
I accidentally became a fortune-teller

One's life, second fate, third feng shui; fourth accumulate merits, fifth study diligently; sixth reputation, seventh physiognomy, eighth respect the divine; ninth make connections with influential people, tenth nurture one's health! Through a fortuitous encounter, I came across the teachings of Zhuge, and embarked on the path of a fortune teller. From then on, I mixed in the city, practicing feng shui, observing the heavens with my fortune-telling skills, confronting the powerful and exposing the wicked. It was only later that I discovered this was a mind-boggling scheme set up thousands of years ago..."

DaoistHTWIgx · Fantasie
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70 Chs

Mo Yongxin‘Mind

Although Qin Yu heard the murmurs from the other person, he didn't explain. "Clear broth" might sound like a soup to many outsiders, something light and not greasy. But locals would know that "clear broth" is actually a type of snack. Many people who have tried xiao hundun, a small dumpling, are impressed by its translucent skin, delicious filling, and tender texture. However, compared to clear broth, xiao hundun pales in comparison.

The skin of the clear broth is made by hand, thin as a paper wing, and the filling is beaten with the back of a knife. The master chef pinches the skin with his left hand and holds a bamboo stick with his right hand, dipping it into the meat filling. The bamboo stick dances in the air as the chef's hands move swiftly. In the blink of an eye, the meat filling and the skin merge into tiny clear broth dumplings. Once boiled in the pot, they are immediately scooped into bowls, garnished with spring onions, and topped with a bit of lard and sesame oil. The color, aroma, and taste are simply enchanting!

When Qin Yu was in school, he used to go to the stall every morning to eat a bowl of clear broth. Especially in winter, the hot broth warmed his entire body.

Mo Yongxin and Mo Yongxing ordered egg noodles. When Qin Yu's clear broth arrived, Mo Yongxing's eyes widened. Clear broth is best enjoyed hot, and listening to Qin Yu's enthusiastic slurping sounds as he ate with the piping hot broth made his mouth water. He glanced at his own bowl of egg noodles and couldn't help but feel that it wasn't as delicious as Qin Yu's dish.

In fact, in terms of production cost, clear broth is much cheaper than egg noodles, and the ingredients are simple. In the breakfast shops by the street stalls, a bowl of clear broth costs only two yuan. But despite being such an ordinary snack, locals of all ages love it.

Mo Yongxing had just mocked Qin Yu, and although he also wanted to have a bowl of clear soup at the moment, he couldn't bring himself to do so, not wanting to lose face. He threw down the chopsticks, feeling a chill inside. Qin Yu glanced at him, finding it amusing how similar his behavior was to that of a spoiled child.

Mo Yongxin continued to eat her noodles slowly and gracefully. Qin Yu couldn't help but admit that some women were naturally blessed, no matter what they did, their movements were so elegant.

By the time Qin Yu finished his bowl of clear soup, Mo Yongxin had also finished her egg noodle soup. She took out tissues from her bag and wiped off the soup residue from her red lips. Mo Yongxin handed the remaining half pack of tissues to Qin Yu.

Just then, a familiar ringtone sounded from Qin Yu's phone. He saw that it was a call from Liu Anshan, most likely indicating that the Kirin had arrived.

"Hello, Director Liu. Oh, the Kirin has arrived, right? Alright, I'll be waiting for you at the hotel entrance."

Qin Yu hung up the phone, intending to say goodbye to the siblings and leave. However, Mo Yongxin suddenly spoke up, "Mr. Qin, you're here to help someone with feng shui, aren't you?"

"How did you know?"

Qin Yu believed that the few people who knew about this matter wouldn't reveal it to others. After all, it needed to be handled carefully, especially since Hao Jianguo, as the county mayor, wouldn't allow this incident to be publicized.

"Mr. Qin, please don't misunderstand. I just guessed it. You don't seem like you're here for sightseeing, and the Kirin, as a auspicious creature, is often used by feng shui masters to suppress evil spirits. I wonder if it would be convenient for us to go together and have a look."

