
I accidentally became a fortune-teller

One's life, second fate, third feng shui; fourth accumulate merits, fifth study diligently; sixth reputation, seventh physiognomy, eighth respect the divine; ninth make connections with influential people, tenth nurture one's health! Through a fortuitous encounter, I came across the teachings of Zhuge, and embarked on the path of a fortune teller. From then on, I mixed in the city, practicing feng shui, observing the heavens with my fortune-telling skills, confronting the powerful and exposing the wicked. It was only later that I discovered this was a mind-boggling scheme set up thousands of years ago..."

DaoistHTWIgx · Fantasie
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70 Chs

Buy it in hand

"Ten thousand!" Mo Yongxing's eyes shimmered with excitement. Everyone thought he was showing off in front of this beauty, unaware of his true intentions.

Leng Rou was indeed beautiful, and Mo Yongxing didn't deny that. As a young master of the Mo family, he had little resistance to beautiful women. However, he could distinguish between what matters were more important in certain situations. The compass in front of him was more valuable than the beauty.

He had carefully observed this compass and confirmed that it was Qin Yu's Dragon-Seeking Disk. Although he didn't know why Qin Yu's disk ended up in this woman's hands, those details were not important. If the woman wanted to sell it, he would buy it. Once he had purchased it with money, Qin Yu would have no grounds to say anything if he found out that the Dragon-Seeking Disk was in his possession.

This was the scion of a prominent family. Though they might appear profligate, they were always serious when it came to important matters. Some people often thought they had simple minds, but that was because those matters hadn't reached the point where they needed to be taken seriously.

"He really is a wealthy man." Leng Rou didn't expect that, just as she was taken aback, the other party doubled the price. However, Mo Yongxing's behavior only reinforced her belief that he was a playboy who had set his sights on her.

Apart from Leng Rou, Qian Boss and the two geomancers beside him were also astonished. They had seen ten thousand yuan before, especially the two geomancers who sometimes earned more than that in a single project. However, it was the first time they had encountered someone in such a hurry to give away money.

Only Li Bing watched Mo Yongxing's bidding without much concern. Compared to the Mo family, ten thousand yuan was a drop in the bucket. Mo Yongxing wouldn't even bat an eyelid if he spent eighty thousand to buy a chamber pot, let alone lavish attention on a beautiful woman. In his eyes, a beautiful woman was worth much more than that chamber pot. A beautiful woman could be embraced in sleep, but can a chamber pot be brought to bed for a shared slumber?

Qian Boss, who was initially annoyed by Mo Yongxing's interference, now had a pure spectator's mindset. After all, he would make a profit of only a hundred or two from this compass, and for his shop, that amount was a fraction of their daily revenue. However, it was not often that he witnessed such a prodigal young master acting as a generous benefactor.

"Ten thousand yuan, and I want cash!"

Leng Rou spoke up, feeling that this price was reasonable. Once she received the money, she would leave, having no further involvement with this spendthrift.

"Ah!" Leng Rou's words made Li Bing sigh softly. Why couldn't this beauty wait a little longer? Ten thousand yuan couldn't demonstrate Mo Yongxing's wealth. At the very least, he should have shouted seventy or eighty thousand. It shouldn't be lower than that chamber pot.

After receiving the money, Mo Yongxing took the Dragon-Seeking Disk with a beaming smile and asked Leng Rou, "Beauty, what's your relationship with Qin Yu?"

"I don't know any Qin Yu," Leng Rou replied, taken aback. She immediately assumed that Mo Yongxing was trying to establish a connection with her intentionally and frowned in response.

"Hehe, regardless of whether you have a relationship or not, this Dragon-Seeking Disk is now mine."

Mo Yongxing's face showed a triumphant smile as he carefully caressed the compass. He had witnessed the unusual phenomenon of this compass himself, thinking of the mini five-clawed golden dragon. His heart surged with excitement.

"This thing belongs to you now. Well, I'm leaving."

With the compass sold to this lad for ten thousand yuan, Leng Rou had achieved her goal. She ignored Mo Yongxing's inexplicable smile and walked straight towards the shop door.

"Mo Yong, are you just going to let her go like that?"

Seeing Leng Rou walk out of the shop, Mo Yongxing made no move. Li Bing became anxious. If this beauty left, where would they find her in the vast sea of people? The ten thousand yuan would go down the drain, and they didn't even know her name.

"Hehe, what I wanted was this compass. It's a remarkable treasure."

Now that he had the Dragon-Seeking Disk in his hands, Mo Yongxing no longer concealed his intentions. He chuckled, leaving Li Bing puzzled. The two geomancers had explained clearly that this compass was utterly useless, so how did it become a treasure?

