the center of the entire formation? Why should we stay here instead of running outside?" Mo Yongxin, who had entered the Three Combinations Formation, asked Qin Yu with confusion.

"When the Nine Stars Formation is activated, the Three Combinations serve as the core. Although it's difficult to leave once we're inside, it's much safer compared to the outside," Qin Yu explained.

As Qin Yu and Mo Yongxin stepped into the range of the Three Combinations Formation, the pink gas emitted from the three pillars became more abundant. However, the two of them remained unaware of it.

"Qin Yu..." Just as Qin Yu was pondering about breaking the formation, Mo Yongxin suddenly spoke, her voice carrying a hint of breathlessness.

"What?" Qin Yu turned to look at Mo Yongxin and was taken aback. He pointed at her trembling face and said, "Why is your face so red?"

In the dim light of the torch, Mo Yongxin's entire face appeared as rosy as a peach, with a deep crimson hue extending from her cheeks to her earlobes. It was different from a typical blush. Her whole demeanor exuded a seductive charm, especially the contrast between her alluring blush and the snow-white skin of her collarbone. Unconsciously, Qin Yu swallowed a few times.

"Qin Yu, why do I feel so hot? Aren't you hot?" Mo Yongxin's voice was different from her usual coldness. It carried a hint of confusion and coquetry. She even pulled down her sleeve to expose her sexy collarbone and tender white skin.

"Miss Mo, what's wrong with you?" Mo Yongxin's unintentional action almost blinded Qin Yu. Her snow-white and enchanting cleavage was exposed before him, and he felt momentarily dizzy and shaken.

"I feel so hot, so uncomfortable," Mo Yongxin's consciousness had become unclear. She murmured with her tongue, her hands first touching her burning cheeks and then wandering to her waist, continuously rubbing against her upper body.

"Miss Mo, Miss Mo..." Qin Yu was dumbfounded by the scene before him. Why did this familiar scene seem to be taken straight out of those Japanese movies he used to watch with his roommates in the dormitory? However, the on-site version of Mo Yongxin's allure surpassed those actresses by miles, not to mention her appearance and figure, which left them all far behind.

"What's happening?" This cold and icy beauty suddenly transformed into such a seductive state. It had to be said that the impact on Qin Yu was immense, making his heart beat uncontrollably.

"Miss Mo, are you okay?" Just as Qin Yu was about to reach out and touch her forehead, Mo Yongxin's slender jade arm coiled around his hand, winding up like a water snake, entangling his body. Her soft bosom rubbed against his chest, as if trying to squeeze into his body.

"I feel so uncomfortable, Qin Yu!" Mo Yongxin's jade lips exhaled a fragrant breath on Qin Yu's face, and her tongue even playfully licked his cheek, instantly causing a surge of hot blood and an undeniable reaction below.

"Hehe, Qin Yu, something down there is poking me." Mo Yongxin giggled foolishly, feeling something against her slender legs and gently moving up and down.

"Ah!" Qin Yu sucked in a breath of cold air. The current Mo Yongxin in front of him was like a seductive enchantress, constantly teasing him. Pushing her away was not an option, but if he didn't push her away and let her continue, he feared he would lose control and do something regrettable.

"What went wrong?" While enduring the teasing of Mo Yongxin's alluring tongue, Qin Yu's eyes wandered around until he finally saw the pink gas emitted by the three pillars.

"Aphrodisiac Incense." Qin Yu's pupils contracted. In the martial world, there was a faction known for their mastery of various fragrances, and each fragrance had a unique effect. The Aphrodisiac Incense, a pink gas that was odorless, caused both men and women to lose their senses and fall into a state of infatuation, even stronger than the effect of potent aphrodisiacs.

However, what puzzled Qin Yu was why he hadn't succumbed to the infatuation and remained clear-headed, as described in the ancient medical text "Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon."

"Qin Yu, help me, I'm so hot!"

Mo Yongxin's lips approached his ear, whispering softly. Suddenly, one of her jade hands slipped into his chest, delicately caressing his chest, while the other hand grabbed his hand and pressed it toward her towering peaks.

Qin Yu's hand touched the elastic twin peaks, and in an instant, he jerked back in shock, quickly retracting his hand. Sensing Qin Yu's retreat, Mo Yongxin pouted and coquettishly said, "Don't leave me~"

"Miss Qin, I apologize for any offense."

