
I've Been Reborn As Ash Ketchum (With a Twist)

I Woke up as Ash in Delia's Womb I've Always Said If i was Ash I Would've Done Things Differently. Gain Power. Gain Strength, In the face of Strength Rules no Longer Apply. People Slow you Down. Emotions Slow You Down. As Long as I Have My Pokemon, I Do Not Need Anyone Else. Inspiration taken from VinixxVidixxVici First time Writing so if you could please send Constant feedback that would really help me. Will be similar to his story As I’m Sort of Adopting it but Adding an OC twist to it MC will be Cold hearted to an extent as well as Stoic unless he’s Around his Pokemon. Maybe he’ll meet someone or a group of people that will be able to crack his mask you’ll have to wait and see

SomeonecalledA · Anime und Comics
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Chapter:3 Finally

3 Years Later

Today is the Day I Finally Go to Pre School,

Now call me a Chuunibyo all you want but I wanted to wear something that would seperate me from the rest

I mean I am the future Pokemon Master right? I should have my own unique style So Boom look at the drip

Donning a headband over my eyes, which I will Explain later, along with a dark blue long sleeve shirt with a green Flack Jacket over it and to finish it off a short cloak that has the words master written on it. Yes Minato's outfit you can insult me all you want but ain't no way I am not about to take the opportunity to wear this shit you'd wear your favourite anime characters clothes too don't lie.

People eventually got used to my look as time went on anyways.

As for the headband or well blindfold I decided to use it as training for my aura and psychic ability using them both sometimes separately or sometimes in conjunction to sense things around me and manoeuvre my way through.

Delia thought I went blind and I had to convince her for several hours straight that it wasn't the case *sigh* it warmed my heart watching her worry though. Ah a Mother's Love.

I was invited to play date for the children in town. Gary attempted to Anger me for absolutely no reason while attempting to also bully me which I didn't entertain using my psychic ability I simply dodged and had him trip over his own foot using which ended up with him on the floor. He ended up crying to The Prof who came in and asked what happened. I explained how he attempted to bully and it backfired and he confirmed it after the stare the Prof sent him. You'd think he'd give up but no Sigh Kids The supposed rivalry reached a whole new level.

I also contemplated graduating early and decided I'd decide later and attend the summer camp. No. I don't care about serena I just want to experience everything for myself. Okay I lied Don't look at me Like that Jheez She's Waifu okay? Well.. I think she is I never watched all scenes with her in it I tend to skip the dense bits denseness is contagious beware. But She is cute. You know what we'll see.

My aura control has come along way from before and density has also significantly increased I'm not capable of going against a group of unarmed men with no problem. I'd say around 5 or 6 if I'm fully focused.

I also snuck into the Pokemon ranch when Prof Oak and his Assistants weren't looking around and foundthe machamp area and convinced him to teach me martial Arts using My Aura to convey my message and intentions.

There was a time I got into a fight with the same Mankey from before and errr let's just say I'm coming back for him and when I do he will get absolutely destro-

honestly this Aura is just too too OP how could Ash not have utilised this to the fullest imagine if he had this? He'd be an absolute Beast. especially with mastery? Broken. Simply Broken.

I gradually but surely started to open up I realised that while this Pokemon world isn't like how it's portrayed in the anime for kids, it's a new world nevertheless and I let go of any grievances. It's a new world it's a second chance I should do what I wanted to without any shackles in my heart right?

Im currently only 4 years Old, I doubt anyone in their right mind would actually let a 4 year old kid out on an adventure. I wish time would go by faster.

To Gary I was the absolute opposite I would score full Marks,Worked with Prof Oak and was the smartest as well as the strongest. The only thing he had over me was friends as I began to exude a lone wolf type aura a cold aura that kept people away to be honest I just did that willingly as majority of them if not all are Side Characters I'll probably never meet again.

He would flaunt the fact I'm alone but unknown to him this is nothing. I'm a former Loner Being by myself is basically my natural habitat *sigh*

The Ranch had a library that was accessible to anyone wanting to learn. They called me a maniac for spending time on books instead of making friends with people my Age, saying

"Shouldn't you focus on making friends? You have 7 years until your journey" in which I retort saying "if you could research this knowledge at my age right now would you not do it" silence followed.

Daisy was also very happy about my employment, we would sit at the library for hours reading and talking while I answered all her questions. Picture a four year teaching a 10 year old, very very comical sight.