Mo Yongxin had nothing else to do today, and she thought it would be interesting to accompany Qin Yu, who was also a feng shui master. Through her conversations with Master He Ping, she understood that feng shui masters generally wouldn't use the Kirin unless there was a need to suppress negative energy.

"If you're concerned about the employer getting angry, I can assure you on behalf of the Mo family that this matter will never be disclosed to the public. And perhaps there might be an opportunity for cooperation between the Mo family and Mr. Qin."

Mo Yongxin's last sentence managed to strike a chord with Qin Yu. Judging by their demeanor, their family background was definitely not simple. What Qin Yu lacked at the moment was an opportunity to interact with people at this level. With the help of the Mo family's publicity, it would be easier for him to enter the upper class.

"Alright, but you can only observe and not say much."

Qin Yu instructed, but ultimately agreed. As long as they didn't have any intentions towards his Dragon-Seeking Disk, he was willing to establish connections with these wealthy families.

Qin Yu and the Mo siblings stood outside the hotel, waiting. After a while, Liu Anshan's car pulled up. Seeing Qin Yu and the Mo siblings standing together, Liu Anshan looked puzzled and asked, "Master Qin, who are they?"

"These two are my friends who are joining us today."

Qin Yu didn't provide much explanation, knowing that Liu Anshan wouldn't believe the real reason. Judging from yesterday's incident at Laikeju, the two parties were not exactly friendly.

However, Liu Anshan was a shrewd person. Since Qin Yu was leading the matter and he was just helping, if Qin Yu wanted to bring someone along, he would let him.

"Well, if they are Master Qin's friends, then come aboard."

"No need, we have our own car. You go ahead, and we'll follow behind."

Although Mo Yongxing didn't understand why her sister wanted to follow Qin Yu, she didn't have a good impression of Director Liu and didn't want to get in his car. Mo Yongxin didn't make any other gestures after hearing her younger brother's words, clearly accepting his statement.

Qin Yu didn't say much either. He entered Liu Anshan's car, with the Hummer following behind.

"Master Qin, that woman is indeed beautiful, but she's a bit cold."

As Liu Anshan drove, he glanced back at Qin Yu with an inexplicable smile. It was clear that he thought Qin Yu had an interest in Mo Yongxin, which was why he allowed her to come along. Qin Yu shook his head bitterly but didn't argue. He couldn't tell Liu Anshan that he was simply looking for potential clients.

"Sis, why are we following that guy named Qin?"

"What do you think of Qin Yu?" Instead of answering her younger brother's question, Mo Yongxin asked in return.

"A brooding guy!"

Mo Yongxing curled his lips disdainfully. He didn't know why he disliked Qin Yu so much, especially when the latter often ignored him, which annoyed him even more.

Mo Yongxin glanced at her younger brother, raised an eyebrow with her beautiful eyes, and then ignored him. She closed her eyes, leaned back on the genuine leather sofa, lost in her thoughts.

Returning to the foot of the Shiyuan Peak, there was already an open-top truck parked there. Two barrels of kiln-fired lion sculptures, each weighing over a hundred kilograms, shone brightly on the truck. Several workers, their clothes covered in dust from the stone, were squatting on the ground smoking.

"You guys must be workers from the Fuhua Stone Factory."

After parking the two cars, Liu Anshan got out of the car and asked the workers who were smoking on the ground.

"Yeah, we are from Fuhua. You must be Director Liu. The boss asked us to deliver these two lions here and follow your instructions."

Upon seeing Liu Anshan, the workers quickly stood up. Some of them extinguished their cigarettes on the ground, putting the remaining half-smoked cigarettes in their pockets, unwilling to throw them away.

"Well, you guys help carry these two lion sculptures to the halfway up the mountain."

Liu Anshan pointed with his arm and gave the order.

Since each lion sculpture weighed just over a hundred kilograms, several workers tied them up with ropes and then used a carrying pole. Two people carried each sculpture, and they were able to make their way up the mountain.

