
I accidentally became a fortune-teller

One's life, second fate, third feng shui; fourth accumulate merits, fifth study diligently; sixth reputation, seventh physiognomy, eighth respect the divine; ninth make connections with influential people, tenth nurture one's health! Through a fortuitous encounter, I came across the teachings of Zhuge, and embarked on the path of a fortune teller. From then on, I mixed in the city, practicing feng shui, observing the heavens with my fortune-telling skills, confronting the powerful and exposing the wicked. It was only later that I discovered this was a mind-boggling scheme set up thousands of years ago..."

DaoistHTWIgx · Fantasie
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70 Chs

Go home

After Qin Yu left, Meng Fang couldn't make sense of the last sentence Qin Yu said. In the end, he could only attribute it to the other person being obscure and mysterious. After all, he wasn't some fortune teller or soothsayer who could predict the future.

Back in the car, Meng Fang drove his Range Rover out of the campus. Somehow, his mind kept recalling Qin Yu's last words, and his eyelids trembled slightly.

"What the hell is wrong with me? I got startled by that guy's words!"

Meng Fang cursed, feeling a lot more at ease. However, he didn't realize that his driving, which used to be fast and furious, had become much smoother this time.

The Range Rover steadily headed towards the intersection ahead. There weren't many vehicles on this road, but suddenly, he heard a honking sound from behind. Meng Fang glanced at the rearview mirror and saw a BMW car signaling to overtake him.

Normally, Meng Fang wouldn't pay any attention to a car behind him. He would have already put the Range Rover's horsepower to the test and left the other car behind. However, this time, by some strange coincidence, he obediently moved the car aside, watching the other car whiz past.

"Idiot! Driving such a big thing, yet as slow as a turtle. What a waste of a good car!"

While overtaking, the owner of the BMW car mocked Meng Fang from his car and then sped away, leaving a trail of exhaust fumes behind.

Meng Fang was left red-faced by the BMW owner's words. When had he ever been scolded by someone? Although he had mellowed out and improved his temperament in recent years, he used to be notorious for his extravagant lifestyle. In Jiangxi Province, he was the one who bullied others, and he had never been scolded before. But now, as the traffic light turned red, the BMW had already disappeared around the corner, and he couldn't find anyone to retaliate against.

"Huh! What's going on?"

As the car turned the corner, Meng Fang saw several cars scattered and deformed in the middle of the road, their front ends twisted. On the opposite side of these cars, a twelve-wheeler truck had overturned in the middle of the road, with a completely mangled sedan wedged in front of it.

Observing the scene of the accident in front of him, Meng Fang quickly deduced what had happened. It seemed that the large truck had lost control and collided with these sedans. These seven or eight cars had clearly suffered an undeserved calamity.

Meng Fang looked closely and then laughed. The BMW was also among them, but the road ahead was already blocked. He didn't know the condition of the BMW's owner, but judging by the extent of the deformation, it couldn't be good.

"Serves you right! Shouldn't have tried to overtake and had a foul mouth!"

Meng Fang laughed heartily. However, suddenly, as if remembering something, his laughter came to an abrupt halt. His eyes widened as he recalled Qin Yu's words. If it weren't for Qin Yu's last sentence and considering his previous driving speed, he might have been one of the unlucky sedan owners now.

With these thoughts in mind, Meng Fang's expression became uncertain. Was Qin Yu's last sentence just a casual remark or could he really anticipate the current situation? If it was the latter...

Meng Fang took a sharp breath. If it was indeed the latter, then he might have missed something in his investigation of Qin Yu, or perhaps everything was just a façade.



Qin Yu was unaware of Meng Fang's current thoughts. Once back in the dormitory, Meng Fang made a decision. He would go home for a while and then consider where to go next in his career.

Qin Yu's hometown was also in a county within Jiangxi Province, not far from Nanchang City. It was only a two-hour train ride away, and the most important thing was that there were frequent train services, so he could buy a ticket anytime.