"What do they know?"

Mo Yongxing's voice was loud enough for everyone in the shop to hear. Ji Quan and Pang Shifu's expressions turned sour. Mo Yongxing's words were essentially saying that they had made a mistake.

"Do you have any better insights, young man?" Ji Quan couldn't help but speak up.

"Hehe, well, you all clearly made a mistake. This is a great treasure," Mo Yongxing grinned, completely disregarding the awkwardness it brought to the others.

"We made a mistake? Well, we might as well hear the young man's insights."

"This compass is called the Dragon-Seeking Disk. It is a magical tool, specifically a tool for locating dragon veins," Mo Yongxing glanced at Ji Quan, knowing the name of the Dragon-Seeking Disk was informed to him by Qin Yu.

"If this compass is a magical tool, then magical tools are common as dirt."

Qian Laoban shook his head on the side. Magical tools were scarce even in his shop, and they were all prized possessions not for sale to the public. He found it hard to believe that this damaged compass could be a magical tool.

"Hehe, if it's just a magical tool, we bought one at a roadside stall."

Li Bing raised the box in his hand. He didn't understand magical tools either, but he was certain that it couldn't be wrong after Mo Yongxing spent eighty thousand yuan on it.

"Oh, young man, could you show us what magical tool is inside this box?"

Ji Quan and Pang Long exchanged glances. Could these two young men be heirs cultivated by Feng Shui families? They had truly made a mistake this time.

"This is the chamber pot used by Immortal Yang Jiupin," Li Bing said as he opened the box and presented the chamber pot inside.


Ji Quan and Pang Long stared intently at Li Bing's hand, but when they saw the entire chamber pot in front of them, they couldn't help but burst into laughter. Even Qian Laoban struggled to keep a straight face.

"Young man, where did you buy this chamber pot?" Qian Laoban's expression was quite vivid. This was clearly just a modern chamber pot. The talismans affixed to it were sold in his shop for only a few yuan each. If this could be considered a magical tool, then everything in his shop could be called a magical tool.

"At the roadside stall, the one where someone bought a magical tool and took away last year."

"That stall owner who sold the magical tool and had it bought from him last year hasn't set up his stall anymore. After he found out he sold a magical tool for just a few yuan, he was so angry that he vomited blood and stayed in the hospital for a month. He never set up his stall again after being discharged."

Regarding this matter, Qian Laoban was the most well-informed. The stall owner's spot was just outside his shop, and during quiet business hours, he would often chat with the stall owner. However, ever since the stall owner found out that he sold a magical tool for a cheap price and had a sudden bout of blood vomiting, followed by hospitalization and subsequent weight loss, he disappeared without a trace.

"You were definitely deceived. I know those stall owners the best. They never speak a word of truth. If you visit any stall, the owner will claim that the magical tool was bought from their stall last year just to fool unsuspecting customers like you."

"No way! How dare that stall owner deceive us? Watch me go and smash his stall."

"Hey, young man, don't be impulsive. Our trade has its rules. It's a bit like antiques. It's all about relying on your own eyes to determine authenticity. Once you make the purchase, whether it's genuine or fake, you can't go back to the seller. If you buy a magical tool, it means your eyes are good. If you buy a fake, it means your eyes are not so good, and you just have to accept your bad luck."

Qian Laoban stopped Li Bing, who was about to storm out and confront the stall owner. Li Bing glanced at Mo Yongxing, who gave him a look that signaled it was not worth it, so he had no choice but to give up.

"Young man, it's not easy to find genuine magical tools. Even people in our industry may not always be able to recognize them, let alone those outside the trade. Making mistakes is quite normal," Ji Quan reassured, but those words, when heard by Mo Yongxing and Li Bing, seemed like a sarcastic remark about their lack of discernment and being deservedly fooled.

"Even if the chamber pot is fake, the Dragon-Seeking Disk cannot be fake," Mo Yongxing retorted.

"How do you determine if it's a magical tool? What are the characteristics of magical tools? What are their functions?" Pang Long's series of questions left Mo Yongxing speechless. He had no idea about the characteristics of magical tools or how to discern them.

"I have a way to prove that this is a magical tool," Mo Yongxing said as he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed Qin Yu's number. Originally, he had intended to buy the Dragon-Seeking Disk without informing Qin Yu. However, now that he was being looked down upon, he couldn't care less about his original intention.

Since Qin Yu could activate a golden dragon, he naturally knew how to use the Dragon-Seeking Disk. As long as Qin Yu told him the method and summoned the golden dragon for everyone to see, they would finally know who had made the mistake.