Allowing Mo Yongxin to continue further, Qin Yu couldn't guarantee if he could maintain his composure. He raised his right hand, forming a palm knife, and directed it towards the back of Mo Yongxin's neck.

Reaching out, he supported the limp Mo Yongxin as she collapsed. Qin Yu also pulled back the shoulder strap that she had pulled down, during which his gaze occasionally swept over her exposed and enticing bosom. He forcefully controlled the urge to pull the strap down further and tremblingly pulled it back up.

After completing these actions, Qin Yu let out a long sigh. For him, this was a test full of temptation—a stunning beauty presenting herself as if she were there for the taking. Yet, he had somehow resisted the allure, which was truly remarkable.

However, even though he resisted the temptation, the primal impulse caused his lower body to rise in an indecent manner, pressing against Mo Yongxin's abdomen.

"It's fortunate that Miss Mo has lost consciousness; otherwise, she might have strangled me alive." A bitter smile appeared at the corner of Qin Yu's mouth as he shifted his focus to the Three Elements Formation, diverting his attention from the beauty in his embrace.

Every formation has an opening, as the saying goes, "When one door closes, another opens." The same principle applies to formations. No matter how mysterious or dangerous a formation may be, there will always be a way out. However, the Nine Stars Three Elements Formation is extremely complex and ever-changing, making it difficult to find that way out.

Qin Yu carefully pondered, constantly deducing the changes in the Three Elements Formation. After a long time, a glint flashed through his eyes, and his expression turned serious. He gently laid Mo Yongxin, who was in his embrace, on the ground. He was determined to personally test it.

As the Nine Stars Three Elements Formation began to operate, the opening was completely concealed. Merely relying on deduction, one couldn't determine the virtual and real aspects of the formation. At least with Qin Yu's current strength, it wasn't enough. The only way was to test it with his own body, just as a certain writer once said, "The greatest vulnerability of an enemy is when they make their move."

Qin Yu had considered waiting, but he couldn't imagine what kind of mechanism the later stages of the Nine Stars Three Elements Formation would trigger. If it was only the Spring Fragrance, then it would be fine. Although he didn't know why he had no reaction to the Spring Fragrance, it was at least a good thing. However, he feared that other mechanisms might suddenly appear at that time.

Clearing his mind, a three-dimensional diagram appeared in his head, much like when he underwent the baptism of dragon qi. He could vividly see the changes in the entire formation and capture some subtle rotations within it.

After a long time, a bright light flashed through Qin Yu's eyes. Taking a step forward without hesitation, he walked towards a certain direction, even as arrows occasionally passed by him and spikes protruded. He closed his eyes and relied on the images in his mind, moving forward.


Qin Yu suddenly stopped, raising his left foot and stomping fiercely on the rock beneath him. With this stomp, the entire formation abruptly stopped operating. The arrows disappeared, and the spikes returned to the ground, reverting the formation to its original state.

However, in front of Qin Yu, two stone staircases suddenly appeared, descending deeply into the unknown.

"The Nine Stars Three Elements Formation, a path of life and death. It seems to refer to these two paths."

From the outside, the two staircases looked identical, with no discernible differences. However, Qin Yu knew that these two staircases led to two extremes: one was the path of life, and the other was the path of death. If he chose incorrectly, it would be a path of certain death.

Qin Yu glanced back at Mo Yongxin still lying on the ground. The two stone staircases were the crucial mechanism of this formation. As long as he stepped into one of them, the Nine Stars Three Elements Formation would cease to operate, and Mo Yongxin would be out of danger.

"Who said we had to come down together?"

A bitter smile tugged at the corner of Qin Yu's mouth. At this point, it all came down to luck. If he made the right choice, there was still a chance of survival. If he made the wrong choice, he would be buried deep underground.

"This momentary surge of compassion has led me to a desperate situation."

It would be false to say that he didn't regret it deep down. However, since things had come to this point, Qin Yu wouldn't dwell on it any longer. He lifted his leg and directly walked towards the left staircase.

The staircase was narrow, only accommodating two people side by side. It was pitch black inside, and Qin Yu could barely see within a yard's radius with the dim light of his torch. The staircase was flanked by the rock wall on one side and a deep, bottomless void on the other. Only the sound of his footsteps echoed emptily in the surroundings...