There was nothing much to pack in the dormitory. Since graduation was still some time away, Qin Yu only packed a few sets of clothes into his luggage. After making all the necessary preparations, he took out his phone and hesitated for a moment while staring at the familiar number in his contacts. Eventually, he dialed the number.

"Hello, Qin Yu, you're back from your trip!"

A clear and gentle voice came through the phone, filled with a hint of joy. It was Meng Yao's voice, showing no signs of anger or having a tantrum like most girls would if their boyfriends didn't call for seven or eight days.

During their time together, Qin Yu and Meng Yao had never had a quarrel, which made their dormitory mates exclaim that the heavens were blind. Qin Yu had managed to win over a campus beauty, and on top of that, this beauty was gentle and virtuous. It was a stark contrast to the girlfriends of the other guys who treated their boyfriends like servants.

"Well, I just got back," Qin Yu replied softly.

"Where did you go for your trip?" Meng Yao asked.

Over the phone, Qin Yu described in detail the places they visited and some funny incidents that happened during the journey. His words often elicited a soft and sweet laughter from Meng Yao. However, he didn't mention anything about the "Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon." It wasn't that he didn't trust Meng Yao; it was just that the whole thing was too incredible to believe. If he weren't personally involved, he wouldn't have believed it if someone else had told him. He would have just dismissed it as "nonsense."

After Qin Yu finished recounting the trip, both of them fell into a moment of silence.

"Meng Yao, there's something I want to tell you," Qin Yu finally spoke up.

"Qin Yu, there's something I want to tell you too," Meng Yao's voice came from the other end.

Their voices sounded simultaneously, and then both of them chuckled.

"You go first," Qin Yu said.

Meng Yao hesitated on the other end, seeming unsure of how to begin. After a moment of hesitation, she spoke softly:

"Qin Yu, my family has arranged for me to study abroad next month."

Qin Yu's mind immediately went back to his previous conversation with Meng Yao. He realized that Meng Fang had already planned everything in advance. That's why he had been so confident in their bet. Sending Meng Yao abroad had likely been part of his plan all along.

"Qin Yu, are you listening?" Meng Yao's anxious voice came through the phone as she noticed the silence on the other end. Qin Yu quickly pulled himself back and responded, "I'm listening. Going abroad is a good opportunity. Since your family has arranged it for you, then you should go. Communication tools are so advanced now, it's easy to stay in touch."

Upon hearing Qin Yu's words, Meng Yao let out a sigh of relief. Then her voice came through again, "But, Qin Yu, can you accompany me to study abroad?"

Meng Yao's voice was filled with hope, and for a moment, Qin Yu wanted to say yes. However, he immediately thought of Meng Fang and their agreement. He remembered the promise he had made to him, and he couldn't agree to Meng Yao's request.

"Meng Yao, I'm afraid I can't go abroad. You know my family background. My parents are just ordinary people, and they can't afford the expenses of studying abroad. I don't want them to go through more hardships for my sake."

In the end, Qin Yu had to heartlessly refuse Meng Yao. It was the first time in their four years together that he had rejected her, and it was also the first time Meng Yao had made a request to him.

"Oh!" Meng Yao's voice sounded somewhat disappointed, but quickly she spoke up again, saying, "Qin Yu, will you come to visit me when I'm abroad?"

"Definitely! I have to keep an eye on you, make sure you don't get swept off your feet by handsome foreign guys and abandon me!" Qin Yu half-jokingly replied. As expected, upon hearing his words, Meng Yao's voice became joyful again, saying, "Well, that depends on someone diligently coming to see me!"

Qin Yu could imagine Meng Yao wrinkling her cute nose on the other end of the phone, her playful expression evident.