With four workers carrying two sculptures, Qin Yu followed closely, paying careful attention. He occasionally lent a helping hand. After clearing the way the previous day, the path up the mountain was smooth and without obstacles. The group of people and the pair of lion sculptures arrived at the tomb without much difficulty.

After delivering the lion sculptures, the workers intended to leave. However, Qin Yu stopped them. He took out eight one-hundred-yuan bills from the money given by Hao Jianguo the previous day and gave each worker two hundred yuan, asking them to wait a bit longer.

"Boss, this isn't necessary. Our boss gave us instructions. If you have anything to ask, just let us know. There's no need to pay us."

"Take it. You must take this money. Besides, I'll need a few more favors from you later."

Qin Yu insisted and placed the money in the workers' hands. It was a feng shui custom, similar to how when someone passes away and is buried, the host family must provide good food and drinks and pay compensation to the pallbearers.

The workers exchanged glances and eventually accepted the two hundred yuan. Joyful expressions appeared on their faces. This trip turned out to be quite profitable. Not only did they earn wages, but they also received additional income.

The rest of the tasks couldn't be done by others. The Mo siblings stood aside, and the workers stood to the side as well. Liu Anshan glanced around before finally standing with the Mo siblings. After all, the workers had a strong smell of sweat, which wasn't pleasant. Everyone looked curiously at Qin Yu in the center of the scene.

Everyone watched as Qin Yu took out a compass and held a handful of lime powder in his right hand. He constantly changed his position around the tomb, occasionally checking the compass and using the lime powder to sprinkle a white circle at certain locations on the grass.

These actions seemed simple, but they took Qin Yu over an hour. He did all of this just to find the two locations where the White Tiger Reversal Qi was the strongest.

The two white lime circles happened to be located on either side of the tomb. If measured from the center of the tomb's apex, it would be found that the distance from these two circles to the apex was exactly the same.

"Alright, I'll trouble you four to move these two lion sculptures into the two white circles. But make sure the front of the lions faces the tombstone."

Qin Yu put away the compass and spoke to the four workers standing nearby.


Although the four workers were full of confusion on their faces, they followed the instructions since it was what the owner wanted. They quickly positioned the two lion sculptures, facing them directly towards the tombstone.

"Alright, there's nothing else to do now. You four can go back."

After seeing the lions in their proper places, Qin Yu dismissed the four workers. However, the next steps were not suitable for outsiders to know.

"Master Qin, is this enough?"

Liu Anshan, seeing Qin Yu dismiss the workers, couldn't help but express his doubts. Mo Yongxing, who was beside him, pursed her lips in disdain and said, "Is this a joke? Suppressing the White Tiger Reversal Qi like this? Ridiculous."

Earlier, at the entrance of the hotel, Qin Yu had told them that this event was about suppressing the White Tiger Reversal Qi. Since he had decided to let them follow along, Qin Yu didn't hide anything.

"Young man, stop talking nonsense." Mo Yongxin reprimanded her brother. However, her brows also furrowed as she expressed her doubts and said, "Master Qin, as far as I know, to suppress the White Tiger Reversal Qi, the lions must face directly towards the Qi. But facing the tombstone like this, I'm afraid..."

"Miss Mo seems quite knowledgeable about feng shui. It is true that the lion sculptures need to face the Qi directly to suppress the White Tiger Reversal Qi. However..." Qin Yu's eyes turned and he saw Mo Yongxing's dissatisfied expression. Suddenly, he had an idea and smiled, saying, "I wonder if I can ask Miss Mo for a favor."

"Ask me for a favor? Who do you think you are?"

As soon as Mo Yongxing spoke, she received a stern look from Mo Yongxin. Mo Yongxin gave Qin Yu an apologetic look and said, "Master Qin, if you have something to ask, please go ahead. As long as my brother can do it, I'll agree on his behalf."

"It's actually not a big deal. I just want your brother to help me rotate the front of this lion sculpture ninety degrees to the right, directly facing the White Tiger."