
I've become the horror game secret boss

When a programmer founds himself trapped in his own horror game he expected to suffer in a world filled with abominations and nightmares. But when he unintentionally possessed the body of the game secret boss things turned weird. Now trapped inside an advanced area and having no way to escape other than deceiving the game protagonists into freeing him, the new secret boss starts his adventure, though the suffering still remains.

Demons_Crawling · Fantasie
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38 Chs

Anomalous Creature-S

The sound of screams and boiling blood resonated through the room. My eyes fixed on the Impious Blasphemer I commanded to come to me, burning in agony as his blood evaporated inside his veins, the face of the once human being was twisted by the pain, turning even more monstrous than it was before.

As the monster finally died, its body turned into a mushy pile of meat, mixing with the rest of the blasphemer's remains scattered on the floor. A loving father, a kind woman, and an energetic child, once turned into abominations, now turned into nothing but a resource for experimentation. Blood flew from my body towards the pile of meat, covering it in it, flowing through the remaining veins. Soon the corpses began to twitch and move right before they started fusing together. The blood created connections between the corpses, the skinless muscles fusion with one another, organs were pushed together while still functioning and excess bones turned into reinforcements for the skeletal system, slowly turning them into one.

The creature emitted a loud and horrible cry as it came to life. As the monster stood up it sent ripples through the puddle of blood that flooded the room, its movements were sluggish, probably because of its increased weight and height. There wasn't much of a difference between this creature and the ones who were sacrificed to give it life, the white hair had grown to the point of reaching the floor and the bloody spines that emerged from its back were poking through the thick layer of hair. An extra eye socket appeared in the creature's forehead and the mouth was sealed completely, replaced by nothing but red tissue, the muscles looked the same as before but were considerably denser and thicker.

"I don't seem to be able to get it right..."

Despite the intimidating appearance of the monster, it was ultimately a failure. My attempts to create a vampiric monster have been unfruitful once again since I can't create them using my power until the first chain is broken i thought of using other methods to create them, like fusing lesser monsters, but it seems to be for naught. The result ended up being something more similar to a blood golem, which I can create without effort, than a vampiric monster.

Blood golems are pretty much useless to me, they're weaker than Wretched Hounds after all, in-game they're summoned by certain characters and vampiric monsters after all, they were never meant as stand-alone enemies. This new creature is almost the same as a blood golem, hence it's useless.

"Whatever, I'll send it to the lower floors as reinforcement against some of the gods there. It will probably die in less than a day"

The gods that inhabit the lower floors belong to a category of gods known as New gods, mortals that ascended to divinity in the tower. They're inferior to gods like me, known as Old gods, but they are still divinities, an inferior monster like this won't last long in their domains.

I commanded the creature to go to the gate and arrive at the lower floors, with that last order I decided to ignore the failure and shift my attention toward the third floor. Im not worried about this floor to be honest, although the difficulty increases as one moves upwards, these kids are tough and the ten first floors are not that hard, since they cleared the second floor with relative ease, the same will happen with the rest of the floors.

If there is anything I have to worry about, it would be the fourth floor since that one is completely different from the other floors, and the sixth floor since they will encounter their first NPC there. Other than occasional injuries they shouldn't suffer too much on the rest of the floors, although unexpected events could always happen and they could get unlucky

"Wait...what is that?"

As I watched the third floor through the multiple winged eyes something caught my attention. Had I still been human I would have escaped my sight completely because of how fast it moved. An elongated figure ran across the forest with incredible agility, hiding behind trees and watching the kids from far away. The skinny entity moved with silent yet swift steps as it followed the kids, blending with the trees like a shadow thanks to its grey-colored skin.

Whenever one of the kids looked in its direction it disappeared almost instantly, just to get out of its hiding when they looked away. The creature's extremely long neck moved like a viper, almost as if its movement was completely independent of the body.

Even though I was constantly watching it, it was impossible to catch even a glimpse of its face. Its hands were elongated and one of them was always covering its face completely.

"I have never seen that thing before..."

Whatever that monster is, it shouldn't exist. Such a thing was never programmed or mentioned in the game unless someone added it without the rest of the developing team's knowledge, this monster's existence is a problem.

Until now I thought this reality im now part of was loyal to the game I helped to create, but it seems that assumption was wrong. I already suspected something like this when I saw the size of the dungeon on the second floor, but this is confirmation.

This is an X factor that I cannot predict, if everything was the same as in the game then this whole ordeal wouldn't be so hard, I would only need to play my cards right and be patient, but it seems I can't do that. Now that I know this kind of unpredictable things can happen, I need to be more active to guarantee their survival and my own

"For now I just need to get rid of that monster before it kills them"

Winged eyes are useless in combat, but I still have the phantom feline tailing them, i don't know how strong that humanoid monster is, but I doubt it will be able to defeat the feline.

At my command the feline deviated its course, rising from the ground and leaping toward the direction of the monster. The kids seem to have caught a glimpse of the feline as they looked back with concern in their eyes, but that is unimportant right now.

The feline ran swiftly through the forest, since it could just run in a straight line and pass through any obstacle in its way it did not take long before it saw the humanoid monster, who was still looking in the direction the kids were at while running silently while making sure to maintain a good distance from them.

The monster didn't seem to notice the white feline approaching silently, it was too focused on the kids to notice anything around it, or so it seemed. The moment the feline leaped toward the humanoid it was swept away by the monster's long hand, nearly crashing against a tree if it wasn't for its ability to phase through objects, it disappeared into the ground as if it didn't even exist to begin with.

I was utterly dumbfounded at the sight of what just happened, the feline wasn't dead but the fact that it was swept away with such ease was absurd. No matter how weak my connection to the monsters on the lower floors is, there is no way that any monster of mine, other than the winged eyes, can lose against a monster from such a low floor.

"That's impossible, mere luck!"

With a command, the feline shot out from the ground and slashed the monster in the stomach with its claws. Blood came out from the wound but it was for naught, a large hand came down on my minion, striking it and sending it against the ground, where it disappeared once again.

Before the feline could resurface again the monster ran away, probably following the kids once more. I can't allow it to harm them under any circumstance, facing challenges is good for them, even if some of them die they can still gather new companions, as long as they grow stronger is all worth it, but this thing is impossible for them to defeat. My freedom is at risk.

"I can't allow that!"

I could feel my blood literally boiling from anger. A command wasn't even needed, the feline and winged eyes on the third floor, who reacted to my emotions, immediately went in pursuit of the humanoid monster. Hundreds of eerie bloody eyes covered the sky in a second while the feline's furious grunt echoed through the forest.

The mutated creatures on the third floor must have sensed something as they all ran away from the cluster of eyes and the small white figure running close to it

My minions were in an uproar and wreaking havoc on the floors they were in, but I couldn't care less about it at the moment, the only thing on my mind is killing that thing!

I think i wont try to get this book contracted on webnovel, I might try to edit it, rewritte it to make it better compared to this version and publish it on kindle. Well even if i do i would still keep on publishing more chapters here.

Also sorry if this chapter is shorter than usual, i need this chapter for future development for i didnt have many ideas that i could add to make it longer.

Demons_Crawlingcreators' thoughts