After hanging up the call with Meng Yao, Qin Yu put his phone in his pocket, shouldered his luggage, and walked briskly toward the exit of the dormitory. At this moment, he silently made a vow in his heart, "Meng Yao, wait for me. Two years from now, I will personally go to your family and let you openly follow me. At that time, no one will be able to stop us from being together."


At the exit of the train station in Shangrao City, several van drivers were speaking in different dialects, trying to attract passengers heading to various counties. Shangrao City had only one train station, and all the people going home had to transfer to their respective county buses from here.

As soon as Qin Yu walked out of the station, a young man approached him, patting him on the shoulder and said, "Xiaoyu, why did you come back so late? I've been waiting here for over two hours!"

"The train was delayed, nothing I could do about it. Cousin, why did you come to pick me up?"

"Aunt told me that you were coming back today. Since there are no direct buses to our town, I came to pick you up."

The young man is Qin Yu's third uncle's son, three years older than Qin Yu. His name is Zhang Hua. Unlike Qin Yu, Zhang Hua went to the south to seek opportunities after finishing junior high school. It is said that he worked as a subcontractor under a construction company and has earned quite a bit of money over the years. He bought a Honda car last year and was considered promising in the town.

"Second Uncle's new house is having a banquet tonight. Everyone has come back. It's going to be lively. Grandma has been saying that she hasn't seen you for a long time."

Qin Yu's grandmother had three sons and one daughter. His mother is the daughter. As the only grandson, Qin Yu is dearly loved by his grandparents and uncles.

Qin Yu came back this time because his second uncle's new house was completed, and according to the local customs, a banquet had to be held. Naturally, Qin Yu had to rush back.

The two of them got into Zhang Hua's car, and Qin Yu jokingly said, "Cousin, you're doing pretty well now. You have a car. When are you going to bring a sister-in-law back?"

"Come on, don't mock me. I've just had some good luck these past two years and earned some money. How can I compare with you university students? My old man scolds me every time he gets drunk, saying that I didn't study hard back then. Even if I earn a lot of money now, I'm still an uncultured person."

Zhang Hua's words made Qin Yu burst into laughter. His third uncle used to be a primary school teacher in the town and was known for being knowledgeable. He had always been resentful of his son for not studying and going out to explore. According to his words, "Everything is worthless except for studying!"

Indeed, this kind of thinking is common in rural areas. The older generation in rural areas often didn't have much education. During festivals and celebrations, they would invite literate individuals to help with couplets and other matters. In their eyes, the status of educated individuals was truly respected.

"Xiaoyu, you'll graduate this year too. Have you thought about where you want to develop your career?"

"Not really. Why? Cousin, are you willing to take me in?"

"Hehe, as long as you're willing to come, I dare to take you in. To be honest, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed now. The workload has increased, and I can't handle many things, especially the accounting part. I didn't study much, so I don't trust hiring an outsider as an accountant."

"But I'm not an accounting major, and I can't help you with accounting on your construction site. However, I do have a solution to this problem!"

Qin Yu's words made Zhang Hua turn around and ask seriously, "Xiaoyu, you've always been clever and full of ideas. Tell me your method."

"My method is simple. Just find a sister-in-law who specializes in accounting!"

"Are you teasing me again? I'm just a rough guy who graduated from junior high. How could those female college students be interested in me?"

"Cousin, you don't know yet." A cunning gleam flashed in Qin Yu's eyes. After all, his cousin was already 26 years old, and it was rare to not have a girlfriend in the countryside at that age. Qin Yu's grandmother and aunt had nagged him countless times about it.

"Nowadays, it's not like before. College students are everywhere, but it's not easy to find a good job. Cousin, you're already a boss, so you're not unworthy. What are you afraid of?"

Qin Yu spoke the truth. Since the expansion of university enrollment, millions of college students graduate every year. Many of them end up with monthly salaries of only three to four thousand yuan. In today's materialistic society, many people judge others based on money. Cousin, being young and wealthy like you, is still the first choice for many female college students.